Publications of Maria Waltmann

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Waltmann, M.; Herzog, N.; Reiter, A. M.F.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.; Deserno, L.: Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying differential reinforcement learning from wins and losses in obesity with and without binge eating. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging (2024)
Journal Article
Herzog, N.; Hartmann, H.; Janssen, L.; Waltmann, M.; Fallon, S. J.; Deserno, L.; Horstmann, A.: Working memory gating in obesity: Insights from a case-control fMRI study. Appetite 195, 107179 (2024)
Journal Article
Aster, H.-C.; Waltmann, M.; Busch, A.; Romanos, M.; Gamer, M.; Maria van Noort, B.; Beck, A.; Kappel, V.; Deserno, L.: Impaired flexible reward learning in ADHD patients is associated with blunted reinforcement sensitivity and neural signals in ventral striatum and parietal cortex. NeuroImage: Clinical 42, 103588 (2024)
Journal Article
Zech, H.; Waltmann, M.; Lee, Y.; Reichert, M.; Bedder, R. L.; Rutledge, R. B.; Deeken, F.; Wenzel, J.; Wedemeyer, F.; Aguilera, A. et al.; Aslan, A.; Bach, P.; Bahr, N. S.; Ebrahimi, C.; Fischbach, P. C.; Ganz, M.; Garbusow, M.; Großkopf, C. M.; Heigert, M.; Hentschel, A.; Belanger, M.; Karl, D.; Pelz, P.; Pinger, M.; Riemerschmid, C.; Rosenthal, A.; Steffen, J.; Strehle, J.; Weiss, F.; Wieder, G.; Wieland, A.; Zaiser, J.; Zimmermann, S.; Liu, S.; Goschke, T.; Walter, H.; Tost, H.; Lenz, B.; Andoh, J.; Ebner-Priemer, U.; Rapp, M. A.; Heinz, A.; Dolan, R.; Smolka, M. N.; Deserno, L.: Measuring self-regulation in everyday life: Reliability and validity of smartphone-based experiments in alcohol use disorder. Behavior Research Methods 55 (8), pp. 4329 - 4342 (2023)
Journal Article
Waltmann, M.; Herzog, N.; Reiter, A.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.; Deserno, L.: Diminished reinforcement sensitivity in adolescence is associated with enhanced response switching and reduced coding of choice probability in the medial frontal pole. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 60, 101226 (2023)
Journal Article
Scholz, V.; Waltmann, M.; Herzog, N.; Reiter, A.; Horstmann, A.; Deserno, L.: Cortical grey matter mediates increases in model-based control and learning from positive feedback from adolescence to adulthood. The Journal of Neuroscience 43 (12), pp. 2178 - 2189 (2023)
Journal Article
Waltmann, M.; Schlagenhauf, F.; Deserno, L.: Sufficient reliability of the behavioral and computational readouts of a probabilistic reversal learning task. Behavior Research Methods 54 (6), pp. 2993 - 3014 (2022)
Journal Article
Waltmann, M.; Herzog, N.; Horstmann, A.; Deserno, L.: Loss of control over eating: A systematic review of task based research into impulsive and compulsive processes in binge eating. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 129, pp. 330 - 350 (2021)
Journal Article
Janssen, L.; Herzog, N.; Waltmann, M.; Breuer, N.; Wiencke, K.; Rausch, F.; Hartmann, H.; Poessel, M.; Horstmann, A.: Lost in translation?: On the need for convergence in animal and human studies on the role of dopamine in diet-induced obesity. Current Addiction Reports 6 (3), pp. 229 - 257 (2019)
Journal Article
Waltmann, M.; O'Daly, O.; Egerton, A.; McMullen, K.; Kumari, V.; Barker, G. J.; Williams, S. C. R.; Modinos, G.: Multi-echo fMRI, resting-state connectivity, and high psychometric schizotypy. NeuroImage: Clinical 21, 101603 (2018)

Poster (5)

Waltmann, M.; Deserno, L.: Retest reliability of a probabilistic reversal learning task: Readouts from raw behaviour. 16th Leipzig Research Festival of Life Sciences, Studienzentrum der Medizinischen Fakultät, University Leipzig, Germany (2020)
Waltmann, M.; Herzog, N.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.; Deserno, L.: Does enhanced switching between potentially punishing option contribute to maladaptive decision-making in binge-eating disorder? IMPRS Summer School 2019, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (2019)
Breuer, N.; Poessel, M.; Waltmann, M.; Hummel, T.; Horstmann, A.: Neural responses to food odors in obesity: Proposal of an fMRI study. 3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting , Helsinki, Finland (2019)
Waltmann, M.; Herzog, N.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.; Deserno, L.: Does enhanced switching between potentially punishing option contribute to maladaptive decision-making in binge-eating disorder? 3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting , Helsinki, Finland (2019)
Waltmann, M.; Warren, M. B.; Murphy, S. E.; Di Simplicio, M.; Harmer, C. J.: The effect of four weeks SSRI administration on facial emotion recognition in high and low neurotic healthy volunteers. British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer Meeting, Brighton, United Kingdom (2016)

Preprint (2)

Herzog, N.; Hartmann, H.; Kanyamibwa, A.; Waltmann, M.; Kovacs, P.; Deserno, L.; Fallon, S.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.: Working memory gating in obesity is moderated by striatal dopaminergic gene variants. bioRxiv (2024)
Waltmann, M.; Herzog, N.; Reiter, A.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.; Deserno, L.: Enhanced response switching after negative feedback and novelty seeking in adolescence are associated with reduced representation of choice probability in medial frontal pole. PsyArXiv (2022)
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