Publications of Anna-Lena Tebbe

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Steffan, A.; Zimmer, L.; Arias-Trejo, N.; Bohn, M.; Ben, R. D.; Flores-Coronado, M. A.; Franchin, L.; Garbisch, I.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Hamlin, J. K. et al.; Havron, N.; Hay, J. F.; Hermansen, T. K.; Jakobsen, K. V.; Kalinke, S.; Ko, E.-S.; Kulke, L.; Mayor, J.; Meristo, M.; Moreau, D.; Mun, S.; Prein, J.; Rakoczy, H.; Rothmaler, K.; Oliveira, D. S.; Simpson, E. A.; Smith, E. S.; Strid, K.; Tebbe, A.-L.; Thiele, M.; Yuen, F.; Schuwerk, T.: Validation of an open source, remote web-based eye-tracking method (WebGazer) for research in early childhood. Infancy 29 (1), pp. 31 - 55 (2024)
Journal Article
Boylan, M. R.; Panitz, C.; Tebbe, A.-L.; Vieweg, P.; Forschack, N.; Müller, M. M.; Keil, A.: Feature-based attentional amplitude modulations of the steady-state visual evoked potentials reflect blood oxygen level dependent changes in feature-sensitive visual areas. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 35 (9), pp. 1493 - 1507 (2023)
Journal Article
Ruggeri, K.; Panin, A.; Vdovic, M.; Većkalov, B.; Abdul-Salaam, N.; Achterberg, J.; Akil, C.; Amatya, J.; Amatya, K.; Andersen, T. L. et al.; Aquino, S. D.; Arunasalam, A.; Ashcroft-Jones, S.; Askelund, A. D.; Ayacaxli, N.; Sheshdeh, A. B.; Bailey, A.; Barea Arroyo, P.; Mejía, G. B.; Benvenuti, M.; Berge, M. L.; Bermaganbet, A.; Bibilouri, K.; Bjørndal, L. D.; Black, S.; Lyshol, J. K. B.; Brik, T.; Buabang, E. K.; Burghart, M.; Bursalıoğlu, A.; Buzayu, N. M.; Čadek, M.; de Carvalho, N. M.; Cazan, A.-M.; Çetinçelik, M.; Chai, V. E.; Chen, P.; Chen, S.; Clay, G.; D’Ambrogio, S.; Damnjanović, K.; Duffy, G.; Dugue, T.; Dwarkanath, T.; Envuladu, E. A.; Erceg, N.; Esteban-Serna, C.; Farahat, E.; Farrokhnia, R. A.; Fawad, M.; Fedryansyah, M.; Feng, D.; Filippi, S.; Fonollá, M. A.; Freichel, R.; Freira, L.; Friedemann, M.; Gao, Z.; Ge, S.; Geiger, S. J.; George, L.; Grabovski, I.; Gracheva, A.; Gracheva, A.; Hajian, A.; Hasan, N.; Hecht, M.; Hong, X.; Hubená, B.; Ikonomeas, A. G. F.; Ilić, S.; Izydorczyk, D.; Jakob, L.; Janssens, M.; Jarke, H.; Kácha, O.; Kalinova, K. N.; Kapingura, F. M.; Karakasheva, R.; Kasdan, D. O.; Kemel, E.; Khorrami, P.; Krawiec, J. M.; Lagidze, N.; Lazarević, A.; Lazić, A.; Lee, H. S.; Lep, Ž.; Lins, S.; Lofthus, I. S.; Macchia, L.; Mamede, S.; Mamo, M. A.; Maratkyzy, L.; Mareva, S.; Marwaha, S.; McGill, L.; McParland, S.; Melnic, A.; Meyer, S. A.; Mizak, S.; Mohammed, A.; Mukhyshbayeva, A.; Navajas, J.; Neshevska, D.; Niazi, S. J.; Nieves, A. E. N.; Nippold, F.; Oberschulte, J.; Otto, T.; Pae, R.; Panchelieva, T.; Park, S. Y.; Pascu, D. S.; Pavlović, I.; Petrović, M. B.; Popović, D.; Prinz, G. M.; Rachev, N. R.; Ranc, P.; Razum, J.; Rho, C. E.; Riitsalu, L.; Rocca, F.; Rosenbaum, R. S.; Rujimora, J.; Rusyidi, B.; Rutherford, C.; Said, R.; Sanguino, I.; Sarikaya, A. K.; Say, N.; Schuck, J.; Shiels, M.; Shir, Y.; Sievert, E. D. C.; Soboleva, I.; Solomonia, T.; Soni, S.; Soysal, I.; Stablum, F.; Sundström, F. T. A.; Tang, X.; Tavera, F.; Taylor, J.; Tebbe, A.-L.; Thommesen, K. K.; Tobias-Webb, J.; Todsen, A. L.; Toscano, F.; Tran, T.; Trinh, J.; Turati, A.; Ueda, K.; Vacondio, M.; Vakhitov, V.; Valencia, A. J.; Van Reyn, C.; Venema, T. A. G.; Verra, S. E.; Vintr, J.; Vranka, M. A.; Wagner, L.; Wu, X.; Xing, K. Y.; Xu, K.; Xu, S.; Yamada, Y.; Yosifova, A.; Zupan, Z.; García-Garzon, E.: The globalizability of temporal discounting. Nature Human Behaviour 6 (10), pp. 1386 - 1397 (2022)
Journal Article
Tebbe, A.-L.; Friedl, W. M.; Alpers, G. W.; Keil, A.: Effects of affective content and motivational context on neural gain functions during naturalistic scene perception. European Journal of Neuroscience 53 (10), pp. 3323 - 3340 (2021)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Tebbe, A.-L.; Rothmaler, K.; Köster, M.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Neural object processing in infants and adults is influenced by the perspective of others. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Psychophysiological-Research (SPR), 59 (Suppl. 1), p. S128 - S128. (2022)

