Group leader

Dr. Nico Scherf
Group leader, Deputy Ombudsperson
  • +49 341 9940-2692

Scientific researchers and Postdocs

Professor Dr. Karsten Mueller
Scientific researcher
  • +49 341 9940-2617

Doctoral researchers

Ferney Beltran Velandia
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
  • +49 341 9940-2286
Charlotte Beylier
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Simon M. Hofmann, M.Sc.
Doctoral researcher
  • +49 341 9940-2243
Dimitra Kiakou
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Charles University Prague, Czech Republic)
Nikola Milosevic
Doctoral researcher
Gesine Müller
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Georg August University Göttingen)
Sebastian Niehaus
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with TU Dresden)
Kajal Singla
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with Leipzig University)
Lars Tiehlecke
Doctoral researcher (in cooperation with TU Dresden)
Nahid Torbati
Doctoral researcher
Xia Zhang
Doctoral researcher (Stipend-holder "China Scholarship Council")
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