Publications of Sofie L. Valk

Poster (5)

Valk, S. L.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Böckler, A.; Kanske, P.; Trautwein, F.-M.; Singer, T.: Divergent network substrates of individual differences in empathy and mentalizing. 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, HI, USA (2015)
Valk, S. L.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Böckler, A.; Singer, T.: Perceptual and cognitive metacognition have divergent structural substrates: A multi-modal MRI study. 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, HI, USA (2015)
Skottnik, L.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Engen, H. G.; Valk, S. L.; Cordemans, B.; Ricard, M.; Singer, T.: Expert compassion meditators show cortical thickness increases in socio-affective brain networks. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Hamburg, Germany (2014)

Teaching (2)

Valk, S. L.: Spin resonance II & measurement and analysis of structural and functional brain data. Lecture: Lecture, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, June 03, 2015
Möller, H. E.; Bazin, P.-L.; Mueller, K.; Valk, S. L.; Anwander, A.; Schreiber, J.; Steele, C.; Neumann, J.; Klados, M.; Mehnert, J.: Spin resonance II & measurement and analysis of structural and functional brain data. Lecture: Lecture SS 2015, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany , April 22, 2015 - July 15, 2015

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Valk, S. L.: The structure of the social brain: Dissociating socio-affective networks through the study of individual differences, brain plasticity, and disease models. Dissertation, XVII, 193 pp., Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany (2017)

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Valk, S. L.; Hettwer, M.: Commentary on 'Reproducible brain-wide association studies require thousands of individuals'. Aperture Neuro (2022)

Preprint (22)

Fan, Y.-S.; Xu, Y.; Wan, B.; Sheng, W.; Wang, C.; Valk, S. L.; Chen, H.: Contracted anterior-posterior systematic covariance of cortical thickness in early-onset schizophrenia. bioRxiv (2024)
Serio, B.; Yilmaz, D.; Pritschet, L.; Grotzinger, H.; Jacobs, E. G.; Eickhoff, S. B.; Valk, S. L.: Exploring sex-specific neuroendocrine influences on the sensorimotor-association axis in single individuals. bioRxiv (2024)
Xie, K.; Royer, J.; Rodriguez-Cruces, R.; Horwood, L.; Ngo, A.; Arafat, T.; Auer, H.; Sahlas, E.; Chen, J.; Zhou, Y. et al.; Valk, S. L.; Hong, S.-J.; Frauscher, B.; Pana, R.; Bernasconi, A.; Bernasconi, N.; Concha, L.; Bernhardt, B. C.: Pharmaco-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy gradually perturbs the cortex-wide excitation-inhibition balance. bioRxiv (2024)
Hardikar, S.; McKeown, B.; Turnbull, A.; Xu, T.; Valk, S. L.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Margulies, D. S.; Milham, M. P.; Jefferies, E.; Leech, R. et al.; Villringer, A.; Smallwood, J.: Personality traits vary in their association with brain activity across situations. bioRxiv (2024)
Hardikar, S.; Mckeown, B.; Schaare, H. L.; Xu, T.; Lauckner, M.; Valk, S. L.; Margulies, D. S.; Turnbull, A.; Bernhardt, B.; de Wael, R. V. et al.; Villringer, A.; Smallwood, J.: Macro-scale patterns in functional connectivity associated with ongoing thought patterns and dispositional traits. bioRxiv (2024)
Wan, B.; Saberi, A.; Paquola, C.; Schaare, H. L.; Hettwer, M.; Royer, J.; John, A.; Dorfschmidt, L.; Bayrak, S.; Bethlehem, R. A.I. et al.; Eickhoff, S. B.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Valk, S. L.: Microstructural asymmetry in the human cortex. bioRxiv (2024)
Bignardi, G.; Nivard, M.G.; Schaare, H. L.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Bethlehem, R.A.I.; Fisher, S. E.; Valk, S. L.: Genetic effects on structural and functional properties of sensorimotor-association axis of cortical organization are selectively distinct. bioRxiv (2024)
Manoli, A.; Overwalle, F. V.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Valk, S. L.: Functional recruitment and connectivity of the cerebellum supports the emergence of Theory of Mind in early childhood. bioRxiv (2024)
Valk, S. L.; Engert, V.; Puhlmann, L. M.; Linz, R.; Caldirou, B.; Bernasconi, A.; Bernasconi, N.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Singer, T.: Differential increase of hippocampal subfield volume after socio-affective mental training relates to reductions in diurnal cortisol. bioRxiv (2024)
Fan, Y.-S.; Xu, Y.; Hettwer, M. D.; Yang, P.; Sheng, W.; Wang, C.; Yang, M.; Kirschner, M.; Valk, S. L.; Chen, H.: Neurodevelopmentally rooted epicenters in schizophrenia: Sensorimotor-association spatial axis of cortical thickness alterations. bioRxiv (2024)
DeKraker, J.; Cabalo, D. G.; Royer, J.; Khan, A. R.; Karat, B.; Benkarim, O.; Rodriguez-Cruces, R.; Frauscher, B.; Pana, R.; Hansen, J. Y. et al.; Misic, B.; Valk, S. L.; Lau, J. C.; Kirschner, M.; Bernasconi, A.; Bernasconi, N.; Muenzing, S.; Axer, M.; Amunts, K.; Evans, A. C.; Bernhardt, B. C.: HippoMaps: Multiscale cartography of the human hippocampal formation. bioRxiv (2024)
Weber, C. F.; Kebets, V.; Benkarim, O.; Lariviere, S.; Wang, Y.; Ngo, A.; Jiang, H.; Chai, X.; Park, B.-y.; Milham, M. P. et al.; Martino, A. D.; Valk, S. L.; Hong, S.-J.; Bernhardt, B. C.: Contracted functional connectivity profiles in autism. bioRxiv (2024)
John, A.; Hettwer, M.; Schaare, H. L.; Saberi, A.; Bayrak, S.; Wan, B.; Royer, J.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Valk, S. L.: A multimodal characterization of low-dimensional thalamocortical structural connectivity patterns. bioRxiv (2024)
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