Publications of Emiliano Zaccarella

Poster (32)

Papitto, G.; Friederici, A.; Zaccarella, E.: Classifying actions: A behavioral pilot study on the retrieval of action representations. 10th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School in Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig, Germany (2021)
Maran, M.; Numssen, O.; Hartwigsen, G.; Friederici, A. D.; Zaccarella, E.: Towards a causal role of Broca's area in language: A TMS-EEG study on syntactic prediction. OHBM 2021 Annual Meeting, Virtual (2021)
Pyatigorskaya, E.; Maran, M.; Friederici, A. D.; Zaccarella, E.: Testing automaticity of syntax using subliminal priming: A behavioural assessment in the German language. Psychologie und Gehirn (PuG) 2021, Virtual (2021)
Pyatigorskaya, E.; Maran, M.; Friederici, A. D.; Zaccarella, E.: Testing automaticity of syntax using subliminal priming: A behavioral assessment in German language. Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting (SNL 2020), Virtual (2020)
Zaccarella, E.; Gradmann, U.; Carthaus, A.; Tebay, S. E.: Extracting neighborhood density for lexical access using phonologically-weighted Levenshtein Distance (pwLD). 26th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference (AMLaP 2020), Potsdam, Germany (2020)
Graessner, A.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A. D.; Obrig, H.; Hartwigsen, G.: Fronto-temporal contributions to basic semantic composition: Evidence from lesion-behavior mapping. IMPRS Conference: Interdiscipliniary Approaches in the Language Sciences, Virtual Conference (2020)
Graessner, A.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A.; Regenbrecht, F.; Obrig, H.; Hartwigsen, G.: Neuronale Grundlagen von semantischer Komposition: Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer Läsionsstudie. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Aphasieforschung und -behandlung, Leipzig, Germany (2019)
Trettenbrein, P.; Papitto, G.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A.: The neural basis of sign language processing in deaf signers: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis. 13th Conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR), Hamburg, Germany (2019)
Trettenbrein, P.; Pendzich, N.-K.; Cramer, J.-M.; Kollien, S.; Friederici, A.; Zaccarella, E.: Psycholinguistic norms for more than 300 lexical manual signs in German Sign Language (DGS). 13th Conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR), Hamburg, Germany (2019)
Zaccarella, E.; Glaubig, L.: Emergence of categorical abstraction in children's production: Corpus-based prediction modeling on DET-NOUN combination. 2019 DISPOC Conference on Brain, Learning and Language, University of Siena, Italy (2019)
Trettenbrein, P.; Papitto, G.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A.: Reviewing the functional neuroanatomy of sign language in deaf signers: An Activation Likelihood Estimation meta-analysis. IMPRS Summer School in Cognitive Neuroscience 2019, Leipzig, Germany (2019)
Maran, M.; Hartwigsen, G.; Friederici, A.; Zaccarella, E.: A TMS-EEG study on syntactic prediction and integration in the left inferior frontal gyrus. 9th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Leipzig, Germany (2019)
Graessner, A.; Friederici, A.; Zaccarella, E.; Hartwigsen, G.: Task-specific neural correlates of basic semantic composition. 25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Rome, Italy (2019)
Maran, M.; Hartwigsen, G.; Friederici, A. D.; Zaccarella, E.: An online TMS-EEG study on syntactic prediction and integration in the left inferior frontal gyrus. 7th Science Factory: TMS-EEG Summer School and Workshop, Espoo, Finland (2019)
Papitto, G.; Friederici, A.; Zaccarella, E.: The neural correlates of actions: A meta-analytical perspective on motor domains and movement features. Rovereto Workshop on Concepts, Actions, and Objects: Functional and Neural Perspectives, Rovereto, Italy (2019)
Graessner, A.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A.; Hartwigsen, G.: Neural correlates of basic semantic composition. 63. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionellen Bildgebung (DGKN), Freiburg, Germany (2019)
Graessner, A.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A. D.; Hartwigsen, G.: Neural correlates of basic semantic composition. 7th Visions in Science, Berlin, Germany (2018)
Maran, M.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A. D.: The neural basis of phrasal building. 8th IMPRS Neurocom Summer School, Leipzig, Germany (2018)
Trettenbrein, P.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A.: Investigating the modality (in-)dependence of syntactic processing. Retreat of the International Max Planck Research School on Neuroscience of Communication: Function, Structure, and Plasticity (IMPRS NeuroCom), Berlin (2018)
Maran, M.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A. D.: The neural basis of phrasal building. IMPRS Retreat, Berlin, Germany (2018)
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