An interest group that comes together to have an informal exchange about cognitive computational neuroscience.

We consist of graduate and postgraduate students, post-docs and group leaders from different departments and research groups across the whole MPI CBS. While we all have different backgrounds and areas of research, we are united in our endeavour to advance mechanistic discovery in cognitive neuroscience using computational tools.

At our meetings, members present their own research or research ideas, relevant papers (journal club), methods & concrete implementations. Further, we also have meetings where we discuss mechanisms, causality or related topics on a more conceptual level (philosophical discourse).

As we are a self-organised group, pursuing a bottom-up approach, we dynamically tailor our meetings to the groups’ needs, interests and emerging trends in the field.

If you are interested, please feel free to join our next meetings and/or subscribe to our mailing list. For this, details or questions, get in touch with the organisers.

Also, you can follow us on or on X

Next meetings:

Nov 27, 2024 | Guest Talk | 3:00 pm (CET) | Lecture Hall @ MPI CBS

Sebastian Lapuschkin (Fraunhofer HHI): XAI as a Tool Beyond Model Understanding – From Heatmaps to Concepts and XAI Automation”

If you are interested in presenting at one of the CBS CoCoNUT meetings, please contact us!

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