Publications of Robert Trampel

Teaching (21)

Weiskopf, N.; Trampel, R.: From protons to segmentation of neuroanatomical structures: Hands on 7T. Lecture: 11th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, June 27, 2022 - June 29, 2022
Trampel, R.: Magnetresonanztomographie: Virtuoser als Bach und härter als Iron Maiden. Lecture: "Girls' and Boys' Day 2022", Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, April 28, 2022
Trampel, R.: Basics of MRI: Watching the brain think. Lecture: Course "Neurowissenschaftliche Grundlagen des Erlebens und Verhaltens (11-PSY-21050)", University of Leipzig, Germany, 2022-04 - 2022-07
Weiskopf, N.; Trampel, R.: Hands-on anatomical and functional fMRI. Lecture: 9th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, June 16, 2019 - June 19, 2019
Trampel, R.: Watching the brain think: How does Magnetic Resonance Imaging work? Lecture: Lecture for students of the "Leipziger Forschungszentrum für frühkindl. Entwicklung (LFE)" - Course "Early Childhood Research", Leipzig, Germany, May 15, 2018
Trampel, R.: Dem Gehirn beim Denken zusehen: Wie funktioniert Magnetresonanztomographie? Lecture: Lecture to School Classes (11th/12th grade), Leipzig, Germany, December 20, 2017
Weiskopf, N.; Trampel, R.: Realtime fMRI. Lecture: Workshop at 6th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Leipzig, Germany, July 04, 2016 - July 06, 2016
Trampel, R.: Dem Gehirn beim Denken zusehen - Wie funktioniert Magnetresonanztomographie? Lecture: Lecture to school classes of the "Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Leipzig", Leipzig, Germany, March 21, 2016
Trampel, R.: Dem Gehirn beim Denken zusehen - Wie funktioniert Magnetresonanztomographie? Lecture: Lecture to school classes of the "Evangelisches Schulzentrum Leipzig" and "Reclam-Gymnasium Leipzig", Leipzig, Germany, December 14, 2015
Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: fMRI at and above 7T - Impact of field strength. Lecture: Lecture in the context of the 17th educational course of the German chapter of ISMRM-Doktorandentraining „Methods and concepts for fMRI of the human brain“, Leipzig, Germany, April 13, 2015 - April 15, 2015
Neumann, J.; Trampel, R.; Bazin, P.-L.; Schäfer, A.; Gorgolewski, K. J.; Anwander, A.; Schreiber, J.; Steele, C.; Maess, B.; Knösche, T. R. et al.; Gauthier, C.; Mehnert, J.: Measurement and analysis of structural and functional imaging data. Lecture: Lecture, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany , April 09, 2014 - July 16, 2014
Trampel, R.: Dem Gehirn beim Denken zusehen - Wie funktioniert Magnetresonanztomographie? Lecture: Lecture to school classes of the "Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium Leipzig", Leipzig, Germany, December 17, 2013
Trampel, R.; Schäfer, A.: MRI at 7T - Anatomical and functional imaging go sharper. Lecture: Workshop at 3rd IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Leipzig, Germany, July 10, 2013 - July 12, 2013
Neumann, J.; Mueller, K.; Schäfer, A.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Hellrung, L.; Trampel, R.; Anwander, A.; Knösche, T. R.; Grigutsch, M.: Analysis of structural and functional imaging data and brain connectivity. Lecture: Lecture, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany , April 24, 2013 - July 03, 2013
Trampel, R.: Dem Gehirn beim Denken zusehen - Wie funktioniert Magnetresonanztomographie? Lecture: Lecture to school classes (11th and 12th grade) of the "Immanuel-Kant- Gymnasium Leipzig", "Evangelisches Schulzentrum Leipzig", and "Reclam-Gymnasium Leipzig", Leipzig, Germany, December 11, 2012
Trampel, R.: Watching the brain think – How does Magnetic Resonance Imaging work? Lecture: Lecture to students of the University of Amsterdam, Leipzig, Germany, October 25, 2012
Trampel, R.: Die Grundlagen der Magnetresonanztomographie. Lecture: Scientific Summer School der Jungen Neurologen (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie, DGN), Leipzig, Germany, July 28, 2011 - July 30, 2011
Trampel, R.: Dem Gehirn beim Denken zusehen - Wie funktioniert Magnetresonanztomographie? Lecture: Lecture to a 12th grade school class of the "Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium Leipzig", Leipzig, Germany, December 09, 2010
Trampel, R.: Dem Gehirn beim Denken zusehen - Wie funktioniert Magnetresonanztomographie? Lecture: Lecture to a 12th grade school class of the "Evangelisches Schulzentrum Leipzig" in the context of the course "Geist und Materie", Leipzig, Germany, December 15, 2009
Trampel, R.: Dem Gehirn beim Denken zusehen - Wie funktioniert Magnetresonanztomographie? Lecture: Lecture on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Max Planck Society at the "Gymnasium Mainz-Gonsenheim", Mainz, Germany, June 16, 2009
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