Publications of Patrick Ragert

Journal Article (85)

Journal Article
Maudrich, T.; Degener, S.; Ragert, P.; Kenville, R.: The impact of acute blood‐flow‐restriction resistance exercise on somatosensory‐evoked potentials in healthy adults. Experimental Physiology (2024)
Journal Article
Kenville, R.; Clauß, M.; Berkow, S.; Ragert, P.; Maudrich, T.: The impact of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation on isometric bench press performance in trained athletes. Heliyon 10 (9), e29951 (2024)
Journal Article
Kaminski, E.; Carius, D.; Knieke, J.; Mizuguchi, N.; Ragert, P.: Complex sequential learning is not facilitated by transcranial direct current stimulation over DLPFC or M1. European Journal of Neuroscience 59 (8), pp. 2046 - 2058 (2024)
Journal Article
Carius, D.; Kaminski, E.; Clauß, M.; Schewe, Y.; Ryk, L.; Ragert, P.: Quantifying motor adaptation in a sport-specific table tennis setting. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 601 (2024)
Journal Article
Maudrich, T.; Ragert, P.; Perrey, S.; Kenville, R.: Letter to the Editor: Response regarding "Single-session anodal transcranial direct current stimulation to enhance sport-specific performance in athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis". Brain Stimulation 16 (5), pp. 1551 - 1552 (2023)
Journal Article
Carius, D.; Herold, F.; Clauß, M.; Kaminski, E.; Wagemann, F.; Sterl, C.; Ragert, P.: Increased cortical activity in novices compared to experts during table tennis: A whole-brain fNIRS study using threshold-free cluster enhancement analysis. Brain Topography 36 (4), pp. 500 - 516 (2023)
Journal Article
Maudrich, T.; Ragert, P.; Perrey, S.; Kenville, R.: Single-session anodal transcranial direct current stimulation to enhance sport-specific performance in athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain Stimulation 15 (6), pp. 1517 - 1529 (2022)
Journal Article
Kaminski, E.; Maudrich, T.; Bassler, P.; Ordnung, M.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: tDCS over the primary motor cortex contralateral to the trained hand enhances cross-limb transfer in older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 14, 935781 (2022)
Journal Article
Carius, D.; Kenville, R.; Maudrich, D.; Riechel, J.; Lenz, H.; Ragert, P.: Cortical processing during table tennis: An fNIRS study in experts and novices. European Journal of Sport Science 22 (9), pp. 1315 - 1325 (2022)
Journal Article
Maudrich, T.; Kandt, H.; Ragert, P.; Kenville, R.: Whole-body sensorimotor skill learning in football players: No evidence for motor transfer effects. PLoS One 17 (7), e0271412 (2022)
Journal Article
Ekhtiari, H.; Ghobadi-Azbari, P.; Thielscher, A.; Antal, A.; Li, L. M.; Shereen, A. D.; Cabral-Calderin, Y.; Keeser, D.; Bergmann, T. O.; Jamil, A. et al.; Violante, I. R.; Almeida, J.; Meinzer, M.; Siebner, H. R.; Woods, A. J.; Stagg, C. J.; Abend, R.; Antonenko, D.; Auer, T.; Bächinger, M.; Baeken, C.; Barron, H. C.; Chase, H. W.; Crinion, J.; Datta, A.; Davis, M. H.; Ebrahimi, M.; Esmaeilpour, Z.; Falcone, B.; Fiori, V.; Ghodratitoostani, I.; Gilam, G.; Grabner, R. H.; Greenspan, J. D.; Groen, G.; Hartwigsen, G.; Hauser, T. U.; Herrmann, C. S.; Juan, C.-H.; Krekelberg, B.; Lefebvre, S.; Liew, S.-L.; Madsen, K. H.; Mahdavifar-Khayati, R.; Malmir, N.; Marangolo, P.; Martin, A. K.; Meeker, T. J.; Ardabili, H. M.; Moisa, M.; Momi, D.; Mulyana, B.; Opitz, A.; Orlov, N.; Ragert, P.; Ruff, C. C.; Ruffini, G.; Ruttorf, M.; Sangchooli, A.; Schellhorn, K.; Schlaug, G.; Sehm, B.; Soleimani, G.; Tavakoli, H.; Thompson, B.; Timmann, D.; Tsuchiyagaito, A.; Ulrich, M.; Vosskuhl, J.; Weinrich, C. A.; Zare-Bidoky, M.; Zhang, X.; Zoefel, B.; Nitsche, M. A.; Bikson, M.: A checklist for assessing the methodological quality of concurrent tES-fMRI studies (ContES checklist): A consensus study and statement. Nature Protocols 17 (3), pp. 596 - 617 (2022)
Journal Article
Maudrich, T.; Hähner, S.; Kenville, R.; Ragert, P.: Somatosensory-evoked potentials as a marker of functional neuroplasticity in athletes: A systematic review. Frontiers in Physiology 12, 821605 (2022)
Journal Article
Kenville, R.; Maudrich, D.; Körner, S.; Zimmer, J.; Ragert, P.: Effects of short-term dynamic balance training on postural stability in school-aged football players and gymnasts. Frontiers in Psychology 12, 767036 (2021)
Journal Article
Maudrich, T.; Kenville, R.; Schempp, C.; Noack, E.; Ragert, P.: Comparison of whole-body sensorimotor skill learning between strength athletes, endurance athletes and healthy sedentary adults. Heliyon 7 (8), e07723 (2021)
Journal Article
Kaminski, E.; Engelhardt, M.; Hoff, M.; Steele, C.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: tDCS effects on pointing task learning in young and old adults. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 3421 (2021)
Journal Article
Predel, C.; Kaminski, E.; Hoff, M.; Carius, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Motor skill learning-induced functional plasticity in the primary somatosensory cortex: A comparison between young and older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 12, 596438 (2020)
Journal Article
Gundlach, C.; Müller, M. M.; Hoff, M.; Ragert, P.; Nierhaus, T.; Villringer, A.; Sehm, B.: Reduction of somatosensory functional connectivity by transcranial alternating current stimulation at endogenous mu-frequency. NeuroImage 221, 117175 (2020)
Journal Article
Maudrich, T.; Kenville, R.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.; Nikulin, V. V.: Voluntary inhibition of physiological mirror activity: An EEG-EMG study. eNeuro 7 (5), 0326-20.2020 (2020)
Journal Article
Carius, D.; Hörnig, L.; Ragert, P.; Kaminski, E.: Characterizing cortical hemodynamic changes during climbing and its relation to climbing expertise. Neuroscience Letters 715, 134604 (2020)
Journal Article
Kenville, R.; Maudrich, T.; Vidaurre, C.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.; Nikulin, V. V.: Intermuscular coherence between homologous muscles during dynamic and static movement periods of bipedal squatting. Journal of Neurophysiology 124 (4), pp. 1045 - 1055 (2020)
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