Diversity & Inclusion Committee
The Diversity & Inclusion Committee (D&IC) at the MPI CBS is an institute-wide initiative. It stands against discrimination based on but not limited to geographic location, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, accent, origin, ethnicity, age or religion at every organizational level.
The Max Planck Society embraces the ideal of a culture free of discrimination. This means the variety and diversity of its employees is seen as a resource and all are shown the same respect and recognition.
We strongly believe
- that excellent science needs diversity and
- that we all profit from embracing each other's uniqueness while acting against systemic biases and inequalities.
People are diverse in many ways and the D&IC is committed to making our institute an even more inclusive and safe work environment for everyone.
We invite all colleagues to join the D&IC and participate in our activities:
- Tri-weekly social tea & coffee time
- Raising awareness and define a shared ideal of best and innovative scientific practices grounded in diversity and inclusivity
- Developing strategies for creating a flexible and efficient work environment catering to all walks-of-life and diverse models of living
- Extending the network to other DEI initiatives
(MPQueer, PhDNet, PostdocNet, Equal opportunities offices, International offices, The Mental Health Collective, other local DEI initiatives such as the Network Science and Equal Opportunity of the City of Leipzig etc.)
If you are seeking support, please contact Karsten Mueller (she/her/he/him), Lioba Enk (she/her) or any other committee member that you feel comfortable talking to.
As of June 2024, the committee consists of (in alphabetic order):
- +49 341 9940-2617