Abteilung Neuropsychologie

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Zeitschriftenartikel (25)

Krohn, S.; Tromp, J.; Quinque, E. M.; Belger, J.; Klotzsche, F.; Rekers, S.; Chojecki, P.; de Mooij, J.; Akbal, M.; McCall, C. et al.; Villringer, A.; Gaebler, M.; Finke, C.; Thöne-Otto, A.: Multidimensional evaluation of virtual reality paradigms in clinical neuropsychology: Application of the VR-check framework. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 22 (4), e16724 (2020)
Hildebrandt, L. K.; McCall, C.; Singer, T.: Socioaffective versus sociocognitive mental trainings differentially affect emotion regulation strategies. Emotion 19 (8), S. 1329 - 1342 (2019)
Hildebrandt, L. K.; McCall, C.; Singer, T.: Differential effects of attention-, compassion- and socio-cognitively based mental practices on self-reports of mindfulness and compassion. Mindfulness 8 (6), S. 1488 - 1512 (2017)
Hildebrandt, L. K.; McCall, C.; Engen, H. G.; Singer, T.: Cognitive flexibility, heart rate variability, and resilience predict fine-grained regulation of arousal during prolonged threat. Psychophysiology 53 (6), S. 880 - 890 (2016)
McCall, C.; Hildebrandt, L. K.; Hartmann , R.; Baczkowski, B.; Singer, T.: Introducing the Wunderkammer as a tool for emotion research: Unconstrained gaze and movement patterns in three emotionally evocative virtual worlds. Computers in Human Behavior 59, S. 93 - 107 (2016)
McCall, C.; Hildebrandt, L. K.; Bornemann, B.; Singer, T.: Physiophenomenology in retrospect: Memory reliably reflects physiological arousal during a prior threatening experience. Consciousness and Cognition 38, S. 60 - 70 (2015)
McCall, C.; Singer, T.: Facing off with unfair others: Introducing proxemic imaging as an implicit measure of approach and avoidance during social interaction. PLoS One 10 (2), e0117532 (2015)
McCall, C.; Steinbeis, N.; Ricard, M.; Singer, T.: Compassion meditators show less anger, less punishment, and more compensation of victims in response to fairness violations. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8, 424 (2014)
Deiglmayr, A.; Paus , E.; McCall, C.; Mullins, D.; Berthold, K.; Wittwer, J.; Krämer, N.; Rummel, N.: Toward an integration of the learning and communication perspectives in computer-supported instructional communication. Journal of Media Psychology 25 (4), S. 180 - 189 (2013)
McCall, C.: Social cognition in the cyborg age: Embodiment and the internet. Psychological Inquiry 24 (4), S. 314 - 320 (2013)
McCall, C.; Tipper, C. M.; Blascovich, J.; Grafton, S. T.: Attitudes trigger motor behavior through conditioned associations: Neural and behavioral evidence. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 7 (7), S. 841 - 849 (2012)
McCall, C.; Singer, T.: The animal and human neuroendocrinology of social cognition, motivation and behavior. Nature Neuroscience 15 (5), S. 681 - 688 (2012)
Ma-Kellams, C.; Blascovich, J.; McCall, C.: Culture and the body: East-west differences in visceral perception. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 102 (4), S. 718 - 728 (2012)
Kane, H. S.; McCall, C.; Collins, N. L.; Blascovich, J.: Mere presence is not enough: Responsive support in a virtual world. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (1), S. 37 - 44 (2012)
Stel, M.; Blascovich, J.; McCall, C.; Mastop, J.; Van Baaren, R. B.; Vonk, R.: Mimicking disliked others: Effects of a priori liking on the mimicry-liking link. European Journal of Social Psychology 40 (5), S. 867 - 880 (2010)
Stel, M.; van Baaren, R. B.; Blascovich, J.; van Dijk, E.; McCall, C.; Pollmann, M. M. H.; van Leeuwen, M. L.; Mastop, J.; Vonk, R.: Effects of a priori liking on the elicitation of mimicry. Experimental Psychology 57 (6), S. 412 - 418 (2010)
Kaphingst, K. A.; Persky, S.; McCall, C.; Lachance, C.; Loewenstein, J.; Beall, A. C.; Blascovich, J.: Testing the effects of educational strategies on comprehension of a genomic concept using virtual reality technology. Patient Education and Counseling 77 (2), S. 224 - 230 (2009)
McCall, C.; Blascovich, J.: How, when, and why to use digital experimental virtual environments to study social behavior. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 3 (5), S. 744 - 758 (2009)
McCall, C.; Blascovich, J.; Young, A.; Persky, S.: Proxemic behaviors as predictors of aggression towards black (but not white) males in an immersive virtual environment. Social Influence 4 (2), S. 138 - 154 (2009)
McCall, C.; Bunyan, D. P.; Bailenson, J. N.; Blascovich, J.; Beall, A. C.: Leveraging Collaborative Virtual Environment Technology for Inter-Population Research on Persuasion in a Classroom Setting. PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 18 (5), S. 361 - 369 (2009)
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