Event archive

Host: Max Planck School of Cognition

Dr Philipp Gunz | A Mind Set in Stone: Fossil Traces of Human Brain Evolution

MPSCog Cognition Colloquium

Professor Christian F. Doeller | Structuring experience in cognitive spaces

MPSCog Cognition Colloquium
Please join online: https://zoom.us/j/93526030034?pwd=ZkJnYlFVOEthU2lDeE5nVmV6TlZLZz09 (Meeting ID: 935 2603 0034 / Passcode: 250171) [more]

Dr Mariya Toneva | In search of model organisms for language in the human brain: Text vs speech language models

MPSCog Cognition Colloquium
Please join online: https://zoom.us/j/93526030034?pwd=ZkJnYlFVOEthU2lDeE5nVmV6TlZLZz09 (Meeting ID: 935 2603 0034 / Passcode: 250171) [more]

Professor Arno Villringer | Heart-brain interactions: Of love and death

MPSCog Cognition Colloquium
Please join online: https://zoom.us/j/93526030034?pwd=ZkJnYlFVOEthU2lDeE5nVmV6TlZLZz09 (Meeting ID: 935 2603 0034 / Passcode: 250171) [more]

Professor Katrin Amunts | Cytoarchitectonics – Decoding functional specialization, brain parcellation, and variation

MPSCog Cognition Colloquium
Join via https://zoom.us/j/93526030034?pwd=ZkJnYlFVOEthU2lDeE5nVmV6TlZLZz09 [more]

Professor John-Dylan Haynes | Predicting free choices in real time: What does(n’t) brain decoding tell us about the problem of free will?

MPSCog Cognition Colloquium

Professor Nikolaus Weiskopf | Characterizing brain microstructure using magnetic resonance imaging: Towards in-vivo histology

MPSCog Cognition Colloquium

Professor John-Dylan Haynes |

MPSCog Cognition Colloquium

Professor Caroline F. Rowland | How humans learn language

MPSCog Cognition Colloquium

Professor Simon B. Eickhoff | Technical, conceptual and practical considerations on neuroimaging-based prediction of cognitive phenotypes

MPSCog Cognition Colloquium
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