Dr Stefan Elmer | The multifaceted influence of music training on speech processing and word learning


  • Datum: 11.04.2018
  • Uhrzeit: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Vortragende(r): Dr Stefan Elmer
  • Division Neuropsychology (Auditory Research Group Zurich, ARGZ), Institute of Psychology, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Ort: MPI für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften
  • Raum: Wilhelm Wundt Raum (A400)
  • Gastgeber: Otto Hahn Group "Neural Bases of Intonation in Speech and Music"
  • Kontakt: starke@cbs.mpg.de
Until now, numerous studies have documented beneficial effects of music training on several aspects of speech processing (i.e., voice-onset time, duration, pitch, timbre, rhythm, and prosody) that go hand-in-hand with functional and structural changes in the auditory-related cortex. However, this perspective is oversimplified in that it does not take into account neural networks, oscillatory dynamics, and higher cognitive functions. In my talk, I will extend this perspective to more complex relationships between music training and speech processing by focusing on the categorization of consonant-vowel syllables, short-term phonetic discrimination learning, speech segmentation, and word learning. In particular, by using multimodal imaging methods (i.e., fMRI, sMRI, DTI, EEG), I will address (1) the nesting relations between functional and structural connectivity and auditory-related cortex activity, (2) the contribution of mnemonic functions to short-term phonetic discrimination learning, (3) the intertwining between functional connectivity in the dorsal stream and word segmentation, and (4) the relationships between music training and word learning.

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