Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
High Resolution Tractography Based on Ultra High Field Diffusion MRI
Using a combination of reduced field-of-view and partial parallel imaging, called ZOOPPA.
Focusing on improving the spatial resolution (down to 0.8 mm isotropic), while keeping acceptable number of directions (60) and signal-to-noise ratio.
Reveals fine details of fiber orientation, also in grey matter areas.
Tractography of complex crossings within the white matter, and the grey-white-matter interface.
People currently involved
Alfred Anwander
Robin Heidemann (Neurophysics department)
Thomas Knösche
Publications (peer reviewed)
R.M. Heidemann, A. Anwander, T. Feiweier, T.R. Knösche, R. Turner: k-space and q-space: Combining ultrahigh spatial and angular resolution in diffusion imaging using ZOOPPA at 7T. NeuroImage (accepted)
R.M. Heidemann, D.A. Porter, A. Anwander, T. Feiweier, K. Heberlein, T.R. Knösche, R. Turner: Diffusion Imaging in Humans at 7T using Readout-Segmented EPI and GRAPPA. MRM 64(1), 9-14 (2010)