Vortrag (176)

Möller, H. E.: Unterschiedliche Vulnerabilitäten der Patienten gegenüber erhöhten Blut-Phe-Spiegeln? Stimmt das? Und wie kommt es im Gehirn dazu? Patientenakademie Phenylketonurie, Drensteinfurt, Germany (2012)
Möller, H. E.: Neue Möglichkeiten einer Untersuchung des Gehirns und seiner Empfindlichkeit gegenüber hohen PHE-Spiegeln. Mitgliederversammlung der Deutschen Interessengemeinschaft PKU und verwandte angeborene Stoffwechselstörungen e. V. (DIG PKU), Leipzig, Germany (2012)
Holiga, Š.; Möller, H. E.; Sieger, T.; Schroeter, M. L.; Jech, R.; Mueller, K.: Accounting for movement increases sensitivity in detecting brain activity in Parkinson's disease. 20th Annual Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Huber, L.; Ivanov, D.; Streicher, M.; Turner, R.: Slab-selective, BOLD-corrected VASO (SS-VASO) in human brain at 7T. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Ivanov, D.; Huber, L.; Kabisch, S.; Streicher, M.; Schlögl, H.; Roggenhofer, E.; Heinke, W.; Turner, R.: Mapping of CMRO2 changes in visual cortex during a visual motion paradigm at 7T. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Huber, L.; Ivanov, D.; Roggenhofer, E.; Henseler, I.; Moeller, H. E.; Turner, R.: Hypercapnia-induced and stimulus-induced changes in cerebral blood volume (CBV) in human at 7T. The Brain Function Workshop, Whistler-Blackcomb, BC, Canada (2012)
Huber, L.; Ivanov, D.; Streicher, M.; Turner, R.: Slab-selective, BOLD-corrected VASO (SS-VASO) in human brain at 7T. The Brain Function Workshop, Whistler-Blackcomb, BC, Canada (2012)
Diersch, N.; Mueller, K.; Cross, E. S.; Stadler, W.; Rieger, M.; Schütz-Bosbach, S.: Action prediction in the aging mind: The neural effects of motor familiarity. MaxNetAging Conference 2012 "Reflections on Living and Dying in Aging Societies", Bad Kohlgrub, Germany (2012)
Lepsien, J.: Attentional modulation of working-memory representations. 11th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON XI), Symposium 'Current Trends in Working Memory Research: Evidence from Funtional Neuroimaging', Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2011)
Lorenz, K.; Mildner, T.; Pampel, A.; Möller, H. E.: Flow-weighted iVASO-DS for absolute arterial CBV quantification. ESMRMB 28th Annual Scientific Meeting, Leipzig (2011)
Dusek, P.; Vymazal, J.; Ruzicka, E.; Wackermann, J.; Müller, K.; Jech, R.: Dopaminergic modulation of the precuneus activity during time perception in Parkinson's disease. 28th Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Leipzig, Germany (2011)
Holiga, Š.; Jech, R.; Möller, H. E.; Sieger, T.; Schroeter, M. L.; Müller, K.: Accounting for movement increases sensitivity in detecting brain activity in Parkinson's disease. 28th Annual Scientific Meeting, European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Leipzig, Germany (2011)
Jech, R.; Mueller, K.; Urgosik, D.; Sieger, T.; Holiga, Š.; Ruzicka, F.; Dusek, P.; Havrankova, P.; Vymazal, J.; Ruzicka, E.: The microlesion story in Parkinson's disease: Transient motor improvement after electrode insertion into the subthalamic nucleus. 28th Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Leipzig, Germany (2011)
Labadie, C.; Hetzer, S.; Mildner, T.; Aubert-Frécon, M.; Möller, H. E.: "Phase-cycled SCEPSIS" for rapid metabolic imaging. European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), 28th Scientific Meeting, Leipzig, Germany (2011)
Müller, K.; Fritz, T.; Schulze, K.; Mildner, T.; Lepsien, J.; Schroeter, M. L.; Möller, H. E.: Investigating temporal changes of brain activity with pleasant and unpleasant music using fMRI. 28th Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Leipzig, Germany (2011)
Müller, K.; Müller, H. E.; Horstmann, A.; Anwander, A.; Lepsien, J.; Schroeter, M. L.; Villringer, A.; Pleger, B.: Correlation of cerebral gray and white matter changes in lean to obese women. 28th Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Leipzig, Germany (2011)