Talk (2)

Tebbe, A.-L.; Rothmaler, K.; Köster, M.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Frequency tagging in infants and adults reveals neural object processing on behalf of others. 7th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Childhood Development, Lancaster, United Kingdom (2022)
Tebbe, A.-L.; Rothmaler, K.; Köster, M.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Altercentric modulation of neural object processing in adults and infants. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development (BCCCD), Virtual (2022)

Poster (6)

Tebbe, A.-L.; Rothmaler, K.; Köster, M.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Frequency tagging in infants and adults reveals neural object processing on behalf of others. 11th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2022)
Tebbe, A.-L.; Rothmaler, K.; Köster, M.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: How others’ perspective affects infants’ and adults’ object processing. CEU Summer University – Representing the world in the developing mind: from objects to context, Budapest, Hungary (2021)
Tebbe, A.-L.; Rothmaler, K.; Köster, M.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: How others’ perspective affects infants’ and adults’ object processing. 10th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Virtual (2021)
Tebbe, A.-L.; Rothmaler, K.; Köster, M.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Is infants’ object processing influenced by what others can see? Using evoked oscillatory brain activi-ty to track early visual perspective taking. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Virtual (2021)
Tebbe, A.-L.; Czernin, N.; Keil, A.: Using mathematical models for quantifying event-related electrophysiological responses. 59th Annual Meeting of the Society of Psychophysiological Research, Washington, DC, USA (2019)
Tebbe, A.-L.; Keil, A.: Effects of emotional content and motivational context on contrast response functions of naturalistic stimuli. 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vienna, Austria (2017)

Teaching (1)

Berger, P.; Schroen, J.; Tebbe, A.-L.; Schüler, C.; Speiger, M. L.: Planning and conducting an experiment in cognitive psychology. Lecture: Seminar, University of Leipzig, Germany, October 01, 2021 - March 31, 2022

Preprint (2)

Tebbe, A.-L.; Rothmaler, K.; Köster, M.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Infants and adults neurally represent the perspective of others like their own perception. bioRxiv (2024)
Schuwerk, T.; Kampis, D.; Baillargeon, R.; Biro, S.; Bohn, M.; Byers-Heinlein, K.; Dörrenberg, S.; Fisher, C.; Franchin, L.; Fulcher, T. et al.; Garbisch, I.; Geraci, A.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Hamlin, K.; Haun, D. B. M.; Hepach, R.; Hunnius, S.; Hyde, D. C.; Karman, P.; Kosakowski, H.; Kovács, Á. M.; Krämer, A.; Kulke, L.; Lee, C.; Lew-Williams, C.; Liszkowski, U.; Mahowald, K.; Mascaro, O.; Meyer, M.; Moreau, D.; Perner, J.; Poulin-Dubois, D.; Powell, L.; Prein, J. C.; Priewasser, B.; Proft, M.; Raz, G.; Reschke, P. J.; Ross, J.; Rothmaler, K.; Saxe, R.; Schneider, D.; Southgate, V.; Surian, L.; Tebbe, A.-L.; Träuble, B.; Tsui, A.; Wertz, A.; Woodward, A.; Yuen, F.; Rose, A.; Zellner, Y. L.; Zimmer, L.; Frank, M. C.; Rakoczy, H.: Action anticipation based on an agent's epistemic state in toddlers and adults. PsyArXiv (2021)

Blog Post (1)

Blog Post
Tebbe, A.-L.; Faßbender, R.: Eltern und Babys: Aus den Augen, (nicht) aus dem Sinn? (2021)
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