Obituary: Anneliese Pontius

Anneliese Pontius was a pioneer in neuropsychiatry. Thanks to her, we have gained basic knowledge about one form of partial epilepsy, the so-called Limbic Psychotic Trigger Reaction, which is seen as a subtype of psychomotor attacks. Thereby, affected persons experience “behaviour attacks” which are often connected with psychosis. In this context the former Harvard professor also engaged herself for many years in the relationship between brain damage and crime, and focused in particular on a special type of epilepsy in which actions are carried out without planning and are free of emotions.
Our Institute owes a great deal to the married scientist couple Anneliese and Dieter Pontius for the Pontius Foundation, which was named after them. Benefactors’ projects in the fields of neuropsychiatry and neurophysics are supported by the foundation, which especially appreciates research involving creative ideas. Through its sponsored scholarship programme, but also due to the high-ranking research of the fellows, the name Pontius will live on in the future.
Anneliese Pontius was an extraordinary, lively, inquisitive and fascinating science personality. We will miss the exchange with her.