Publications of Birgit Nierula

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Nierula, B.: Multisensory processing and agency in VR embodiment: Interactions through BCI and their therapeutic applications. Dissertation, 215 pp., University of Barcelona, Spain (2017)

Thesis - Bachelor (1)

Thesis - Bachelor
Baisch, P.-L.: Cardiac processing and cardiac-somatosensory interactions in cortex and spine. Bachelor, Universität Leipzig, Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften, Institut für Psychologie, Leipzig, Germany (2021)

Preprint (2)

Nierula, B.; Stephani, T.; Kaptan, M.; Mouraux, A.; Maess, B.; Villringer, A.; Curio, G.; Nikulin, V. V.; Eippert, F.: Non-invasive multi-channel electrophysiology of the human spinal cord: Assessing somatosensory processing from periphery to cortex. bioRxiv (2022)
Stephani, T.; Nierula, B.; Villringer, A.; Eippert, F.; Nikulin, V. V.: Cortical response variability is driven by local excitability changes with somatotopic organization. bioRxiv (2022)
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