Streitbürger, D. P.; Möller, H. E.; Tittgemeyer, M.; Hund-Georgiadis, M.; Schroeter, M. L.; Müller, K.: Extension of the human ventricular system after hyperhydration followed by long-term dehydration. 28th Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Leipzig, Germany (2011)
Xu, C.; Kiselev, V.; Brunecker, P.; Möller, H. E.; Fiebach, J. B.: Analysis of loops formed by dynamic ratio of DeltaR2GE/DeltaR2SE^(3/2) in DSC perfusion imaging. 28th Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Leipzig, Germany (2011)
Möller, H. E.; Pampel, A.; Müller, D. K.: Orientation dependence in magnetization-transfer imaging of human white matter. VI. Krakow-Winnipeg Conference on Advanced Bioimaging Technologies, Crakow, Poland (2011)
Kuehn, E.; Trampel, R.; Mueller, K.; Turner, R.; Schütz-Bosbach, S.: A 7T fMRI study on primary somatosensory cortex activity during observed touch of self and others. 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM) , Quebec, QC, Canada (2011)
Labadie, C.; Rooney, W. D.; Springer, C. S.,. J.; Lee, J.-H.; Aubert-Frécon, M.; Hetzer, S.; Mildner, T.; Möller, H. E.: Observation of Myelin Water at Ultra-Short Echo Time by Longitudinal Relaxographic Imaging with Spin-Echo Center-out EPI (DEPICTING). ISMRM 19th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada (2011)
Dhital, B.; Labadie, C.; Möller, H. E.; Turner, R.: Activation energies for water diffusion in ex-vivo white matter. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 19th Scientific Meeting, Montréal, QC, Canada (2011)
Streicher, M.; Schäfer, A.; Müller, D.; Kögler, C.; Reimer, E.; Dhital, B.; Trampel, R.; Rivera, D.; Pampel, A.; Ivanov, D. et al.; Turner, R.: Frequency-selective asymmetric spin-echo EPI with parallel imaging for fast internally referenced MR thermometry. ISMRM 19th Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada (2011)
Xu, C.; Kiselev, V.; Brunecker, P.; Fiebach, J. B.: Dynamic ratio $\Delta R_{2GE}/ \Delta R_{2SE}^{3/2}$ in DSC perfusion imaging reveals the relative arterial and venous blood volume fraction. 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 2011, Montreal, QC, Canada (2011)
Möller, H. E.: Quantitative mapping of tissue perfusion by MRI. Seminar "Basics and Current Developments in Magnetic Resonance", Department of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Methodology, DRNN/DKF, University Bern, Swiss (2010)
Holiga, Š.: Increased movement variability in Parkinson's Disease after L-DOPA administration: Analysis of signals from detection gloves. 57. Congress of Czech and Slovak Society for Clinical Neurophysiology, Prague, Czech Republic (2010)
Müller, D. K.; Pampel, A.; Möller, H. E.: Orientation dependence of magnetization transfer in human white matter. Second ISMRM Virtual Conference on Emerging MRI Technologies (2010)
Möller, H. E.: In-vivo 31P spectroscopy: experimental aspects & physiology. FAST - Advanced Signal-Processing for Ultra-Fast Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging, and Training, T6 Task Meeting, Manchester, United Kingdom (2010)
Lepsien, J.; Müller, K.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Möller, H. E.: Effects of a high static magnetic field on (higher) cognitive functions. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 18th Scientific Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden (2010)
Müller, K.; Anwander, A.; Horstmann, A.; Busse, F. P.; Pleger, B.; Lepsien, J.; Stumvoll, M.; Villringer, A.; Möller, H. E.: Gender Differences in the Dependence of Body Weight and Brain Connectivity Revealed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging. ISMRM Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden (2010)
Möller, H. E.: Quantitative Perfusionsmessungen mittels MRT. Medizin-Physik-Seminar, DKFZ - Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany (2010)
