Google Scholar h-index (01/2024): 122; total citations > 64890.
ISI: Web of Science (all databases) h-index (01/2024): 104; total citations > 44000

Complete Publications

Journal Article (717)

Journal Article
Zülke, A. E.; Luppa, M.; Wirkner, K.; Reusche, M.; Sander, C.; Büchner, R.; Schomerus, G.; Then Bergh, F.; Lehmann, J.; Witte, A. V. et al.; Villringer, A.; Zeynalova, S.; Löffler, M.; Engel, C.; Riedel-Heller, S. G.: Cognitive performance in adults with post-COVID syndrome: Results from a German case-control study. Journal of Psychiatric Research 176, pp. 377 - 383 (2024)
Journal Article
Belger, J.; Blume, M.; Akbal, M.; Chojecki, P.; de Mooij, J.; Gaebler, M.; Klotzsche, F.; Krohn, S.; Lafci, M. T.; Quinque, E. M. et al.; Tromp, J.; Villringer, A.; Finke, C.; Thöne-Otto, A. I. T.: The immersive virtual memory task: Assessing object-location memory in neurological patients using immersive virtual reality. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 34 (6), pp. 870 - 898 (2024)
Journal Article
Waltmann, M.; Herzog, N.; Reiter, A. M.F.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.; Deserno, L.: Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying differential reinforcement learning from wins and losses in obesity with and without binge eating. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging (2024)
Journal Article
Claaß, L.; Hedrich, A.; Reinelt, J.; Sehm, B.; Villringer, A.; Schlagenhauf, F.; Kaminski, J.: Influence of noninvasive brain stimulation on connectivity and local activation: A combined tDCS and fMRI study. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 274 (4), pp. 827 - 835 (2024)
Journal Article
Hussenoeder, F. S.; Conrad, I.; Löbner, M.; Engel, C.; Reyes, N.; Yahiaoui‐Doktor, M.; Glaesmer, H.; Hinz, A.; Witte, A. V.; Schroeter, M. L. et al.; Medawar, E.; Wichmann, G.; Kirsten, T.; Löffler, M.; Villringer, A.; Riedel‐Heller, S. G.: The different areas of chronic stress and food addiction: Results from the LIFE‐Adult‐Study. Stress and Health 40 (3), e3348 (2024)
Journal Article
Knol, M. J.; Poot, R. A.; Evans, T. E.; Satizabal, C. L.; Mishra, A.; Sargurupremraj, M.; van der Auwera, S.; Duperron, M.-G.; Jian, X.; Hostettler, I. C. et al.; van Dam-Nolen, D. H.K.; Lamballais, S.; Pawlak, M. A.; Lewis, C. E.; Carrion-Castillo, A.; van Erp, T. G.M.; Reinbold, C. S.; Shin, J.; Scholz, M.; Håberg, A. K.; Kämpe, A.; Li, G. H.Y.; Avinun, R.; Atkins, J. R.; Hsu, F.-C.; Amod, A. R.; Lam, M.; Tsuchida, A.; Teunissen, M. W.A.; Aygün, N.; Patel, Y.; Liang, D.; Beiser, A. S.; Beyer, F.; Bis, J. C.; Bos, D.; Bryan, R. N.; Bülow, R.; Caspers, S.; Catheline, G.; Cecil, C. A.M.; Dalvie, S.; Dartigues, J.-F.; DeCarli, C.; Enlund-Cerullo, M.; Ford, J. M.; Franke, B.; Freedman, B. I.; Friedrich, N.; Green, M. J.; Haworth, S.; Helmer, C.; Hoffmann, P.; Homuth, G.; Ikram, M. K.; Jack, C. R.; Jahanshad, N.; Jockwitz, C.; Kamatani, Y.; Knodt, A. R.; Li, S.; Lim, K.; Longstreth, W.T.; Macciardi, F.; Amouyel, P.; Arfanakis, K.; Aribisala, B. S.; Bastin, M. E.; Chauhan, G.; Chen, C.; Cheng, C.