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Moritz Jäckels
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim)
Dr. Carsten Jäger
Head of the Histology Laboratory
  • +49 341 9940-2200
Anna-Thekla Jäger (geb. Schmidt), M.Sc.
Doctoral researcher (external)
Dr. Lieneke Janssen
Postdoc (in cooperation with University of Magdeburg)
  • +49 341 9940 2600
Anna Jauch
Technical staff
Dr. Daria Jensen
Postdoc (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Dr. Hyeon-Ae Jeon
Research associate
  • +82 (0)2880 4385
Dr. Ga-Ram Jeong
Sein Jeung
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with TU Berlin)
Zhizhao Jiang
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
Ying Jing
Doctoral researcher (Stipend-holder "China Scholarship Council")
Mandy Jochemko
Medical-technical assistant
  • +49 341 9940-190
Alexandra John
Doctoral researcher
Bettina Johst
  • +49 341 9940-163
Aarushi Juyal
Doctoral researcher
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