Anwander, A.; Pampel, A.; Knösche, T. R.: In vivo measurement of cortical anisotropy by diffusion-weighted imaging correlates with cortex type. ISMRM Joint Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden (2010)
Horstmann, A.; Busse, F. P.; Mueller, K.; Lepsien, J.; Schloegl, H.; Kabisch, S.; Stumvoll, M.; Villringer, A.; Pleger, B.: Gender Moderates Structural Changes in the Brain's Reward System of Obese Humans. Obesity 2010, 28th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (2010)
Horstmann, A.; Frisch, S.; Jentzsch, R. T.; Müller, K.; Villringer, A.; Schroeter, M. L.: Resuscitating the heart but losing the brain Brain atrophy in the aftermath of cardiac arrest. Annual Meeting of the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience 2010, Bristol, United Kingdom (2010)
Labadie, C.; Möller, H. E.: Double-shot center-out echo planar spectroscopic imaging at 3 Tesla. FAST - Advanced Siganl-Processing for Ultra-Fast Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging, and Training, 3rd Plenary Meeting, Barcelona, Spain (2010)
Möller, H. E.: Untersuchungen metabolischer Veränderungen des Gehirns mittels 1H-MR-Spektroskopie. Neurowissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Köln, Germany (2009)
Möller, H. E.: Von Molekülen zu Gedanken - Einblicke ins Gehirn mit magnetischer Kernresonanz. Festkolloquium, Münster, Germany (2009)
Macedonia, M.; Müller, K.; Friederici, A. D.: Symbolic gestuers enhance foreign language vocabulary learning. International Conference on Neurobilingualism, Bangor, Wales, UK (2009)
Möller, H. E.; Mildner, T.; Hetzer, S.; Driesel, W.: Technological aspects of human brain perfusion imaging by continuous arterial spin labeling. Advanced Bioimaging Technologies Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada (2009)
Cross, E. S.; Brauer, J.; Ott, D. V. M.: Individual differences in task-switching performance revealed by EEG. 17th Annual Conference of European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP), Budapest, Hungary (2009)
Hetzer, S.: High-Resolution Echo-Planar Imaging at Ultra-Short Echo Times. Imagers Interest Group Meeting, Cambridge, UK (2009)
Hetzer, S.: Hochaufgelöste Echo-Planar-Bildgebung bei sehr kurzen Echozeiten. Neurowissenschaftliches Seminar, Jena, Germany (2009)
Labadie, C.; Möller, H. E.: Current progress on the 2D-regularized inverse Laplace transform of short echo time STEAM spectra acquired with TM variation: Application to the determination of the macromolecular baseline. Mid-Term Plenary Meeting (2009)
Lepsien, J.: Orienting Attention within Memory. München (2008)
Ott, D. V. M.: Funktionelle Neuroanatomie der Sprache. Leipziger Therapeutentreffen - Nicht-aphasische Kommunikationsstörungen, Leipzig, Germany (2008)
Möller, H. E.: MRI approaches to investigating anatomy and function. Symposium „Experimental Ultrahigh Field MR“, Berlin-Buch (2007)
Lepsien, J.: Orienting attention to mental representations. UK (2007)
Möller, H. E.; Driehuys, B.; Pollaro, J. R.; Hedlund, L. W.: MR imaging of pulmonary perfusion using hyperpolarized 129Xe dissolved in an injectable carrier. 4th Krakow-Winnipeg Workshop on Imaging Technology, Krakow, Poland (2007)
Bowtell, R. W.; Schäfer, A.; Gowland, P. A.: Susceptibility weighted Imaging at 7 T. 16th Triennial Conference for the International Society of Magnetic Resonance, Kenting, Taiwan (2007)
Driehuys, B.; Möller, H. E.; Pollaro, J. R.; Hedlund, L. W.: MR imaging of pulmonary perfusion and gas exchange by intravenous injection of hyperpolarized 129Xe. Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) and the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Berlin, Germany (2007)
Lepsien, J.: Bildgebende Verfahren am menschlichen Hirn - Nachweis neuronaler Plastizität. Lern- und Gedächtnisprozesse – Plastizität des Gehirns, University of Leipzig, Germany (2007)
Schäfer, A.; Gowland, P. A.; Bowtell, R. W.: Understanding Phase Contrast in Susceptibility Weighted Imaging. ISMRM Workshop on Advances in High Field MR, Pacific Grove, California, USA (2007)
