Brain Plasticity - Influences of Lifestyle and Aging

Publications of Sven Preusser

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Rullmann, M.; Preusser, S.; Pleger, B.: Prefrontal and posterior parietal contributions to the perceptual awareness of touch. Scientific Reports 9, 16981 (2019)
Journal Article
Hankir, M. K.; Rullmann, M.; Seyfried, F.; Preusser, S.; Poppitz, S.; Heba, S.; Gousias, K.; Hoyer, J.; Schütz, T.; Dietrich, A. et al.; Mueller, K.; Pleger, B.: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery progressively alters radiologic measures of hypothalamic inflammation in obese patients. JCI Insight 4 (19), e131329 (2019)
Journal Article
Babayan, A.; Erbey, M.; Kumral, D.; Reinelt, J.; Reiter, A.; Röbbig, J.; Schaare, H. L.; Uhlig, M.; Anwander, A.; Bazin, P.-L. et al.; Horstmann, A.; Lampe, L.; Nikulin, V. V.; Okon-Singer, H.; Preusser, S.; Pampel, A.; Rohr, C. S.; Sacher, J.; Thöne-Otto, A. I. T.; Trapp, S.; Nierhaus, T.; Altmann, D.; Arélin, K.; Blöchl, M.; Bongartz, E.; Breig, P.; Cesnaite, E.; Chen , S.; Cozatl, R.; Czerwonatis, S.; Dambrauskaite, G.; Paerisch, M.; Enders , J.; Engelhardt , M.; Fischer , M. M.; Forschack, N.; Golchert, J.; Golz, L.; Guran, C. A.; Hedrich, S.; Hentschel, N.; Hoffmann , D. I.; Huntenburg, J. M.; Jost , R.; Kosatschek, A.; Kunzendorf, S.; Lammers, H.; Lauckner, M.; Mahjoory, K.; Kanaan, A. S.; Mendes, N.; Menger, R.; Morino, E.; Naethe, K.; Neubauer , J.; Noyan, H.; Oligschläger, S.; Panczyszyn-Trzewik, P.; Poehlchen, D.; Putzke, N.; Roski, S.; Schaller , M.-C.; Schieferbein, A.; Schlaak, B.; Schmidt, R.; Gorgolewski, K. J.; Schmidt, H. M.; Schrimpf, A.; Stasch, S.; Voss, M.; Wiedemann, A.; Margulies, D. S.; Gaebler, M.; Villringer, A.: A mind-brain-body dataset of MRI, EEG, cognition, emotion, and peripheral physiology in young and old adults. Scientific Data 6, 180308 (2019)
Journal Article
Lampe, L.; Zhang, R.; Beyer, F.; Huhn, S.; Kharabian, S.; Preusser, S.; Bazin, P.-L.; Schroeter, M. L.; Villringer, A.; Witte, A. V.: Visceral obesity relates to deep white matter hyperintensities via inflammation. Annals of Neurology 85 (2), pp. 194 - 203 (2019)
Journal Article
Rullmann, M.; Preusser, S.; Poppitz, S.; Heba, S.; Hoyer, J.; Schütz, T.; Dietrich, A.; Mueller, K.; Pleger, B.: Gastric-bypass surgery induced widespread neural plasticity of the obese human brain. NeuroImage 172, pp. 853 - 863 (2018)
Journal Article
Preusser, S.; Thiel, S. D.; Rook, C.; Roggenhofer, E.; Kosatschek, A.; Draganski, B.; Blankenburg, F.; Driver, J.; Villringer, A.; Pleger, B.: The perception of touch and the ventral somatosensory pathway. Brain 138 (3), pp. 540 - 548 (2015)
Journal Article
Thiel, S. D.; Bitzer, S.; Nierhaus, T.; Kalberlah, C.; Preusser, S.; Neumann, J.; Nikulin, V. V.; van der Meer, E.; Villringer, A.; Pleger, B.: Hysteresis as an implicit prior in tactile spatial decision making. PLoS One 9 (2), e89802 (2014)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Pleger, B.; Mueller, K.; Poppitz, S.; Preusser, S.; Schütz, T.; Dietrich, A.; Heba, S.; Hoyer, J.; Rullmann, M.: Metabolism and inflammation related neural plasticity of the obese human brain induced by bariatric surgery. In Clinical Neurophysiology, 130 (8), e142. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2019)

Poster (4)

Thiel, S. D.; Bitzer, S.; Nierhaus, T.; Kalberlah, C.; Preusser, S.; Neumann, J.; Nikulin, V. V.; van Meer, E.; Villringer, A.; Pleger, B.: Der Einfluss der Hysterese auf Entscheidungen bei taktiler Wahrnehmung. 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Neurophysiology, Leipzig, Germany (2013)
Preusser, S.; Thiel, S. D.; Rook, C.; Blankenburg, F.; Villringer, A.; Driver, J.; Pleger, B.: Die Bedeutung des sekundär somatosensorischen Kortex in der Berührungsempfindung. 57. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung (DGKN), Leipzig, Germany (2013)
Preusser, S.; Thiel, S. D.; Rook, C.; Blankenburg, F.; Villringer, A.; Driver , J.; Pleger, B.: Does secondary somatosensory cortex contribute to the perception of touch? A lesion mapping study. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China (2012)
Thiel, S. D.; Nierhaus, T.; Preusser, S.; Kalberlah, C.; Neumann, J.; Nikulin, V. V.; van der Meer, E.; Villringer, A.; Pleger, B.: The neurophysiology of spatial somatosensory decision making in humans. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec, QC, Canada (2011)
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