The picture shows Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Angela D. Friederici.

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Angela D. Friederici



Professor Friederici at the speakers' desk
The 2023 APS William James Fellow Award was given to Angela D. Friederici at the APS Annual Convention in Washington D.C. for her lifetime of significant intellectual contributions to the basic science of psychology. From the lautdatio: "Friederici has published nearly 500 peer-reviewed journal articles that are highly cited. She has fundamentally changed the understanding of language processing in the brain, and, in so doing, launched a generation of scholars around the world." more
Angela Friederici © Steffen Roth
Angela Friederici has never been quiet. Her spirit of dissent contributed to a great research career at the intersection of language, psyche and brain.
Psychologie Heute from Jochen Metzger | article available in German only more
Angela D. Friederici is Huttenlocher Awardee 2021
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Angela D. Friederici has been selected by the Flux Board of Directors to be the recipient of the 2021 Huttenlocher Award.

This award was established in honor of Dr. Peter Huttenlocher’s (1931-2013) pioneering work on brain maturation and, as such, commemorates a senior scientist who has made foundational, outstanding, and significant contributions to the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience. Angela D. Friederici is joining 8 previous awardees: John Gabrieli, BJ Casey, Uta Frith, Linda Spear, Michael Posner, Mark H. Johnson, Terry L. Jernigan and David A. Lewis.

The 2021 Flux Society meeting is provisionally scheduled for September 17-21. There, Angela D. Friederici will deliver the Huttenlocher Award Lecture, highlighting her discoveries and her vision for the field going forward. more
Justine and Yves Sergent Award
Professor Angela D. Friederici receives the Justine and Yves Sergent Award in Montreal. This Award honours female researchers who have developed an international reputation in the field of cognitive neuroscience.
© University of Montreal
"I think he thinks that ..."
Anyone who investigates how children acquire language encounter the grammar centre of the brain. Angela D. Friederici during a conversation with Die ZEIT newspaper on universal grammar and the brain structures that enable us to process language. more
Language in the Brain:
This 'brain podcast' with Angela D. Friederici on her book about language as a uniquely human capacity provides an excellent overview to listeners of all backgrounds. A conversation about the earliest knowledge acquired from patients with brain lesions, newer tools allow researchers to correlate concepts from Linguistics with the neuroscientific tools and an increasing interest in the connections between the various brain areas that are involved in language. more
Prof. Angela D. Friederici: Is Language Development in the Child’s Brain Visible on a Molecular Level?
The idea: Complicated stuff needs to be explained. In Latest Thinking, the researchers personally explain their latest insights into the realities of life. more
Die Spuren der Dyslexie im Gehirn
Angela D. Friederici vertritt mit ihrem Forschungsprojekt die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft bei der Vortragsveranstaltung "Perlen der Forschung für die Anwendung" more
Professor Angela D. Friederici as a guest in BR alpha forum
A conversation about the development of language during the course of our lives, her work as vice president of the Max Planck Society, and the value of basic research to uncover truly new findings.
The BR alpha forum invites outstanding personalities from the fields of politics and business, science and society, and culture and religion to engage in profound discussion, in which there is enough time for details and nuances and not only attention-grabbing quotes. more
Free educational tools for cognitive neuroscience, Angela D. Friederici - Language and the Brain.

...see the interview compilations. more
Our brain, basis of language processes: structure and function 3-D model
For more information see "The brain basis of language processing: From structure to function." Physiological Reviews, 91, 1357-1392. Short overview of the current model. interactive model. more
Große Fragen, die uns direkt im Kern berühren. Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Hirnforschung auf dem Gebiet der Sprache.
In der Sprache steckt so viel Biologie wie menschliche Kultur. Wir können spielend Wörter kombinieren und ihre Bedeutungen erweitern. Hirnforscher stoßen so an Grenzen: Die persönlichen Gedankenwelten zu entziffern will nicht gelingen. Das setzt auch der digitalen Welt immer noch Limits. more
Sprache – grenzenlos im neuronalen Netz
This article appeared in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. more
Johannes Gutenberg Endowed Professorship
Lectures during the summer semester 2010 at the University of Mainz on the topic "Language and brain" more
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