Möller, H. E.: Characterization of macromolecular components by cross-regularized inverse Laplace transform of in-vivo proton spectra. Kick-off Meeting, Lyon, France (2007)
Möller, H. E.: MRT bei 7 T. Fortbildungsveranstaltung „Bildgebende Diagnostik – Standards, Neuigkeiten und klinische Nutzung“, Leipzig, Germany (2007)
Hoffmann, S.; Tittgemeyer, M.; Möller, H. E.; Preul, C.; Ott, D. V. M.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Characterisation of multiple sclerosis in the early stage by means of MR-morphometric and neuropsychological techniques. 22nd Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), Madrid, Spain (2006)
Möller, H. E.: MRI at "ultrahigh" field: Prospects and pitfalls. Institutskolloquium, Leipzig, Germany (2006)
Möller, H. E.: Aspects of quantitative perfusion imaging of the human brain by continuous arterial spin labeling. Center for Neuroimaging Techniques Special Seminar, London, UK (2006)
Möller, H. E.: fMRI using intermolecular double quantum coherences. 214th PTB Seminar “High-field MR Imaging and Spectroscopy – 3 T and Beyond", Berlin, Germany (2006)
Möller, H. E.: Funktionelle magnetische Kernresonanzbildgebung - Kontrastmechanismen und ihre biophysikalischen Grundlagen. Internes Kolloquium, Münster (2005)
Möller, H. E.: Untersuchung von Funktion und Metabolismus mit Methoden der magnetischen Kernresonanz - Bezug zur molekularen Bildgebung. SFB Lecture, Münster (2005)
Jarchow, S.; Labadie, C.; Möller, H. E.: Characterization of macromolecular components by cross-regularized inverse Laplace transform of human proton MR-spectroscopy at 3 tesla. 22nd Annual Meeting, European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Basel, Switzerland (2005)
Möller, H. E.: Ultrahochfeld-MRT: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen. 8. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM, Münster, Germany (2005)
Möller, H. E.: Alternatives to conventional BOLD fMRI. 3rd Krakow-Winnipeg Workshop on Magnetic Resonance and Molecular Imaging, Krakow, Poland (2005)
Lee, R. F.; Johnson, G.; Stefanescu, C.; Trampel, R.; McGuinness, G.; Stöckel, B.: A 24-ch phased-array system for hyperpolarized helium gas parallel MRI to evaluate lung functions. 27th Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai, CN (2005)
Lindner, D.; Preul, C.; Trantakis, C.; Möller, H. E.; Meixensberger, J.: Effect of 3 tesla MRI on the function of shunt valves: Evaluation of Paedi GAV, Dual Switch and proGAV. 3ème Journées Françaises de Neurochirurgie (SFNC) & 56th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC), Strasbourg, France (2005)
Möller, H. E.: Non-standard contrast mechanisms for imaging human brain function. MPG/MOEL symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine, Dresden, Germany (2005)
Labadie, C.; Möller, H. E.; Jarchow, S.: Cross-regularisation of the frequency domain enables high-resolution in-verse Laplace transform of humain brain single voxel spectroscopy at 3 tesla. 13th Scientific Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, USA (2005)
Möller, H. E.: Abbildung der Hirntätigkeit durch magnetische Kernresonanz. Seminar "Junge Wissenschaft und Praxis 2005", Machern, Germany (2005)
Schäfer, A.; Zysset, S.; Heinke, W.; Möller, H. E.: Effect of hypercapnia on the iDQC response. 13th Scientific Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, USA (2005)
Schäfer, A.; Jochimsen, T. H.; Möller, H. E.: fMRI with intermolecular double-quantum coherences (iDQC) at 3 T. 12th Scientific Meeting, Kyoto, Japan (2004)
Möller, H. E.; Mildner, T.; Driesel, W.; Norris, D. G.: The influence of transit times on dual-coil CASL in humans. ISMRM Workshop on Quantitative Cerebral Perfusion Imaging Using MRI: A Technical Perspective, Venice, Italy (2004)

Poster (360)

Devi, R.; Lepsien, J.; Lorenz, K.; Schlumm, T.; Mildner, T.; Möller, H. E.: Assessing neuronal contributions in the BOLD response through non-BOLD fMRI. Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2023)
