Past Meetings
Nov 27, 2024 | Guest Talk
Sebastian Lapuschkin (Fraunhofer HHI)[Video, Slides]: “XAI as a Tool Beyond Model Understanding – From Heatmaps to Concepts and XAI Automation”
Nov 8, 2024 | Tools & Techniques
Simon M. Hofmann (MPI CBS): “scilaunch your research project”
Oct 25, 2024 | Guest Talk
Christian Tinauer (Med Uni Graz)[Slides]: “Debugging, regularization and validation - explainable deep learning as a means to enhance brain disease classification models using MRI data”
April 12, 2024 | Guest Talk
Adrien Doerig (University Osnabrück)[Video]: “Visual representations in the human brain align with large language models”
Nov 10, 2023 | Guest Talk
Mariya Toneva (MPI for Software Systems)[Video]: “Convergence and divergence between language models and human brains”
Sep 15, 2023 | Guest Talk
Felix Biessmann (BHT, Berlin)[Video]: “Code Reviews, Testing and Documentation - Improving Processes in Data-Driven Software Development”
July 7, 2023 | Journal Club
Nadine Herzog (MPI CBS): Kovalev, Mikheev, & Ossadtchi, “fMRI from EEG is only Deep Learning away: the use of interpretable DL to unravel EEG-fMRI relationships“, arXiv, 2023
July 7, 2023 | Guest Talk
Kamila Jozwik (MIT, University of Cambridge)[Video]: “Disentangling and modelling face perception (Paper1) and animacy representation (Paper2)”
April 26, 2023 | Guest Talk
Fabian Sinz (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen): “Exploring the Visual System with Functional Digital Twins and Inception Loops”
January 13, 2023 | Guest Talk
Casper Hesp (UvA, UCL)[Video]: “Synergistic active inference and its applications for interpreting, predicting, and participating in complex adaptive systems”
December 16, 2022 | Guest Talk
Drew Linsley (Brown University)[Video]: “Harmonizing the object recognition strategies of deep neural networks with humans”
02.12.2022 | Guest Talk
Greta Tuckute (MIT)[Video]: “Many but not all deep neural network audio models capture brain responses and exhibit hierarchical region correspondence” [preprint]
14.10.2022 | Guest Talk
Laurent Caplette (Yale)[Video]: “Characterizing mental representations using deep image synthesis and behavior”
15.07.2022 | Philosophical Discourse
Ole Goltermann & Rena Bayramova (Max Planck School of Cognition)[Video]: “Explainable AI for higher cognitive functions”
10.06.2022 | Guest Talk
Gabriëlle Ras (Donders Institute, Nijmegen)[Video]: “An introduction to explainable deep learning”
29.04.2022| Guest Talk
Johannes Jäger (Complexity Science Hub, Vienna)[Video]: “How Organisms Come to Know the World: Fundamental Limits on Artificial General Intelligence”
29.03.2022 | Guest Talk
Joscha Bach (Intel Labs)[Video]: “Vectors of Intelligence: making sense of intelligent systems with universal capabilities”
14.12.2021 | Guest Talk
Andrew Brock (DeepMind)[Video]: "Understanding when Deep Nets are trainable: Busting Batchnorm, Clipping Gradients, and Plotting Everything"
19.11.2021 | Guest Talk
Raphael Köster (DeepMind): "Human-centred mechanism design with democratic AI research"
08.11.2021 | Guest Talk
Apurva Ratan Murty (MIT)[Video]: "Organization of the ventral visual cortex: Developmental origins and encoding models"
01.10.2021 | Philosophical Discourse
Rowan Sommers (MPI for Psycholinguistics)[Video]: "When connectionism met semantics"
17.09.2021 | Guest Talk
João Sacramento (ETH Zurich)[Slides]: "A contrastive rule for meta-learning"
19.07.2021 | Guest Talk
Simon Kornblith (Google Brain)[Video]: "Understanding neural networks from a representational perspective: effects of width and depth"
09.07.2021 | Peer-reading Club
Simon M. Hofmann, Nico Scherf, & Katja Seeliger (MPI CBS): Cross et al. "Using deep reinforcement learning to reveal how the brain encodes abstract state-space representations in high-dimensional environments" (Neuron, 2021)
25.06.2021 | Guest Talk
Lorenz Deserno (Uni Würzburg): "The role of dopamine in model-based behavior"
14.06.2021 | Guest Talk
Yaniv Morgenstern (Justus Liebig University Giessen): "Towards understanding human shape representation with image-computable models"
11.06.2021 | Guest Talk
Grace W. Lindsay (University College London) [Video]: "Dissecting how recurrent neural networks process noisy images"
14.05.2021 | Guest Talk
Stéphane Deny (Facebook AI) [Video, Slides]: "Redundancy Reduction: A Powerful Principle for Neuroscience and AI"
16. & 23. 04.2021 | Tools & Techniques
Mina Jamshidi Idaji (MPI CBS) [Jupyter Notebooks]: "Graph theory: A primer"
28.08.2020 | Tools & Techniques
Tilman Stephani (MPI CBS) [Jupyter Notebook]: „Primer on Structural Equation Modeling“
17.07.2020 | Guest Talk
