Former Minerva Research Group Brain Modes
Background and objective
The brain is a highly adaptive, self-organizing complex system, which has evolved such that neuronal responses and related behavior are continuously optimized with respect to the external and internal context. This capability is achieved by the modulation of neuronal interactions depending on the history of previously processed information. Such meaningful connectivity changes, together with stochastic processes (e.g. thermal noise) influence ongoing neuronal dynamics. The role of such state-dependent fluctuations may be one of the fundamental computational properties of the brain, being pervasively present in human behavior and leaving a distinctive fingerprint in neuroscience data.
By combining advanced multimodal neuroimaging and computational modeling we aim to identify generative mechanisms of ongoing neuronal dynamics and to elucidate principles of interaction between ongoing dynamics and incoming events or tasks.
Methodological developments:
- My Virtual Dream (
- The Virtual Brain (
- Ultrafast EEG-fMRI
- EEG-neurofeedback during fMRI
- Combined 3D-spatial and temporal wavelet analysis
Department of Neurology, Charité, University Medicine Berlin
10117 Berlin, Charitéplatz 1
Job openings
If you are interested in working in our group please send an e-mail to
Current members:
PD Dr. Petra Ritter - Head of Group
Boillet, Camille – Student Assistant
Chettauf, Sabrina – PhD student
Ghani, Amna – PhD student
Komissarov, Anton – Student Assistant
Laubisch, Hans – Student Assistant
Llarena, Adalberto – PhD – Post Doc
Schirner,Michael – PhD student
Palmer, Jessica – Media Artist
Rothmeier, Simon – PhD student
Stosio, Karolina – Master student
Sigala, Rodrigo – PhD- postdoc
Stefanovski, Leon – Master student
Triebkorn, Paul – MD student
Vollbrecht, Daniel – Master student
Bernstein Focus State Dependencies of Learning (
Brain Network Recovery Group (
BrainModes Workshop (
Brain Connectivity Workshop (
BrainModes Group at the Department of Neurology Charité University Medicine Berlin (