
Vortrag (227)

Prinz, W.: The meaning of movements: Crosstalk between semantics and kinematics. Symposium in Honor of Marc Jeannerod, Lyon, France (2012)
Prinz, W.: Perception and action planning - Strong interactions. Sensorimotor Representations and Concepts - A two-day International Workshop, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany (2012)
Prinz, W.: Willensfreiheit: Neue Fragen und Antworten. Öffentliche Vorlesung - 48. Kongress der DGPs, Bielefeld, Germany (2012)
Prinz, W.: Action simulation: Exploring representational underpinnings of occluded action. Mirror Neurons Conference: New Frontiers 20 Years After Their Discovery, Erice, Italy (2012)
Dolk, T.; Hommel, B.; Prinz, W.; Liepelt, R.: From the bottom to the top: Non-social salient action events induce referential coding in a go-nogo Simon task. 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Mannheim, Germany (2012)
Prinz, W.: Subjektivität zwischen Natur und Kultur. Hirnforschung und Menschenbild - Januartagung, Berlin, Germany (2012)
Prinz, W.: Self in the mind. A framework for the social making of consciousness. Workshop "Integrating Philosophy and Neurosciences in the Study of Consciousness: How to Make It Work", Centre of Advanced Studies, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany (2011)
Prinz, W.: Selbst im Spiegel. Reflektionen über die Grundlagen von Subjektivität. Külpe Vorlesung, Universität Würzburg, Germany (2011)
Prinz, W.: Perception and action. Sylvius Lecture, Institute for Brain and Cognition, University of Leiden, the Netherlands (2011)
Prinz, W.: Cognition goes social – Promises and challenges. Conference “The Cultural Constitution of Causal Cognition. Setting the Stage for a Cross-Disciplinary Endeavour”, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), University of Bielefeld, Germany (2011)
Attig, M.; Prinz, W.; Gredebäck, G.; Daum, M. M.: Handlungsverständnis untersucht mit Eyetracking: Die Entwicklung der Antizipation von zielgerichteten Handlungen.[Investigating action understanding with Eyetracking: The development of anticipation of goal-directed actions]. 20. Fachgruppentagung Entwicklungspsychologie der DGPs (EPSY), Erfurt, Germany (2011)
Attig, M.; Prinz, W.; Gredebäck, G.; Daum, M. M.: Two agents, two goals: The development of anticipation of goal-directed actions. 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology , Bergen, Norway (2011)
Dolk, T.; Hommel, B.; Prinz, W.; Liepelt, R.: Salient events induce referential coding in go-nogo tasks. 4th Joint Action Meeting , Vienna, Austria (2011)
Prinz, W.: Subjektivität als Artefakt. Symposium "Soziale Kognition in der Erzählung" , Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, Germany (2011)
Cross, E. S.; Liepelt, R.; Hamilton, A. F.; Parkinson, J.; Ramsey, R.; Stadler, W.; Prinz, W.: Robotic actions preferentially engage the human mirror system. 18th Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San Francisco, CA, USA (2011)
Prinz, W.: Free will as a social institution. Interdisciplinary College (IK) “Autonomy, Decisions and Free Will”, Günne at Lake Möhne, Germany (2011)
Melzer, A.; Prinz, W.; Friederici, A. D.; von Hofsten, C.; Daum, M. M.: Die Analyse von Augenbewegungen in beobachteten Dialogen. 53. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle (Saale), Germany (2011)
Liepelt, R.; Prinz, W.: How two share two tasks: Evidence for a social PRP effect. 53. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog/innen (TeaP), Marthin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale, Germany (2011)
Prinz, W.: Willensfreiheit. the YPO-Wintermeeting, Weimar, Germany (2011)
Prinz, W.: Selbst im Spiegel. Kognitive Mechanismen und soziale Praktiken der Selbst-Konstitution. Studium generale, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Germany (2011)
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