Curriculum Vitae
Academic Education
1962 - 1966Study of Psychology, Philosophy, and Zoology (University of Muenster, Germany)
1966 - 1970
Research Assistant at the Chair of Cognitive Psychology (Department of Psychology, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Diploma in Psychology (University of Muenster, Germany)
PhD at the School of Philosophy, Pedagogy, and Psychology (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
1970 - 1974Senior Researcher at the Department of Psychology (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
1974 - 1975
Interim Professor of Psychology of Learning (University of Essen, Germany)
1975 - 1990
Professor of Experimental Psychology (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
1976 - 1977
Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Philosophy, and Psychology (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
1982 - 1989
Research Director at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
1990 - 1998
Professor of Psychology and Philosophy (Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany)
1990 - 2004
Director at the Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research Munich, Germany
1997 - 2000
Head of the Humanities Section of the Max Planck Society
since 1998
Honorary Professor for Psychology at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
since 2004
Director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
since 2005
Honorary Professor for Psychology at the University of Leipzig, Germany
since 2010
Director emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
graduation to Dr. phil. h.c. at the German Sport University Cologne, Germany