
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Ü All
Professor Dr. Julia Sacher
Group leader (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
  • +49 341 9940-2409
Dr. Fiora Salis
Research associate
  • +49 341 9940-124
PD Dr. Daniela Sammler
Research associate
  • +49 69 8300 479 850
Dr. Gesa Schaadt, Dipl.-Psych.
Guest researcher
  • +49 341 9940-2219
Dr. Lina Schaare
Dr. Patrick Scheibe
  • +49 341 9940-2423
Tobias Schenk
  • +49 341 9940-2210
Dr. Nico Scherf
Group leader, Deputy Ombudsperson
  • +49 341 9940-2692
Carina Schlichter
Human resources
  • +49 341 9940-175
Jochen Schmidt
Doctoral researcher
Marianna Elisa Schmidt
Doctoral researcher
Heike Schmidt-Duderstedt, Dipl.-Grafikdesignerin
  • +49 341 9940-2218
Patricia Schmorde
Library staff, Occupational Health Management
  • +49 341 9940-117
Dr. Christina Schröder
Research Co-ordinator
  • +49 341 9940-132
Joëlle A. M. Schroën, M.Sc.
Doctoral researcher
  • +49 341 9940-157
Professor Dr. Dr. Matthias Schroeter, M.A.
Group leader (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
  • +49 341 9724962
Dr. Anna-Lisa Schuler
Clara Schüler, M.Sc.
Doctoral researcher
  • +49 341 9940-2234
Jessica Schulz
Human resources
  • +49 341 9940-2670
Mario Schulze
Administrative staff
  • +49 341 9940-131
Kerstin Schumer
Lab co-ordinator
  • +49 341 9940-174
Dr. Katja Seeliger
PD Dr. med. Bernhard Sehm
Group leader (in cooperation with SRH Klinikum Naumburg)
  • +49 341 9940-116
Kenny Seidel
Lab manager
Dr. Maryam Seif
Research associate
  • +49 341 9940-133
  • +41 (44) 510 72 14
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