Concurrent perception and action

In every day life, perception neither stops while someone acts, nor does action stop while someone perceives something. Rather, perception and action occur simultaneously, and they have the capacity to influence each other. In the projects in this cluster are variety of issues which emerge from this reciprocal influence are investigated. One important question is how and under what conditions action and perception interfere with each other or facilitate each other. The general principles of action-perception interference/facilitation are investigated, as well as how this is influenced by motor expertise (typing, piano playing). How does the perception of expertise-relevant stimuli influence action under conditions in which expertise is not task-relevant? What does this say about the processes involved in expert performance?

Further, action errors play an important role in correcting ongoing actions and in planning future actions more precisely. Here it is investigated when and how action errors are perceived. Finally, the principles of action control when perception does not refer to an event in the environment, but refers to events located on the own body, are investigated.

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