Publications of Deniz Kumral

Meeting Abstract (4)

Meeting Abstract
Gaebler, M.; Kumral, D.; Reinelt, J.; Erbey, M.; Reiter, A.; Röbbig, J.; Schaare, H. L.; Babayan, A.; Villringer, A.: Allostatic load and its connection to the brain. In Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, p. 48 - 48. Pergamon, Oxford (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Reinelt, J.; Kumral, D.; Erbey, M.; Röbbig, J.; Reiter, A.; Schaare, H. L.; Babayan, A.; Villringer, A.; Gaebler, M.: Neural dynamics of stress recovery and their relation to hormonal, cardiac, and subjective changes. In Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, p. 77 - 77. Pergamon, Oxford (2015)

Poster (4)

Morys, F.; Janssen, L.; Cesnaite, E.; García-García, I.; Kube, J.; Schrimpf, A.; Kumral, D.; Mehl, N.; Mahjoory, K.; Margulies, D. S. et al.; Gaebler, M.; Villringer, A.; Neumann, J.; Nikulin, V. V.; Horstmann, A.: Hemispheric bias in resting state EEG and fMRI is related to approach/avoidance behaviors, but not BMI. 2018 Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Singapore (2018)
Schaare, H. L.; Kharabian, S.; Beyer, F.; Kumral, D.; Uhlig, M.; Reinelt, J.; Reiter, A.; Babayan, A.; Erbey, M.; Röbbig, J. et al.; Witte, A. V.; Gaebler, M.; Villringer, A.: Modulation of brain structure by resting blood pressure variations in young adults. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2017)
Dähne, S.; Huntenburg, J. M.; Babayan, A.; Erbey, M.; Kumral, D.; Reinelt, J.; Reiter, A.; Röbbig, J.; Schaare, H. L.; Margulies, D. S. et al.; Müller, K.-R.; Villringer, A.; Gaebler, M.: Detecting resting-state networks using scalable multi-subject spatial canonical correlation analysis. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Geneva, Switzerland (2016)
Schaare, H. L.; Mueller, K.; Babayan, A.; Erbey, M.; Gaebler, M.; Kumral, D.; Reinelt, J.; Reiter, A.; Röbbig, J.; Okon-Singer, H. et al.; Villringer, A.: Higher blood pressure is associated with lower regional grey matter density in healthy, young adults. International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience Meeting 2015, Stresa, Italy (2015)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Kumral, D.: Variability in heart and brain activity across the adult lifespan. Dissertation, 38 pp., Charité University Medicine Berlin, Germany (2021)

Preprint (2)

Kumral, D.; Palmieri, J.; Gais, S.; Schönauer, M.: Daytime experiences shape neural activity and dream content in the sleeping brain. bioRxiv (2023)
Schaare, H. L.; Blöchl, M.; Kumral, D.; Uhlig, M.; Lemcke, L.; Valk, S. L.; Villringer, A.: Mental health, blood pressure and the development of hypertension. medRxiv (2022)
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