Poster (3968)

Henke, L.; Meyer, L.: From high to low and back again: Rhythmic changes in relative clause attachment? 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Virtual (2022)
Gugnowska, K.; Novembre, G.; Kohler, N.; Villringer, A.; Keller, P. E.; Sammler, D.: Endogenous sources of interbrain synchrony in duetting pianists. SocialBRIDES e-conference "Do-Re-Mi DNA: The biological bases of music", Universität der Bundeswehr München (2022)
Kohler, N.; Novembre, G.; Gugnowska, K.; Keller, P. E.; Villringer, A.; Sammler, D.: Neural networks for real-time joint music performance. SocialBRIDGES e-conference "Do-Re-Mi DNA: The biological bases of music", Universität der Bundeswehr München (2022)
Berg, M.; Meyer, L.; Plueckebaum, H.; Menn, K.: Developmental trajectories of neural tracking in developmental dyslexia. 2022 Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Virtual (2022)
Plueckebaum, H.; Meyer, L.; Berg, M.; Menn, K.: The relationship between critical brain dynamics, autism symptoms and language abilities during development. 2022 Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Virtual (2022)
Speiger, M. L.; Rothmaler, K.; Rakoczy, H.; Kizilay, F. N. H.; Liszkowski, U.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: The sandbox task-measuring implicit and explicit Theory of Mind. BCCCD 2022, Virtual (2022)
Kalloch, B.; Numssen, O.; Knösche, T. R.; Hartwigsen, G.; Weise, K.: Robotized functional localization with TMS. 4th International Brain Stimulation Conference, Charleston, SC, USA (2021)
Contier, O.; Hebart, M. N.; Dickter, A. H.; Teichmann, L.; Kidder, A.; Corriveau, A.; Zheng, C.; Vaziri-Pashkam, M.; Baker, C. I.: THINGS-fMRI/MEG: A densely sampled multimodal neuroimaging dataset of brain responses to a broad range of natural object images. Society for Neuroscience 50th Annual Meeting, Virtual (2021)
Deilmann, F.; Garvert, M.; Doeller, C. F.: Integrating knowledge about structure and reward contingencies for generalization and inference. SfN Annual Meeting 2021, Virtual (2021)
Kim, M.; Doeller, C. F.: Adaptive cognitive maps for curved surfaces in a 3D world. SfN Annual Meeting 2021, Virtual (2021)
Menn, K.; Michel, C.; Meyer, L.; Hoehl, S.; Männel, C.: Infants show increased neural tracking of intonation during natural infant-directed speech. 46th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Virtual (2021)
Theves, S.; Fernandez, G.; Doeller, C. F.: A map-like code for concepts in the hippocampal system. 4th World Laureate Forum (Virtual), Shanghai, China (2021)
Bellmund, J. L. S.; Denker, L.; Montijn, N. D.; Doeller, C. F.: Structuring time: The hippocampus constructs sequence memories that generalize temporal relations across experiences. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2021, Virtual (2021)
Menn, K.; Michel, C.; Meyer, L.; Hoehl, S.; Männel, C.: Infants show increased neural tracking of intonation during natural infant-directed speech. 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Virtual (2021)
Wei, X.; Adamson, H.; Goucha, T.; Schwendemann, M.; Friederici, A. D.; Anwander, A.: Longitudinal structural plasticity of the language network by second language learning. 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL), Virtual Meeting (2021)
Nierula, B.; Stephani, T.; Kaptan, M.; Mouraux, A.; Maess, B.; Curio, G.; Nikulin, V. V.; Eippert, F.: Cleaning electrophysiological spinal-cord data from artifacts. CuttingEEG: 5th Symposium on Cutting-Edge Methods for EEG research, Aix-en-Provence, France (2021)
Henke, L.; Lewis, A. G.; Meyer, L.: Periodic eye movements during reading: Of words and chunks? 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Virtual (2021)
Gong, R.; Knösche, T. R.; Classen, J.: Movement-related dynamics of β-γ phase-amplitude coupling in repetitive movement tasks of Parkinson disease. International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders (MDS), Virtual (2021)
Vartanian, M.; Monajem, A.; Hatami, J.; Egersdörfer, D.; Christensen, J. F.: Creative mind-wandering: Music as incubation phase. XXVI Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, Virtual (2021)
Menn, K.; Michel, C.; Meyer, L.; Hoehl, S.; Männel, C.: Infants show increased neural tracking of prosody during natural infant-directed speech. The 6th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, virtual (2021)
Govaart, G.; Bergmann, C.; Coy, N.; Friederici, A. D.; Männel, C.: Understanding infant speech perception: The role of speaker variability and speaker familiarity in phoneme acquisition – A systematic review and meta-analysis. LCICD 2021: The 6th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, online (2021)
Eichner, C.; Paquette, M.; Gallardo, G.; Bock, C.; Gräßle, T.; Jaffe, J. E.; Jäger, C.; Kirilina, E.; Lipp, I.; Mildner, T. et al.; Schlumm, T.; Wermter, F.; Möller, H. E.; Weiskopf, N.; Crockford, C.; Wittig, R. M.; Friederici, A. D.; Anwander, A.: Developmental brain connectivity in chimpanzees using high-resolution diffusion MRI. 27th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Virtual (2021)
Lipp, I.; Kirilina, E.; Jäger, C.; Morawski, M.; Jauch, A.; Valk, S. L.; Pine, K.; Edwards, L.; Eichner, C.; Gräßle, T. et al.; Anwander, A.; Friederici, A. D.; Wittig, R. M.; Crockford, C.; Weiskopf, N.: Exploring large-scale cortical organization in chimpanzees: Probing myeloarchitecture with qMRI. 27th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM),, Virtual (2021)
Medawar, E.; Haange, S.-B.; Rolle-Kampczyk, U.; Engelmann, B.; Dietrich, A.; Thieleking, R.; Wiegank, C.; Fries, C.; Horstmann, A.; Villringer, A. et al.; von Bergen, M.; Fenske, W.; Witte, A. V.: Gut microbiota link dietary fiber intake and short-chain fatty acid metabolism with eating behaviour. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), Virtual (2021)
Medawar, E.; Weidert, L.; Zedler, M.; de Biasi, L.; Villringer, A.; Witte, A. V.: The Mensa study: Does meal choice impact post-meal mood, satiety and stress levels? 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), Virtual (2021)
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