Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Connectivity-Based Cortex Parcellation
Parcellation of the cortical sheet on the basis of probabilistic tractograms. The similarity matrix of the tractograms is subjected to a clustering algorithm and the results are mapped back on the cortical surface.
Effective use of modern tractography and local modelling techniques.
Development of new effective hierarchical clustering algorithms.
Development of effective measures for the quality of parcellations. They should reflect sharpness of the boundaries and internal homogeneity of patches.
Comparison with other parcellation methods.
Application to various areas of the cortex.
People currently involved
Alfred Anwander (responsible)
David Moreno Dominguez
Thomas Knösche
External cooperations
University of Capetown (Tania Douglas)
MPI for Neurological Research Cologne (Christoph Schütte, Nico Gorbach, Corina Meltzer, Marc Tittgemeyer)
Publications (peer reviewed)
T.R. Knösche and M. Tittgemeyer: The role of Long-Range Connectivity for the Characterization of the Functional-Anatomical Organization of the Cortex, Frontiers in System Neuroscience 5:58. Epub 2011 Jul 7 (2011)
R.I. Schubotz, A. Anwander, T.R. Knösche, D.Y. von Cramon, M. Tittgemeyer: Connectivity-Based Parcellation of the Precentral Gyrus, NeuroImage 50, 396-408 (2010)
Anwander, A.; Tittgemeyer, M.; von Cramon, D.Y. ; Friederici, A.D.; Knösche, T.R. (2007). Connectivity-Based Parcellation of Broca's Area. Cerebral Cortex, Volume 17, Number 4, pp. 816-825, Advance Access published May 17, 2006.