Zeitschriftenartikel (7934)

Hany, E. A.: Zwillingsbeziehung und Erblichkeitsschätzung. Zeitschrift für Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie 19 (1), S. 24 - 25 (1998)
Helmke, A.; Schrader, F.-W.: Entwicklung im Grundschulalter. Die Münchner Studie "SCHOLASTIK". Pädagogik 6, S. 25 - 30 (1998)
Holländer, A.: Aphasie und Depression. Logos Interdisziplinaer 7 (1), S. 36 - 39 (1998)
Holländer, A.: Fischers Fritz fitzt frische Fische. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Versprechern und dem Arbeitsgedächtnis. Logos Interdisziplinaer 6 (3), S. 209 - 211 (1998)
Hommel, B.: Automatic stimulus-response translation in dual-task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 24 (5), S. 1368 - 1384 (1998)
Hommel, B.: Event files: Evidence for automatic integration of stimulus-response episodes. Visual Cognition 5 (1-2), S. 183 - 216 (1998)
Howseman, A. M.; Porter, ..; Hutton, C.; Josephs, O.; Turner, R.: Blood oxygenation level dependent signal time courses during prolonged visual stimulation. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 16 (1), S. 1 - 11 (1998)
Jescheniak, J. D.; Hahne, A.; Friederici, A. D.: Brain activity patterns suggest prosodic influences on syntactic parsing in the comprehension of spoken sentences. Music Perception 16 (1), S. 55 - 62 (1998)
Jescheniak, J. D.; Schriefers, H.: Discrete serial versus cascaded processing in lexical access in speech production: Further evidence from the coactivation of near-synonyms. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 24 (5), S. 1256 - 1274 (1998)
Jovicich, J.; Norris, D. G.: GRASE imaging at 3 Tesla with template interactive phase-encoding. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 39 (6), S. 970 - 979 (1998)
Kaernbach, C.; Schröger, E.; Gunter, T. C.: Human event-related brain potentials to auditory periodic noise stimuli. Neuroscience Letters 242 (1), S. 17 - 20 (1998)
Karni, A.; Meyer, G.; Rey-Hipolito, C.; Jezzard, P.; Adams, M. M.; Turner, R.; Ungerleider, L. G.: The acquisition of skilled motor performance: Fast and slow experience-driven changes in primary motor cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95 (3), S. 861 - 868 (1998)
Kim, G. H.; Masilamani, S.; Turner, R.; Mitchell, C.; Wade, J. B.; Knepper, M. A.: The thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter is an aldosterone-induced protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95 (24), S. 14552 - 14557 (1998)
Knoblich, G.; Wartenberg, F.: Unbemerkte Lösungshinweise beguenstigen Veränderungen der Problemrepräsentation. Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 206 (3), S. 207 - 234 (1998)
Knösche, T. R.; Behrends, E. M.; Jagers, H. R. A.; Peters, M. J.: Determining the number of independent sources of the EEG - a simulation study on information criteria. Brain Topography 11 (2), S. 111 - 124 (1998)
Kohl, M.; Lindauer, U.; Dirnagl, U.; Villringer, A.: Investigation of cortical spreading depression in rats by near infrared spectroscopy: scattering and oxygenation changes. Trends in Optics & Photonics 3, S. 240 - 244 (1998)
Kohl, M.; Lindauer, U.; Dirnagl, U.; Villringer, A.: Separation of changes in light scattering and chromophore concentrations during cortical spreading depression in rats. Optics Letters 23, S. 555 - 557 (1998)
Kohl, M.; Nolte, C.; Heekeren, H. R.; Horst, S.; Scholz, U.; Obrig, H.; Villringer, A.: Determination of the wavelength dependence of the differential pathlength factor from near infrared pulse signals. Physics in Medicine and Biology 42, S. 1171 - 1182 (1998)
Kurth, R.; Villringer, K.; Mackert, B. M.; Schwiemann, J.; Braun, J.; Curio, G.; Villringer, A.; Wolf, K. J.: fMRI assessment of somatotopy in human Brodmann area 3b by electrical finger stimulation. NeuroReport 9, S. 207 - 212 (1998)
Lai, Q.; Shea, C. H.; Wulf, G.; Wright, D. L.: Optimizing generalized motor program and parameter learning. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 20, S. S28 - S28 (1998)
Levron, D.; Walter, D. K.; Appelt, S.; Fitzgerald, R. J.; Korbly, S. E.; Sauer, K. L.; Happer, W.; Earles, T. L.; Mawst, L. J.; Botez, D. et al.; Connelly, A.; Möller, H. E.; Chen, X. J.; Cofer, G. P.; Johnson, G. A.: MR-imaging of hyperpolarized 129Xe produced by spin exchange with diode-laser pumped Cs. Applied Physics Letters 73 (18), S. 2666 - 2668 (1998)
Lohmann, G.: Extracting line representations of sulcal and gyral patterns in MR images of the human brain. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 17 (6), S. 1040 - 1048 (1998)
Mechsner, F.: Die Sterbliche Seele (Standpunkt-Essay). Der Spiegel 53 (1998)
Mechsner, F.: Is the cerebellum essentially a precise pattern matching device? (Commentary). Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2), S. 257 (1998)
Mecklinger, A.: On the modularity of recognition memory for object form and spatial location: a topographic ERP analysis. Neuropsychologia 36 (5), S. 441 - 460 (1998)
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