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Johannes Singer
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with FU Berlin)
Kajal Singla
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Dr. Michael A. Skeide
Research group leader
  • +49 341 9940-130
Dr. Ksenija Slivac
Postdoc, Postdoc representative
Paulina Smirnov
Scientific researcher
Sasha Smolarchik Brenner Socas
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Sarah Sobotta
Doctoral researcher
Marie Luise Speiger
Doctoral researcher
Professor Dr. Benjamin Stahl
External guest researcher
  • +49 30 450 539 709
Sylvia Stasch
Medical-technical assistant
  • +49 341 9940-144
Christopher J. Steele, PhD
Research associate
  • +1514 848 2424 2487
Paul Steinfath
Doctoral researcher
Dr. Tilman Stephani
  • +49 341 9940-2243
Laura Stoinski
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Anna-Lena Stroh
Postdoc (in cooperation with Jagiellonian University)
Alina Studenova
Doctoral researcher (Stipend-holder "Guest Programme")
Viktor Studenyak
Doctoral researcher
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