Publications of Hellmuth Obrig

Teaching (25)

Obrig, H.: Pathologie und Klinik des Gehirns. Lecture: Lecture, Graduiertenkolleg "InterNeuro" Leipzig; Germany, 2009-10 - 2010-02
Obrig, H.; Schroeter, M. L.; Villringer, A.: Kognitive Neurologie - Konzepte und Kasuistiken. Lecture: Series of lectures, University of Leipzig, Faculty of Medicine, 2009-04 - 2009-07
Obrig, H.; Schroeter, M. L.; Villringer, A.: Kognitive Neurologie - Konzepte und Kasuistiken [Cognitive neurology - Concepts and casuistics]. Lecture: Series of lectures, Clinic for Cognitive Neurology, University of Leipzig, Germany, 2009 - 2010

Thesis - PhD (2)

Thesis - PhD
Martínez-Maestro, M.: Functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy (fMRS) for the investigation of brain metabolism during neural activation at 3T and 7T. Dissertation, University of Leipzig, Germany (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Kappes, C. D.: Voice-identity processing in patients with brain lesions. Dissertation, 129 pp., University of Leipzig, Leipzig (2017)

Thesis - Master (1)

Thesis - Master
Diprossimo, L.: Hemodynamic correlates of perceptual anchoring in infants: A functional-near-infrared spectroscopy study. Master, University of Trento, Italy (2019)
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