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M.Sc. Meike D. Hettwer
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with University Hospital of Düsseldorf)
Max Andreas Bosse Hinrichs
Doctoral researcher
  • +49 3419940-2231
Kim Carina Hoffmann
Doctoral researcher (Stipend-holder "Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin")
Sebastian Hoffmann, M.Sc.
Human resources
  • 03419940108
Manuela Hofmann
Medical-technical assistant
  • +49 341 9940-2582
Simon M. Hofmann, M.Sc.
Doctoral researcher
  • +49 341 9940-2243
Zofia Hołubowska
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Leipzig University), PhD representative (internal)
Ulrike Horn
  • +49 341 9940-2250
Professor Dr. Annette Horstmann
Group leader (in cooperation with University of Helsinki)
Dr Qiaoli Huang
Ariel Iporre Rivas
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Moritz Jäckels
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim)
Dr. Carsten Jäger
Head of the Histology Laboratory
  • +49 341 9940-2200
Anna-Thekla Jäger (geb. Schmidt), M.Sc.
Doctoral researcher (external)
Dr. Lieneke Janssen
External guest researcher
Anna Jauch
Technical staff
Dr. Daria Jensen
Postdoc (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Dr. Hyeon-Ae Jeon
Research associate
  • +82 (0)2880 4385
Dr. Ga-Ram Jeong
Sein Jeung
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with TU Berlin)
Zhizhao Jiang
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
Ying Jing
Doctoral researcher (Stipend-holder "China Scholarship Council")
Mandy Jochemko
Medical-technical assistant
  • +49 341 9940-190
Alexandra John
Doctoral researcher
Bettina Johst
  • +49 341 9940-163
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