Solving the Neuroelectromagnetic Forward Problem Using the Finite Elements Method (FEM)


  • Incorporation of tissue inhomogeneity and anisotropy in order to achieve greater accuracy.
  • The main goal is to investigate the impact of simplifications and model misspecifications onto the accuracy of forward calculation and source localization.
  • The result of this project should be a comprehensive account on the sensitivity of forward calculations and source reconstructions towards possible inaccuracies in the forward model, depending on source position, noise, sensor configuration and other parameters.

People involved

  • Moritz Dannhauer
  • Thomas Knösche (responsible)


  • University of Münster (Carsten Wolters)
  • Technical University of Ilmenau (Jens Haueisen)
  • Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in Natural Sciences (Lars Grasedyck)


  • M. Dannhauer, T.R. Knösche, B. Lanfer, C. Wolters. Skull tissue conductivity modelling affects forward and inverse solution: an EEG simulation study across subjects. Abstract at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009, San Francisco
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