Vanessa Scholz (Donders Institute) : "Too much or too little? The clinical relevance of cognitive control over motivational biases in decision making"
03.07.2020 | Tools & Techniques
Richard Gast & Daniel Rose (MPI CBS) : "Dynamical Systems Approaches to Neuroscience: A Hands-On Introduction via PyRates"
19.06.2020 | Research Presentation
Sofie Valk (MPI CBS) : „Shaping Brain Structure: Genetic and Phylogenetic Axes of Macro Scale Organization of Cortical Thickness“
05.06.2020 | Guest Talk
Kate Storrs (Justus Liebig University Giessen): „Learning About the World By Learning About Images“
22.05.2020 | Research Presentation
Malte Brammerloh (MPI CBS) | "Biophysical modeling of the iron-induced MRI contrast in Substantia Nigra"
08.05.2020 | Research Presentation
Jacob Bellmund (MPI CBS) [Video, Slides]: "Deforming the metric of cognitive maps distorts memory" (Paper)
24.04.2020 | Research Presentation
Aroma Dabas (MPI CBS) [Slides]: "The computational basis of learning induced by episodic simulation"
30.02.2020 | Journal Club
Evelyn Medawar (MPI CBS), Julian D. Rolfes ( MPI KOFO) [Slides, Video-Slides]: "On the statistical mechanics of life: Schrödinger revisited" by Kate Jeffery, Robert Pollack, & Carlo Rovelli (arXiv, 2019)
21.02.2020 | Guest Talk
Payam Piray ( Princeton Neuroscience Insitute) [Video, Slides]: A common model explaining flexible decision making, grid fields and cognitive control
31.01.2020 | Guest Talk
Wolfram Barfuß (MPI MiS) [Slides]: "The dynamics of multi-agent reinforcement learning"
17.01.2020 | Tools & Techniques
Nico Scherf (MPI CBS, Technical University of Dresden) [Slides, Video-Slides]: "Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): A Primer"
06.12.2019 | Guest Talk
Pau Aceituno ( MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences) [Slides, Video-Slides]: "Reservoir Computing in Neural Modeling"
27.09.2019 | Conference Decompression
Maria Waltmann & Simon M. Hofmann (MPI CBS) [Slides]: Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience Conference 2019
30.08.2019 | Journal Club
Kornelius Podranski (MPI CBS, Neurophysics) [Slides]: Shwartz-Ziv & Tishby, "Opening the Black Box of Deep Neural Networks via Information", arXiv, 2017
16.08.2019 | Tools & Techniques
Simon M. Hofmann (MPI CBS, Fraunhofer HHI) [Slides]: "Deep Learning: A primer"
05.07.2019 | Journal Club
Peng Wang (MPI CBS, MEG & Cortical Neworks Group): Cichy et al., "Comparison of deep neural networks to spatio-temporal cortical dynamics of human visual object recognition reveals hierarchical correspondence", Scientific Reports, 2016
21.06.2019 | Journal Club
Romy Lorenz (MPI CBS, University of Cambridge): Cichy & Kaiser, "Deep Neural Networks as Scientific Models", TiCS, 2019
24.05.2019 | Guest Talk
Dirk Ostwald (Freie Universität Berlin, MPI for Human Development): "The neurocomputational mechanisms of human sequential decision making under uncertainty in a spatial search task"
26.04.2019 | Research Presentation
Lieneke Janssen (MPI CBS, O'BRAIN LAB): "Reliance on model-based and model-free control in obesity"
12.04.2019 | Journal Club
Aroma Dabas (MPI CBS) & Nadene Dermody (University of Cambridge): Gershman, "What does the free energy principle tell us about the brain?", arXiv, 2019
29.03.2019 | Tools & Techniques
Richard Gast & Thomas Knoesche (MPI CBS) [Video-Slides]: "The Free Energy Principle - A deeper mathematical dive"
15.03.2019 | Journal Club
Alessandro Braga (MPI CBS, University of Leipzig) [Slides]: Corlett et al., "Hallucinations and Strong Priors", TiCS, 2019
15.02.2019 | Philosophical Discourse
Richard Gast (MPI CBS, MEG and Cortical Networks Group) [Audio]: "The Free Energy Principle - A conceptual and mathematical introduction"
01.02.2019 | Research Presentation
Maria Waltmann (MPI CBS, O'BRAIN LAB): "Probing Neurocognitive Flexibility in Binge Eating Disorder and Obesity Using a Reversal Learning Paradigm and Computational Modelling"
18.01.2019 | Research Presentation
Mona Garvert (MPI CBS): "Models of the world for novel inference"
07.12.2018 | Research Presentation
Kathleen Wiencke (MPI CBS, O'BRAIN LAB): "Dopamine, Reinforcement Learning and Obesity"
22.11.2018 | Research Presentation
Vincent Chien (MPI CBS, MEG and Cortical Networks Group): "A generic deviance detection principle for cortical On/Off responses, omission response, and mismatch negativity"
Simon M. Hofmann (MPI CBS, Fraunhofer HHI)[Paper]: "EEG decoding of subjective experience in a naturalistic VR experience"
08.11.2018 | Journal Club
Simon M. Hofmann & Romy Lorenz [Slides]: Kriegeskorte & Douglas, "Cognitive computational neuroscience", Nature Neuroscience, 2018
19.10.2018 | Kickoff
CBS CoCoNUT was born!