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Dr Ulrike Lachmann
Laurenz Lammer
MD student (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Mathis Lammert
MD student (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Liping Lan
Doctoral researcher
Julia Laudon
Guest researcher
Yee Teng Lee
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Dr. Jöran Lepsien
Scientific researcher, Data security co-ordinator
  • +49 341 9940-167
Dr. Tobias Leutritz
External guest researcher
Jialin Li
Doctoral researcher
  • +49 3419940-149
Alexander Linke
Doctoral researcher
  • 0341 9940 2287
Maja Linke
Wenyue Liu
  • 0341 9940149
Chia-Wen Lo
  • +49 3419940-107
Thomas Loesche
Guest researcher
  • 034199402219
Dr. Alessandro Lopopolo
Guest researcher (in cooperation with University of Potsdam)
Nicole Lorenz
International Officer (IMPRS)
  • +49 341 9940-149
Dr. Romy Lorenz
Research associate
Alina S. Löser
Doctoral researcher (Stipend-holder "Leipzig University")
Jingyu Luo
Guest researcher
Dr. Falk Lüsebrink-Rindsland
Scientific researcher (in cooperation with DZNE Magdeburg)
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