Publications of Patrick Freund

Preprint (5)

Karthik, E. N.; Valosek, J.; Smith, A. C.; Pfyffer, D.; Schading-Sassenhausen, S.; Farner, V.; Weber II, K. A.; Freund, P.; Cohen-Adad, J.: SCIseg: Automatic segmentation of T2-weighted intramedullary lesions in spinal cord injury. medRxiv (2024)
Lebret, A.; Lévy, S.; Freund, P.; Callot, V.; Seif, M.: Test-retest repeatability of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) measurements in the cervical cord. medRxiv (2024)
Kündig, C. W.; Finsterbusch, J.; Freund, P.; David, G.: Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbosacral cord during a lower extremity motor task. bioRxiv (2024)
David, G.; Fricke, B.; Oeschger, J. M.; Ruthotto, L.; Freund, P.; Tabelow, K.; Mohammadi, S.: ACID: A comprehensive toolbox for image processing and modeling of brain, spinal cord, and post-mortem diffusion MRI data. bioRxiv (2023)
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