Gkotsoulias, D.; Müller, R.; Jäger, C.; Schlumm, T.; Mildner, T.; Eichner, C.; Pampel, A.; Jaffe, J.; Gräßle, T.; Alsleben, N. et al.; Chen, J.; Crockford, C.; Wittig, R.; Liu, C.; Möller, H. E.: High Angular Resolution Susceptibility Imaging (HARSI). Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2023)
Mueller, K.; Thiel, F.; Taskin, B.; Beutner, F.; Teren, A.; Möller, H. E.; Villringer, A.; Schroeter, M. L.: Brain dysconnectivity with heart failure – A link to Alzheimer's disease? Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2023)
Torrecuso, R.; Mueller, K.; Holiga, Š.; Sieger, T.; Vymazal, J.; Růžička, F.; Roth, J.; Růžička, E.; Schroeter, M. L.; Jech, R. et al.; Möller, H. E.: Improving fMRI in Parkinson's disease by accounting for brain region-specific activity patterns. Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2023)
Wallstein, N.; Pampel, A.; Pöppl, A.; Capucciati, A.; Jäger, C.; Monzani, E.; Zucca, F. A.; Casella, L.; Zecca, L.; Möller, H. E.: Interplay of iron and copper in the neuromelanin-related paramagnetic relaxation enhancement. Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2023)
Dabbagh, A.; Kaptan, M.; Horn, U.; Mildner, T.; Müller, R.; Lepsien, J.; Weiskopf, N.; Eippert, F.: Reliability of task-based fMRI in the dorsal horn of the human spinal cord. 28th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Glasgow, United Kingdom (2022)
Dabbagh, A.; Kaptan, M.; Horn, U.; Mildner, T.; Müller, R.; Lepsien, J.; Weiskopf, N.; Eippert, F.: Reliability of task-based fMRI in the dorsal horn of the human spinal cord. 11th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2022)
Horn, U.; Gross-Wege, N.; Vannesjo, J.; Kaptan, M.; Dabbagh, A.; Trampel, R.; Möller, H. E.; Weiskopf, N.; Eippert, F.: BOLD responses in 7T fMRI of the human spinal cord on a single-subject level. 28th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Glasgow, United Kingdom (2022)
Kaptan, M.; Gross-Weege, N.; Vannesjo, S. J.; Horn, U.; Dabbagh, A.; Trampel, R.; Möller, H. E.; Weiskopf, N.; Eippert, F.: Investigating passive B0 shimming for spinal cord imaging at 7T. 28th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Glasgow, United Kingdom (2022)
Kaptan, M.; Gross-Weege, N.; Vannesjo, S. J.; Horn, U.; Dabbagh, A.; Trampel, R.; Möller, H. E.; Weiskopf, N.; Eippert, F.: Investigating passive B0 shimming for spinal cord imaging at 7T. 11th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Leipzig, Germany (2022)
Lewis, C. A.; Mueller, K.; Hornung, J.; Smith, E.; Junger, J.; Pauly, K.; Habel, U.; Derntl, B.: Trans identity impacts neural correlates of self-other referential processing. 28th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Glasgow, United Kingdom (2022)
Mueller, K.; Lewis, C. A.; Zsido, R.; Reinelt, J.; Villringer, A.; Sacher, J.: Increasing resilience with monetary loss: A single dose of escitalopram blunts the neural response in the ventral striatum. 28th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Glasgow, United Kingdom (2022)
Mueller, K.; Thiel, F.; Taskin, B.; Beutner, F.; Teren, A.; Möller, H. E.; Villringer, A.; Schroeter, M. L.: Brain dysconnectivity with heart failure - A link to Alzheimer's disease? 28th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Glasgow, United Kingdom (2022)
Beckerleg, R.; Whittaker, J.; Gallichan, D.; Murphy, K.: Novel methods for correcting motion regression errors caused by global intensity changes in scans of cerebrovascular function. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom (2022)
Chen, J.; Gkotsoulias, D.; Jäffe, J.; Crockford, C.; Wittig, R.; Möller, H. E.; Liu, C.: DECOMPOSE-STI: Decompose sub-voxel diamagnetic and paramagnetic susceptibility tensors. 2022 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, London, United Kingdom (2022)
