
Poster (3968)

Nißlein, M.; Müsseler, J.; Koriat, A.: Orthographic variations of word shape and letter detection: Some evidence from German. 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm (2000)
Nunner-Winkler, G.: Moralentwicklung bei Kindern. Veranstaltung des Gesamtelternbeirates der Ulmer Schulen, Ulm (2000)
Nunner-Winkler, G.: The development of moral motivation. Presentation of the Munich LOGIC study. 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm (2000)
Pollok, B.; Müller, K.; Aschersleben, G.; Prinz, W.: Informational feedback in synchronization tasks: Do MEG data provide information about the basic mechanisms of KR? Summerschool Tutorials in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (TuBBS), Wörlitz (2000)
Pösse, B.; Hommel, B.: Binding of stimulus and response features after a task switch. Summerschool Tutorials in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (TuBBS), Wörlitz (2000)
Prinz, W.: Was soll bloß werden? Doctoral seminar, Tutzing (2000)
Weinert, F. E.: Lernen des Lernens. 1. Kongress des Forums Bildung: "Wissen schafft Zukunft", Berlin (2000)
Weinert, F. E.: Lernen für die Zukunft: Neue Anforderungen, aktuelle Defizite, realistische Perspektiven. Universität Würzburg (2000)
Wühr, P.; Knoblich, G.; Müsseler, J.: When do speed and accuracy agree or disagree? A binding explanation. 4th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Brussels, Belgium (2000)
Kornblum, C.; Bosbach, S.; Wagner, M.; Seibel, P.; Klockgether, T.; Schröder, R.: Neuropsychological testing of patients with chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia and Kearns-Sayre Syndrome reveals distinct frontal and parieto-occipital deficits. 10th Meeting of European Neurological Society, Jerusalem, Israel (2000)
Vierkant, T.; Maasen, S.; Prinz, W.: Philosophical Tradition and the Folk Psychological Belief in the Cartesian Self. The Genetic Epistemologist, Volume 28, Number 1, 2000 (2000)
de Maeght, S.; Knuf, L.; Prinz, W.: The influence of goal-directed movements on ideomotor action. 4th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Brussels, Belgium (2000)
Elsner, B.: Reaktionsaktivierung durch erlernte Handlungseffekte. Forschungskolloquium "Theoretische und experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie", München (2000)
Elsner, B.; Hommel, B.: Incidental action-outcome learning influences intentional response selection. 4th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Brussels, Belgium (2000)
Hommel, B.: Feature integration in perception and action. Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2000)
Maasen, S.: 'Klinische Soziologie': Soziologie (in) der Wissensgesellschaft. Intervention als Problem einer reflexiven Wissenschaftspraxis. University of Basel, Switzerland (2000)
Maasen, S.: Sexual therapeutic constructions of selves. 30th Annual Meeting of the Jean-Piaget Society: Alternative Constructions of Self and Mind, Montreal, Canada (2000)
Wascher, E.: EEG correlates of automatic response activation evoked by moving-dot pattern. Arbeitstagung Psychophysiologische Methodik, Düsseldorf (2000)
Weinert, F. E.: Entwicklung und Förderung intellektueller Kompetenzen. Die Welt im Kopf: Intelligenz, Heinz Nixdorf Museums Forum, Paderborn (2000)
Kaczmarek, N.; Igou, E.; Schenck, W.; Bless, H.: Does more thinking enhance framing effects? The impact of more or less processing on solutions to the 'Asian Disease' problem. Seventy-second Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago (IL) (2000)
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