Poster (156)

Weigelt, M.; Mechsner, F.; Rieger, M.; Prinz, W.: Symmetry constraints on bimanual coordination - An action-perception perspective. Tutorials in Behavioural and Brain Sciences (TuBBS), Kochel, Germany (2002)
Knoblich, G.: Perceiving one's own actions. Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Lyon, France (2002)
Goschke, T.: Conflict and control: Dynamic regulation of flexibility and persistence. International Symposium on Executive Functions: The interaction of endogenous and exogenous mechanisms for the control of action, Universität Konstanz (2002)
Philipp, A. M.; Koch, I.: The effect of response selection in task switching. TuBBS (Tutorials in Behavioral and Brain Sciences), Kochel am See (2002)
Schuch, S.; Koch, I.: Costs of response repetition and response compatibility in dual tasks. Tutorials in Behavioural and Brain Sciences (TuBBS), Kochel (2002)
Wriessnegger, S.; Wascher, E.: Subliminal perception and motor activation: An EEG study. Tutorials in Behavioural and Brain Sciences (TuBBS), Kochel (2002)
Geppert, U.: Expressive behavior as a reaction to success and failure: Readout of a self-evaluative state or social signal? 12th Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Cuenca, Spain (2002)
Danielmeier, C.; Zysset, S.; Müsseler, J.: Whether and how action impairs perception — the blindness effect in an event-related fMRI study. Tutorials in Behavioural and Brain Sciences (TuBBS), Kochel (2002)
Jovanovic, B.; Aschersleben, G.; Prinz, W.: Object-directed effects enhance infants' action interpretation. Tutorials in Behavioural and Brain Sciences (TuBBS), Kochel (2002)
Vierkant, T.: Is there a self? Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Lyon, France (2002)
Aschersleben, G.: The role of effects in infants' perception of action goals. Workshop 'Infant Action Understanding', München (2002)
Bach, P.: Comprehension of transitive actions. Tutorials in Behavioural and Brain Sciences (TuBBS), Kochel (2002)
Wolber, M.: Salienzdetektion in einer visuellen Suchaufgabe. Tutorials in Behavioural and Brain Sciences (TuBBS), Kochel (2002)
Nunner-Winkler, G.: Abortion: Moral gender perspectives. Conference 'Legal Decisions About Life and Death - And what Lawyers Can Learn from Other Experts', Wiesbaden (2002)
Maasen, S.: Bewusstseinsveränderungen. Die neurokognitive Herausforderung des Diskurses zum Bewusstsein. Tagung 'Unsichtbare Feinde - Politische Metaphern (in) der Bakteriologie und Immunologie', Universität Zürich (2002)
Koch, I.: The role of internal and external cues in task switching. International Symposium on Executive Functions: The interaction of endogenous and exogenous mechanisms for the control of action, Universität Konstanz (2002)
Massen, C.: Effects of expectations and planning load on inhibition in the antisaccade task. Poster auf dem internationalen Symposium über exekutive Funktionen, Konstanz (2002)
Volz, K. G.; Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Brain correlates of uncertain predictions: Degrees of uncertainty. Tutorial in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, “Cognition in Action: Exploring Perception, Intention and Control”, Kochel am See (2002)
Wulf, G.; Weigelt, M.; Poulter, D.; McNevin, N. H.: Attentional focus on supra-postural tasks and its effect on balance. Annual Meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), Baltimore, MD (2002)
Springer, A.; Hannover, B.: Cognitive control functions in independent and interdependent self-construals. Context-sensitivity and the active inhibition of task-irrelevantinformation. 13th General Meeting of the EAESP, San Sebastian, Spain (2002)
Nunner-Winkler, G.: Wie lernen Kinder Moral? Seminarreihe 'Wertevermittlung in der Gesellschaft - Sinnsuche und Konfliktlösungen im 21. Jahrhundert. Neue Werte für neue Menschen in einem vereinten Europa?', Berlin (2002)
Drewing, K.; Li, S.-C.; Aschersleben, G.: Sensorimotor synchronization across the life span. International Congress 'Movement, Attention & Perception', Université de Poitiers, France (2002)
Halisch, F.; Geppert, U.: Self-efficacy, coping strategies, and personal goals as determinants of subjective well-being in old age. 8th international conference on motivation / Workshop on achievement and tas motivation, Moskow, Russia (2002)
Vierkant, T.: Free will, three kinds of selves, and moral realism. Symposium 'On the Social Significance of the Will', München (2002)
Nakamura, A.; Maess, B.; Gunter, T. C.; Knösche, T. R.; Bach, P.; Friederici, A. D.: Recognition of hand postures in humans - A brain electromagnetic study. 8th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Sendai, Japan (2002)
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