-Y.; de Jager, P. L.; Deary, I. J.; Fleischman, D. A.; Gottesman, R. F.; Gudnason, V.; Hilal, S.; Hofer, E.; Janowitz, D.; Jukema, J. W.; Liewald, D. C.M.; Lopez, L. M.; Lopez, O.; Luciano, M.; Martinez, O.; Niessen, W. J.; Nyquist, P.; Rotter, J. I.; Rundek, T.; Sacco, R. L.; Schmidt, H.; Tiemeier, H.; Trompet, S.; van der Grond, J.; Völzke, H.; Wardlaw, J. M.; Yanek, L.; Yang, J.; Agartz, I.; Alhusaini, S.; Almasy, L.; Ames, D.; Amunts, K.; Andreassen, O. A.; Armstrong, N.; Bernard, M.; Blangero, J.; Blanken, L. M.E.; Boks, M. P.; Boomsma, D. I.; Brickman, A. M.; Brodaty, H.; Buckner, R. L.; Buitelaar, J. K.; Cannon, D. M.; Carr, V. J.; Catts, S. V.; Chakravarty, M. M.; Chen, Q.; Ching, C. R.K.; Corvin, A.; Crespo-Facorro, B.; Curran, J. E.; Davies, G. E.; de Geus, E. J.C.; de Zubicaray, G. I.; den Braber, A.; Desrivières, S.; Dillman, A.; Djurovic, S.; Drevets, W. C.; Duggirala, R.; Ehrlich, S.; Erk, S.; Espeseth, T.; Fedko, I. O.; Fernández, G.; Fisher, S. E.; Foroud, T. M.; Ge, T.; Giddaluru, S.; Glahn, D. C.; Goldman, A. L.; Green, R. C.; Greven, C. U.; Grimm, O.; Hansell, N. K.; Hartman, C. A.; Hashimoto, R.; Heinz, A.; Henskens, F.; Hibar, D. P.; Ho, B.-C.; Hoekstra, P. J.; Holmes, A. J.; Hoogman, M.; Hottenga, J.-J.; Hulshoff Pol, H. E.; Jablensky, A.; Jenkinson, M.; Jia, T.; Jöckel, K.-H.; Jönsson, E. G.; Kim, S.; Klein, M.; Kochunov, P.; Kwok, J. B.; Lawrie, S. M.; Le Hellard, S.; Lemaître, H.; Loughland, C.; Marquand, A. F.; Martin, N. G.; Martinot, J.-L.; Matarin, M.; Mathalon, D. H.; Mather, K. A.; Mattay, V. S.; McDonald, C.; McMahon, F. J.; McMahon, K. L.; E, R.; McWhirter; Mecocci, P.; Melle, I.; Meyer-Lindenberg, A.; Michie, P. T.; Milaneschi, Y.; Morris, D. W.; Mowry, B.; Nho, K.; Nichols, T. E.; Nöthen, M. N.; Olvera, R. L.; Oosterlaan, J.; Ophoff, R. A.; Pandolfo, M.; Pantelis, C.; Pappa, I.; Penninx, B.; Pike, G. B.; Rasser, P. E.; Rentería, M. E.; Reppermund, S.; Rietschel, M.; Risacher, S. L.; Romanczuk-Seiferth, N.; Rose, E. J.; Sachdev, P. S.; Sämann, P. G.; Saykin, A. J.; Schall, U.; Schofield, P. R.; Schramm, S.; Schumann, G.; Scott, R.; Shen, L.; Sisodiya, S. M.; Soininen, H.; Sprooten, E.; Srikanth, V.; Steen, V. M.; Strike, L. T.; Thalamuthu, A.; Toga, A. W.; Tooney, P.; Tordesillas-Gutiérrez, D.; Turner, J. A.; Valdés Hernández, M. d. C.; van der Meer, D.; Van der Wee, N. J.A.; Van Haren, N. E.M.; van 't Ent, D.; Veltman, D. J.; Walter, H.; Weinberger, D. R.; Weiner, M. W.; Wen, W.; Westlye, L. T.; Westman, E.; Winkler, A. M.; Woldehawariat, G.; Wright, M. J.; Wu, J.; Mäkitie, O.; Mazoyer, B.; Medland, S. E.; Miyamoto, S.; Moebus, S.; Mosley, T. H.; Muetzel, R.; Mühleisen, T. W.; Nagata, M.; Nakahara, S.; Palmer, N. D.; Pausova, Z.; Preda, A.; Quidé, Y.; Reay, W. R.; Roshchupkin, G. V.; Schmidt, R.; Schreiner, P. J.; Setoh, K.; Shapland, C. Y.; Sidney, S.; St Pourcain, B.; Stein, J. L.; Tabara, Y.; Teumer, A.; Uhlmann, A.; van der Lugt, A.; Vernooij, M. W.; Werring, D. J.; Windham, B. G.; Witte, A. V.; Wittfeld, K.; Yang, Q.; Yoshida, K.; Brunner, H. G.; Le Grand, Q.; Sim, K.; Stein, D. J.; Bowden, D. W.; Cairns, M. J.; Hariri, A. R.; Cheung, C.-L.; Andersson, S.; Villringer, A.; Paus, T.; Cichon, S.; Calhoun, V. D.; Crivello, F.; Launer, L. J.; White, T.; Koudstaal, P. J.; Houlden, H.; Fornage, M.; Matsuda, F.; Grabe, H. J.; Ikram, M. A.; Debette, S.; Thompson, P. M.; Seshadri, S.; Adams, H. H.H.: Genetic variants for head size share genes and pathways with cancer. Cell Reports Medicine 5 (5), 101529 (2024)
Journal Article
Belger, J.; Wagner, S.; Gaebler, M.; Karnath, H.-O.; Preim, B.; Saalfeld, P.; Schatz, A.; Villringer, A.; Thöne-Otto, A. I. T.: Application of immersive virtual reality for assessing chronic neglect in individuals with stroke: The immersive virtual road-crossing task. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 46 (3), pp. 254 - 271 (2024)
Journal Article
Chen, Y.; Stephani, T.; Bagdasarian, M. T.; Hilsmann, A.; Eisert, P.; Villringer, A.; Bosse, S.; Gaebler, M.; Nikulin, V. V.: Realness of face images can be decoded from non-linear modulation of EEG responses. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 5683 (2024)
