Preprint (48)

Huang, Q.; Luo, H.: Shared structure facilitates working memory of multiple sequences via neural replay. (2024)
Lebret, A.; Lévy, S.; Freund, P.; Callot, V.; Seif, M.: Test-retest repeatability of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) measurements in the cervical cord. (2024)
Bignardi, G.; Nivard, M.G.; Schaare, H. L.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Bethlehem, R.A.I.; Fisher, S. E.; Valk, S. L.: Genetic effects on structural and functional properties of sensorimotor-association axis of cortical organization are selectively distinct. (2024)
Wurm, M.; Eriguec, D. Y.: Decoding the physics of observed actions in the human brain. (2024)
Manoli, A.; Overwalle, F. V.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Valk, S. L.: Functional recruitment and connectivity of the cerebellum supports the emergence of Theory of Mind in early childhood. (2024)
Ivanova, M.; Germanova, K.; Petelin, D. S.; Ragymova, A.; Kopytin, G.; Volel, B. A.; Nikulin, V. V.; Ruiz, M. H.: Frequency-specific changes in prefrontal activity associated with maladaptive belief updating in volatile environments in euthymic bipolar disorder. (2024)
Valk, S. L.; Engert, V.; Puhlmann, L. M.; Linz, R.; Caldirou, B.; Bernasconi, A.; Bernasconi, N.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Singer, T.: Differential increase of hippocampal subfield volume after socio-affective mental training relates to reductions in diurnal cortisol. (2024)
Criscuolo, A.; Schwartze, M.; Bonetti, L.; Kotz, S. A.: Ageing impacts basic auditory and timing processing. (2024)
Jamey, K.; Laflamme, H.; Foster, N. E. V.; Rigoulot, S.; Kotz, S. A.; Bella, S. D.: Can you beat the music? Validation of a gamified rhythmic training in children with ADHD. (2024)
Fan, Y.-S.; Xu, Y.; Hettwer, M. D.; Yang, P.; Sheng, W.; Wang, C.; Yang, M.; Kirschner, M.; Valk, S. L.; Chen, H.: Neurodevelopmentally rooted epicenters in schizophrenia: Sensorimotor-association spatial axis of cortical thickness alterations. (2024)
Tewarie, P.; Abeysuriya, R.; Panda, R.; Nunez, P.; Vitello, M. M.; van der Lande, G.; Gosseries, O.; Thibaut, A.; Laureys, S.; Deco, G. et al.; Annen, J.: Individual trajectories for recovery of neocortical activity in disorders of consciousness. (2024)
Park, S.; Haak, K. V.; Oldham, S.; Cho, H.; Byeon, K.; Park, B.-y.; Thomson, P.; Chen, H.; Gao, W.; Xu, T. et al.; Valk, S. L.; Milham, M.; Bernhardt, B.; Martino, A. D.; Hong, S.-J.: A shifting role of thalamocortical connectivity in the emergence of large-scale functional brain organization across early lifespan development. (2024)
Whitaker, G. A.; Schwartze, M.; Martin, S.; Astudillo, A.; Silverdale, M.; El-Deredy, W.; Kotz, S. A.: Striatal dopamine modulates temporal surprise P3a. (2024)
Zoefel, B.; Abbasi, O.; Gross, J.; Kotz, S. A.: Entrainment echoes in the cerebellum. (2024)
Tremblay, S. A.; Alasmar, Z.; Pirhadi, A.; Carbonell, F.; Iturria-Medina, Y.; Gauthier, C. J.; Steele, C.: MVComp toolbox: MultiVariate Comparisons of brain MRI features accounting for common information across metrics. (2024)
DeKraker, J.; Cabalo, D. G.; Royer, J.; Khan, A. R.; Karat, B.; Benkarim, O.; Rodriguez-Cruces, R.; Frauscher, B.; Pana, R.; Hansen, J. Y. et al.; Misic, B.; Valk, S. L.; Lau, J. C.; Kirschner, M.; Bernasconi, A.; Bernasconi, N.; Muenzing, S.; Axer, M.; Amunts, K.; Evans, A. C.; Bernhardt, B. C.: HippoMaps: Multiscale cartography of the human hippocampal formation. (2024)
Buaron, B.; Reznik, D.; Mukamel, R.: High or low expectations: Expected intensity of action outcome is embedded in action ‎kinetics. (2024)
Weber, C. F.; Kebets, V.; Benkarim, O.; Lariviere, S.; Wang, Y.; Ngo, A.; Jiang, H.; Chai, X.; Park, B.-y.; Milham, M. P. et al.; Martino, A. D.; Valk, S. L.; Hong, S.-J.; Bernhardt, B. C.: Contracted functional connectivity profiles in autism. (2024)
Trettenbrein, P.; Maran, M.; Pohl, J.; Thomas A., F.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A.; Steinbach, M.; Meister, N.-K.: Detection of extraneous visual signals does not reveal the syntactic structure of German Sign Language (DGS). (2024)
Wang, Z.; Diedrichsen, J.; Saltoun, K.; Steele, C.; Arnold-Anteraper, S. R.; Yeo, B.T. T.; Schmahmann, J.; Bzdok, D.: Intrinsic structural covariation links cerebellum subregions to the cerebral cortex. (2024)
Mamashli, F.; Khan, S.; Hatamimajoumerd, E.; Jas, M.; Uluç, I.; Lankinen, K.; Obleser, J.; Friederici, A. D.; Maess, B.; Ahveninen, J.: Characterizing directional dynamics of semantic prediction based on inter-regional temporal generalization. (2024)
John, A.; Hettwer, M.; Schaare, H. L.; Saberi, A.; Bayrak, S.; Wan, B.; Royer, J.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Valk, S. L.: A multimodal characterization of low-dimensional thalamocortical structural connectivity patterns. (2024)
Klotzsche, F.; Motyka, P.; Molak, A.; Sahula, V.; Darmová, B.; Byrnes, C.; Fajnerová, I.; Gaebler, M.: No cardiac phase bias for threat perception under naturalistic conditions in immersive virtual reality. (2024)
Chalas, N.; Meyer, L.; Lo, C.; Park, H.; Kluger, D. S.; Abbasi, O.; Kayser, C.; Nitsch, R.; Gross, J.: Dissociating endogenous and exogenous delta activity during natural speech comprehension. (2024)
Kündig, C. W.; Finsterbusch, J.; Freund, P.; David, G.: Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbosacral cord during a lower extremity motor task. (2024)
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