Publications of Annette Horstmann

Talk (38)

Horstmann, A.: Eating behavior and associated brain networks: Role of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and leptin in healthy individuals and patients. 47th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology (ISPNE), Zurich, Switzerland (2017)
Meemken, M.-T.; Horstmann, A.: Appetitive Pavlovian-to-Instumental Transfer with taste stimulation in humans with and without obesity. 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), Montréal, QC, Canada (2017)
Morys, F.; Horstmann, A.: Dorsolateral and medial prefrontal cortex mediate influence of incidental priming on economic decisions in obesity. 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Montréal, QC, Canada (2017)
Horstmann, A.: Reversal of maladaptive plasticity in behavioral disorders. IMPRS Lecture Series Lecture Series "Neuroplasticity", Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2017)
Horstmann, A.: It wasn’t me; it was my brain: Characteristics of brain circuits governing decision-making in obesity. Exzellenzbereich Kognitionswissenschaften, Department of Sport and Exercise Psychology, University of Potsdam, Germany (2017)
Horstmann, A.: It wasn’t me – it was my brain: Characteristics of decision-making in obesity. Neuroeconomics Seminar, Department of Economics, University of Zurich, Switzerland (2017)
Horstmann, A.: Geschlechtsunterschiede in der Neurobiologie der Entscheidungsfindung bei Adipositas. Abschlussmeeting GPmed Genderperspektiven in der Medizin: Fazit und Zukunftsaussichten, Leipzig, Germany (2017)
Horstmann, A.: Characteristics of decision-making in obesity. 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behaviour (SSIB), Porto, Portugal (2016)
Horstmann, A.: Appetitregulation im Gehirn. Herbsttagung der Brandenburger Diabetes-Gesellschaft, Potsdam, Germany (2015)
Horstmann, A.: Characteristics of decision-making in obesity. Research Colloquium, Neuroimaging Center Dresden, Germany (2015)
Horstmann, A.: Liebe geht durch den Magen – und Essen durchs Gehirn? 13. Hallenser Gespräche zu Psychotherapie, Religion und Naturwissenschaften, Halle/Saale, Germany (2015)
Horstmann, A.: Functional brain imaging of appetite. 50th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Vienna, Austria (2014)
Mueller, K.; Möller, H. E.; Busse, F.; Horstmann, A.; Lepsien, J.; Schroeter, M. L.; Blüher, M.; Stumvoll, M.; Villringer, A.; Pleger, B.: Exercise-related changes in hippocampal and white matter structures: A longitudinal MRI and serum marker study. 22nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Milano, Italy (2014)
Kube, J.; Kastner, L.; Horstmann, A.; Hilbert, A.; Villringer, A.; Neumann, J.: Obesity-related alterations of cardiac responses to monetary feedback in a probabilistic learning task. 29. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Adipositas Gesellschaft e.V. (DAG), Hannover, Germany (2013)
Horstmann, A.: Clustering nach Essverhalten und Gewicht deckt kongruente Unterschiede in Hirnstruktur und -funktion auf. 11. Kongress der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie, Symposium S6: Regulation des Essverhaltens I: Psychophysiologische und behaviorale Mechanismen des Essverhaltens, Luxembourg (2013)
Horstmann, A.: Brain structure, reward & eating behaviour. The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Congress, Session "Booze - gambling - reward: News from the IFB AdiposityDiseases", Leipzig, Germany (2013)
Horstmann, A.: Übergewicht: Reine Kopfsache? 16. aid-Forum 'Verflixtes Schlaraffenland - Wie Essen und Psyche sich beeinflussen', Bonn, Germany (2013)
Mueller, K.; Moeller, H. E.; Anwander, A.; Busse, F. P.; Horstmann, A.; Raschpichler, M.; Lepsien, J.; Schroeter, M.; Blüher, M.; Villringer, A. et al.; Pleger, B.: Physical exercise impacts brain structure: A longitudinal VBM and TBSS study in overweight and obese subjects. 21st Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (2013)
Horstmann, A.: Prädispositionen und Konsequenzen der Adipositas. 57. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung (DGKN), Leipzig, Germany (2013)
Horstmann, A.: MRI bei Adipositas. iPET.2 - Forschung und Diagnostik, Leipzig, Germany (2012)
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