Name | Phone | |
Katja Paasche Public relations officer |
| paasche@... |
Dr. habil. André Pampel Scientific researcher |
| anpa@... |
Nicole Pampus Medical-technical assistant |
| pampus@... |
Eleni Panagoulas Doctoral researcher | panagoulas@... | |
Giorgio Papitto Guest researcher |
| papitto@... |
Michael Paquette Ph.D. External guest researcher |
| paquette@... |
PhD candidate Agata Patyczek Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with MPI for Human Development), PhD representative | patyczek@... | |
Professor Dr. Michael Pauen Research associate |
| mipauen@... |
Xue-Rui Peng Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with TU Dresden) | peng@... | |
Aline Peter Personal assistant |
| peter@... |
Leonardo Pettini Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Charité – University Medicine Berlin) | leonardo.pettini@... | |
Marit Petzka Postdoc (in cooperation with MPI for Human Development) | petzka@... | |
Franziska Pfeifer Technical manager |
| pfeifer@... |
Aleksandra Piejka Doctoral researcher | piejka@... | |
Dr. Kerrin Pine Scientific researcher | kpine@... | |
Daniéle Pino Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Leipzig University) | pino@... | |
Kornelius Podranski Doctoral researcher | kpodranski@... | |
Lisa-Marie Pohle Doctoral researcher, PhD representative (internal) |
| lmpohle@... |
Dr. Maryna Polyakova External guest researcher |
| polyakova@... |
Dr. Michael Christopher Postzich Postdoc | postzich@... | |
Dr. Jellina Prinsen Guest researcher | ||
Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Prinz Director Emeritus |
| prinz@... |
Lara Puhlmann Guest researcher |
| puhlmann@... |
Elena Pyatigorskaya Doctoral researcher | pyatigorskaya@... |