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Niklas Wallstein
External guest researcher
Maria Waltmann
Guest researcher
Bin Wan
Doctoral researcher
fei Wang
Doctoral researcher
  • 0341 9940124
Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Weise
Scientific researcher
  • +49 341 9940-2580
Professor Dr. Nikolaus Weiskopf
Managing Director
  • +49 341 9940-133
Suong Welp
Doctoral researcher
Huantao Wen
Doctoral researcher (Stipend-holder "China Scholarship Council")
Tilo Werner
Facilities technician
  • +49 341 9940-151
Annett Wiedemann
Medical-technical assistant
  • +49 341 9724-546
Dr. Florian Wilhelmy
Guest researcher (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Kathleen Williams
Simone Wipper
Medical-technical assistant
  • +49 341 9940-190
PD Dr. Veronica Witte
Group leader (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
  • +49 341 9940-2426
Yvonne Wolff-Rosier
Medical-technical assistant
  • +49 341 9940-2520
Dr. Qiong Wu
  • +49 341 9940-2219
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