
Vortrag (122)

Villringer, A.: Neuroimaging of the somatosensory system in humans: Can we bridge the gap to underlying neurophysiological events? Annual One-day Workshop "Bridging scales in Neuroimaging", London, United Kingdom (2010)
Villringer, A.: Welche Antihypertensiva für wen? [Which antihypertensive drugs for whom?]. 1. Prophylaxe-Seminar des Kompetenznetzes Schlaganfall "Risikofaktoren in den Griff kriegen" [Get risk factors under control], Leipzig, Germany (2010)
Villringer, A.: Multimodal assessment of sensory function in humans. International Summer School on Multimodal Approaches in Neuroscience, Max Planck Instiute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2010)
Villringer, A.: Sekundärprävention des Schlaganfalls unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Vorhofflimmerns [Secondary prevention of stroke with particular consideration of atrial fibrillation]. Fortbildungsveranstaltung "Schlaganfall aktuell" [stroke at present], Halle (Saale), Germany (2010)
Villringer, A.: Vascular risk factors: The brain as culprit and victim. International school on magnetic resonance and brain function, Erice, Italy (2010)
Müller, K.; Anwander, A.; Horstmann, A.; Busse, F. P.; Pleger, B.; Lepsien, J.; Stumvoll, M.; Villringer, A.; Möller, H. E.: Gender Differences in the Dependence of Body Weight and Brain Connectivity Revealed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging. ISMRM Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden (2010)
Villringer, A.: MR imaging in cognitive neuroscience. 1st Annual Scientific Symposium Ultrahigh Field Magnetic Resonance: Clinical Needs, Research Promises and Technical Solutions, Berlin, Germany (2010)
Villringer, A.: Neural correlates of somatosensory function in humans: Physiology and plasticity. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium Sommersemester 2010, Tübingen, Germany (2010)
Villringer, A.: Hirn und Körper [Brain and body]. 53. Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie und Jahrestagung der Slowenischen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie, Leipzig, Germany (2010)
Horstmann, A.; Busse, F. P.; Mueller, K.; Lepsien, J.; Schloegl, H.; Kabisch, S.; Stumvoll, M.; Villringer, A.; Pleger, B.: Gender Moderates Structural Changes in the Brain's Reward System of Obese Humans. Obesity 2010, 28th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (2010)
Horstmann, A.; Frisch, S.; Jentzsch, R. T.; Müller, K.; Villringer, A.; Schroeter, M. L.: Resuscitating the heart but losing the brain Brain atrophy in the aftermath of cardiac arrest. Annual Meeting of the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience 2010, Bristol, United Kingdom (2010)
Taubert, M.; Draganski, B.; Anwander, A.; Lohmann, G.; Margulies, D. S.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Spatial and temporal dynamics of learning-induced functional and structural plasticity. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain (2010)
Villringer, A.: Assessment of plasticity in the human brain. 6th International Symposium on Neuroprotection and Neurorepair, Rostock, Germany (2010)
Villringer, A.: Die Rolle des Gehirns bei vaskulären Erkrankungen: "Täter" und "Opfer" [The role of the brain in vascular diseases: 'culprit' and 'victim']. 27. Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurointensiv- und Notfallmedizin (ANIM), Bad Homburg, Germany (2010)
Villringer, A.: Funktionelle Bildgebung im Coma vigile - was erleben die Patienten? [Functional neuroimaging in coma vigil? - What do patients experience?]. 27. Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurointensiv- und Notfallmedizin (ANIM), Bad Homburg, Germany (2010)
Villringer, A.: Stroke. 20th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, Berlin, Germany (2010)
Villringer, A.: The relationship between background and evoked activity assessed by EEG-fMRI. Second biennal international conference on resting-state connectivity, Milwaukee, WI, USA (2010)
Villringer, A.: Warum wird man mit zunehmendem Alter dicker? Adipositas als neurologische Störung [Why do we gain weight, when we were older? Obesity as a neurological dysfunction]. 83. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Mannheim, Germany (2010)
Villringer, A.: What determines the BOLD signal: Lessons from studies combining electrophysiological approaches. International school on magnetic resonance and brain function, Erice, Italy (2010)
Villringer, A.: Bildgebung beim Schlaganfall, was ist heute machbar? Schlaganfall aktuell, Cottbus, Germany (2009)
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