Journal Article
Hussenoeder, F. S.; Conrad, I.; Pabst, A.; Engel, C.; Zachariae, S.; Zeynalova, S.; Yahiaoui-Doktor, M.; Glaesmer, H.; Hinz, A.; Witte, A. V. et al.; Wichmann, G.; Kirsten, T.; Löffler, M.; Villringer, A.; Riedel-Heller, S. G.: Connecting chronic stress and anxiety: A multi-dimensional perspective. Psychology, Health & Medicine 29 (3), pp. 427 - 441 (2024)
Journal Article
Jäger, A.-T.; Bailey, A.; Huntenburg, J. M.; Tardif, C. L.; Villringer, A.; Gauthier, C. J.; Nikulin, V. V.; Bazin, P.-L.; Steele, C.: Decreased long‐range temporal correlations in the resting‐state functional magentic resonance imaging blood‐oxygen‐level‐dependentsignal reflect motor sequence learning up to 2 weeks following training. Human Brain Mapping 45 (4), e26539 (2024)
Journal Article
Medawar, E.; Beyer, F.; Thieleking, R.; Haange, S.-B.; Rolle-Kampczyk, U.; Reinicke, M.; Chakaroun, R.; von Bergen, M.; Stumvoll, M.; Villringer, A. et al.; Witte, A. V.: Prebiotic diet changes neural correlates of food decision-making in overweight adults: A randomised controlled within-subject cross-over trial. Gut 73 (2), pp. 298 - 310 (2024)
Journal Article
Shih, P.-C.; Steele, C.; Hoepfel, D.; Muffel, T.; Villringer, A.; Sehm, B.: The impact of lesion side on bilateral upper limb coordination after stroke. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 20 (1), 166 (2023)
Journal Article
Belger, J.; Poppe, S.; Karnath, H.-O.; Villringer, A.; Thöne-Otto, A. I. T.: The application of immersive virtual reality and machine learning for the assessment of unilateral spatial neglect. Presence: Virtual and Augmented Reality 32, pp. 3 - 22 (2023)
Journal Article
Studenova, A.; Forster, C.; Engemann, D. A.; Hensch, T.; Sanders, C.; Mauche, N.; Hegerl, U.; Loeffler, M.; Villringer, A.; Nikulin, V. V.: Event-related modulation of alpha rhythm explains the auditory P300-evoked response in EEG. eLife 12, RP88367 (2023)
Journal Article
Al, E.; Stephani, T.; Engelhardt, M.; Haegens, S.; Villringer, A.; Nikulin, V. V.: Cardiac activity impacts cortical motor excitability. PLoS Biology 21 (11), e3002393 (2023)
Journal Article
Klotzsche, F.; Gaebler, M.; Villringer, A.; Sommer, W.; Nikulin, V. V.; Ohl, S.: Visual short‐term memory‐related EEG components in a virtual reality setup. Psychophysiology 60 (11), e14378 (2023)
Journal Article
Thieleking, R.; Medawar, E.; Villringer, A.; Beyer, F.; Witte, A. V.: Neurocognitive predictors of food memory in healthy adults: A preregistered analysis. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 205, 107813 (2023)
Journal Article
Huck, J.; Jäger, A.-T.; Schneider, U.; Grahl, S.; Fan, A. P.; Tardif, C.; Villringer, A.; Bazin, P.-L.; Steele, C. J.; Gauthier, C. J.: Modeling venous bias in resting state functional MRI metrics. Human Brain Mapping 44 (14), pp. 4938 - 4955 (2023)
Journal Article
Romankiewicz, L.; Schaare, H. L.; Nestler, S.; Villringer, A.; Blöchl, M.: Mediation of the association between vascular risk factors and depressive symptoms by c-reactive protein. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science 3 (4), pp. 642 - 650 (2023)
Journal Article
Zsido, R.; Williams, A. N.; Barth, C.; Serio, B.; Kurth, L.; Mildner, T.; Trampel, R.; Beyer, F.; Witte, A. V.; Villringer, A. et al.; Sacher, J.: Ultra-high-field 7T MRI reveals changes in human medial temporal lobe volume in female adults during menstrual cycle. Nature Mental Health (1), pp. 761 - 771 (2023)
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