Event archive

Dr Fiora Salis | Dynamicism, or Mind as Body

Foundations of Cognitive Science Lecture
Please join in person or online: https://zoom.us/j/94686183586 [more]

Dr Risto Ilmoniemi | Multi-locus TMS: network stimulation, automation, and versatility

Guest Lecture

Dr Fiora Salis | Connectionism, or Mind as Brain

Foundations of Cognitive Science Lecture
Please join in person or online: https://eu02web.zoom-x.de/j/64914432671 [more]

Dr Fiora Salis | Symbolicism, or Mind as Computer

Foundations of Cognitive Science Lecture

Professor Jesse Gomez | Developmental fMRI of the visual system and beyond

Cradle of Cognition Lecture
Please join online: https://eu02web.zoom-x.de/j/91383057579?pwd=RDJQNkllaEJRYTV3VTlJTHprSjZodz09 [more]

Giovanni Di Liberto | Investigating auditory cognition with natural speech and music

Language Circle
Please join online: https://zoom.us/j/94686183586 [more]

PhD Zoltan Nagy | SAD: Self-Supervised Automatic Detection of BOLD Activations in HiHi fMRI Data

Guest Lecture
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