Using New Technology to Help Recovery from Stroke
We are looking for stroke patients who suffer from motor impairments of the hand or arm between the ages of 20 and 80.
The neurology department of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences is looking for stroke patients who suffer from motor impairments of the hand or arm. We want to test a new stroke therapy that involves a combination of two technologies: One involves applying magnetic fields over the head to assist learning to control hand movements again. The other technology uses computer training to improve communication between the brain and the muscles. Our aim is to see if this innovative treatment can improve hand and arm mobility, even in severe cases of motor impairment after stroke.
This study comprises two testing periods, each lasting 2 weeks, separated by a one-month break. Each testing session lasts between 2 and 3 hours.
- Age between 20 and 80 years
- First-time diagnosis of subcortical stroke with an onset at least 6 months prior to enrollment, confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computer tomography (CT)
- Paralysis of the hand or arm
- NO alcohol or drug abuse
- NO seizures
- NO bone, joint or muscle disease
- NO neurological disease
- NO severe cognitive deficits
In gratitude for their participation in the study, all participants will receive a time allowance of 15 €/hour. Patients based in Leipzig and the surrounding areas will also be provided with a free transportation service (for a maximum trip duration of one hour)
If you are interested to participate in this study by Prof. Dr. med. Arno Villringer, PD Dr. med. Bernhard Sehm and M.Sc. Aimee Flores, please contact us via email at: studie-neuro@cbs.mpg.de or by phone at: +49 341 99402209, Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM