Vortrag (189)

Haynes, J.-D.: Dem Denken auf der Spur - Was das Gehirn über unsere Gedanken verrät. Vortragsreihe "Kosmos und Mensch", Germany (2007)
von Cramon, D. Y.: Der anteriore präfrontale Cortex: Anmerkungen zu Anatomie und Funktion. Intensivkurs funktionelle Anatomie, Germany (2007)
Haynes, J.-D.: Decoding mental states from human brain activity: Emerging approaches and fundamental challenges. Faculty Presentation, Germany (2007)
Möller, H. E.; Driehuys, B.; Pollaro, J. R.; Hedlund, L. W.: MR imaging of pulmonary perfusion using hyperpolarized 129Xe dissolved in an injectable carrier. 4th Krakow-Winnipeg Workshop on Imaging Technology, Krakow, Poland (2007)
Bowtell, R. W.; Schäfer, A.; Gowland, P. A.: Susceptibility weighted Imaging at 7 T. 16th Triennial Conference for the International Society of Magnetic Resonance, Kenting, Taiwan (2007)
Dietrich, S.; Rieger, M.; Prinz, W.: Contributions of visual layout to unimanual coordination. Doktorandenkolloquium, Schloss Machern, Germany (2007)
Hauser, C.; Massen, C.; Rieger, M.; Glenberg, A. M.; Prinz, W.: The relevance of the action effect fo rthe action-seentence compatibility effect. Doktorandenkolloquium, Altenburg, Germany (2007)
Hauser, C.; Massen, C.; Rieger, M.; Prinz, W.: The role of movement (amplitude) in the action-sentence compatibility effect. Doktorandenkolloquium, Schloss Machern, Germany (2007)
Jäger, C.; Holländer, A.; Prinz, W.: No-Go P3 in a shared task EEG experiment. Doktorandenkolloquium, Schloss Machern, Germany (2007)
Paulmann, S.; Kotz, S. A.: Emotional speech processing in patients with lesions in orbitofrontal cortex: Differences between early and late processing stages. International Symposium "Evolution of emotional communication: From sounds in nonhuman mammals to speech and music in man", Hanover, Germany (2007)
Prinz, W.: Mirror games: How mirrors make minds. Expert Meeting: Grounding sociality. Neurons, minds and culture, European Science Foundation, Rapallo, Italy (2007)
Hoehl, S.; Wiese, L.; Striano, T.: Säuglinge nutzen soziale Gefahren aus der Umgebung zu erkennen. Meeting of the Developmental Section of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Heidelberg, Germany (2007)
Daum, M. M.; Vuori, M.; Prinz, W.; Aschersleben, G.: Der Zusammenhang von Wahrnehmung und Produktion einer zielgerichteten Greifhandlung bei Kindern im Alter von 6 und 9 Monaten. 18. Tagung der Fachgruppe Entwicklungspsycholgie, Heidelberg, Germany (2007)
von Cramon, D. Y.: Materie ist auch Geist: Anmerkungen zu Gegenwart und Zukunft der Hirnforschung. 40th Annual Anniversary, Germany (2007)
Prinz, W.: Subjekte sind Artefakte: Aber das macht nichts. Funktionen des Bewusstseins, Berlin, Germany (2007)
Turner, R.: Brain imaging in neuropsychology. UK (2007)
Atmaca, S.; Sebanz, N.; Knoblich, G.: I know what you will do! Action and task co-representation in social context. Leipzig (2007)
Mendes, N.; Call, J.: Spatial memory in chimpanzees: Single-trial learning and long term memory. XIX Congress of Comparative Psychology, Madrid, Spain (2007)
Rieger, M.: Action genereting and action evaluating funktion of action-effects in typewriting. 15th Conference of the European for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Marseille, France (2007)
Schütz-Bosbach, S.: Who is who? Shared representations of actions and bodies and the consequences for self-recognition. "Shared memories, shared beliefs: The formation and use of joint representations in social interaction", Rapallo, Italy (2007)
Springer, A.; Stadler, W.; Prinz, W.: Mental simulation: How do we predict the actions of others in real-time? "Shared memories, shared beliefs: The formation and use of joint representations in social interaction", Rapallo, Italy (2007)
Grüschow, M.; Tempelmann, C.; Heinze, H.-J.; Speck, O.; Rieger, J. W.; Haynes, J.-D.: Chromatic contrast responses in LGN and superior colliculi studied with high-field fMRI at 7 T. 30th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Arezzo, Italy (2007)
Waszak, F.; Herwig, A.: Effect anticipation modulates deviance processing in the brain. 15th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Marseille, France (2007)
Kornysheva, K.: Rhythmical fingerprint? Exploring individual temporal preferences. International Summer School of Systematic Musicology, Belgium (2007)
Prinz, W.: Perception and action planning: Strong interactions. European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Arezzo, Italy (2007)
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