Chen, J.; Gkotsoulias, D.; Jäffe, J.; Crockford, C.; Wittig, R.; Möller, H. E.; Liu, C.: Resolve fiber crossings and substructures using orientation distribution function (ODF) of decomposed sub-voxel paramagnetic and diamagnetic susceptibility. 2022 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, London, United Kingdom (2022)
Devi, R.; Mildner, T.; Schlumm, T.; Möller, H. E.: CBV-based fMRI at 3T with SS-SI-VASO: Multi-echo DEPICTING vs multi-echo EPI. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom (2022)
Gkotsoulias, D.; Müller, R.; Schlumm, T.; Alsleben, N.; Jäger, C.; Jäffe, J.; Pampel, A.; Crockford, C.; Wittig, R. M.; Möller, H. E.: COSMOS-based susceptibility estimations: Accuracy assessment and comparisons of QSM and multiple-angle acquisitions. 2022 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, London, United Kingdom (2022)
Gkotsoulias, D.; Paquette, M.; Eichner, C.; Müller, R.; Schlumm, T.; Alsleben, N.; Chen, J.; Jäger, C.; Jäffe, J.; Pampel, A. et al.; Crockford, C.; Wittig, R. M.; Anwander, A.; Liu, C.; Möller, H. E.: Beyond diffusion-based analysis of fiber architecture: Estimation of orientation distributions from high angular resolution susceptibility imaging. 2022 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, London, United Kingdom (2022)
Mueller, K.; Möller, H. E.; Taskin, B.; Thiel, F.; Beutner, F.; Teren, A.; Villringer, A.; Schroeter, M. L.: Precuneus dysconnectivity with heart failure. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom (2022)
Eichner, C.; Paquette, M.; Gallardo, G.; Bock, C.; Gräßle, T.; Jaffe, J. E.; Jäger, C.; Kirilina, E.; Lipp, I.; Mildner, T. et al.; Schlumm, T.; Wermter, F.; Möller, H. E.; Weiskopf, N.; Crockford, C.; Wittig, R. M.; Friederici, A. D.; Anwander, A.: Developmental brain connectivity in chimpanzees using high-resolution diffusion MRI. 27th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Virtual (2021)
Gkotsoulias, D.; Möller, H. E.: Pathophysiology of Tourette syndrome: Multimodal characterization of metabolic alterations. 10th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Virtual (2021)
Kaptan, M.; Horn, U.; Vannesjo, S. J.; Mildner, T.; Weiskopf, N.; Finsterbusch, J.; Eippert, F.: Reliability of resting-state functional connectivity in the human spinal cord at 3T. 10th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Virtual (2021)
Torrecuso, R.; Jech, R.; Mueller, K.; Holiga, Š.; Sieger, T.; Vymazal, J.; Růžička, F.; Roth, J.; Růžička, E.; Schroeter, M. L. et al.; Möller, H. E.: Improving fMRI in Parkinson's disease by accounting for realistic motor output. 10th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Virtual (2021)
Kaptan, M.; Horn, U.; Vannesjo, S. J.; Mildner, T.; Weiskopf, N.; Finsterbusch, J.; Eippert, F.: Reliability of resting-state functional connectivity in the human spinal cord at 3T. 27th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Virtual (2021)
Eichner, C.; Paquette, M.; Gallardo, G.; Bock, C.; Jaffe, J. E.; Jäger, C.; Kirilina, E.; Lipp, I.; Mildner, T.; Schlumm, T. et al.; Wermter, F.; Möller, H. E.; Weiskopf, N.; Crockford, C.; Wittig, R. M.; Friederici, A. D.; Anwander, A.: High-resolution post-mortem diffusion MRI acquisitions for connectivity analyses in chimpanzees. 29th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Virtual (2021)
Gkotsoulias, D.; Metere, R.; Su, Y.; Eichner, C.; Schlumm, T.; Müller, R.; Anwander, A.; Mildner, T.; Jäger, C.; Pampel, A. et al.; Crockford, C.; Wittig, R.; Samuni, L.; Pleh, K.; Liu, C.; Möller, H. E.: High angular resolution susceptibility and diffusion imaging in post mortem chimpanzee brain: Tensor characteristics and similarities. 29th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Virtual (2021)
Gong, R.; Wegscheider, M.; Mühlberg, C.; Gast, R.; Fricke, C.; Rumpf, J.-J.; Nikulin, V. V.; Knösche, T. R.; Classen, J.: Increased phase-amplitude coupling in Parkinson’s disease: Evidence from source localized electroencephalography. 7th International Conference on Non-invasive Brain Stimulation, Virtual (2020)
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