Publications of Filip Morys

Preprint (2)

Beyer, F.; Horn, K.; Frenzel, S.; Hofer, E.; Knol, M. J.; Morys, F.; Vainik, U.; der Auwera, S. V.; Wittfeld, K.; Saba, Y. et al.; Adams, H. H. H.; Bülow, R.; Grabe, H.; Homuth, G.; Koini, M.; Loeffler, M.; Schmidt, H.; Schmidt, R.; Teumer, A.; Vernooij, M. W.; Villringer, A.; Völzke, H.; Zonneveld, H.; Dagher, A.; Scholz, M.; Witte, A. V.: Investigating the genetic and environmental basis of head micromovements during MRI. bioRxiv (2021)
Lammert, M.; Morys, F.; Hartmann, H.; Janssen, L.; Horstmann, A.: MIS – a new scoring method for the operation span task that accounts for math, remembered items and sequence. PsyArXiv (2019)
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