Preprint (14)

Horlava, N.; Mironenko, A.; Niehaus, S.; Wagner, S.; Roeder, I.; Scherf, N.: A comparative study of semi- and self-supervised semantic segmentation of biomedical microscopy data. (2020)
Hofmann, S.; Klotzsche, F.; Mariola, A.; Nikulin, V. V.; Villringer, A.; Gaebler, M.: Decoding subjective emotional arousal from EEG during an immersive Virtual Reality experience. (2020)
Martin, S.; Saur, D.; Hartwigsen, G.: Age-dependent contribution of domain-general networks to semantic cognition. (2020)
Bianco, R.; Novembre, G.; Ringer, H.; Kohler, N.; Keller, P. E.; Villringer, A.; Sammler, D.: Lateral prefrontal cortex as a hub for music production with gradation from structural rules to movement sequences. (2020)
Tromp, J.; Klotzsche, F.; Krohn, S.; Akbal, M.; Pohl, L.; Quinque, E. M.; Belger, J.; Villringer, A.; Gaebler, M.: OpenVirtualObjects (OVO): An open set of standardized and validated 3D household objects for virtual reality-based research, assessment, and therapy. (2020)
Grund, M.; Forschack, N.; Nierhaus, T.; Villringer, A.: Neural correlates of conscious tactile perception: An analysis of BOLD activation patterns and graph metrics. (2020)
Gallardo, G.; Wassermann, D.; Anwander, A.: Bridging the gap: From neuroanatomical knowledge to tractography of brain pathways. (2020)
Paulus, P. C.; Charest, I.; Benoit, R. G.: Value shapes the structure of schematic representations in the medial prefrontal cortex. (2020)
Hahn, G.; Kumar, A.; Schmidt, H.; Knösche, T. R.; Deco, G.: Computational properties of the visual microcircuit. (2020)
Schmidt, H.; Hahn, G.; Deco, G.; Knösche, T. R.: Ephaptic coupling in white matter fibre bundles modulates axonal transmission delays. (2020)
Trettenbrein, P.; Pendzich, N.-K.; Cramer, J.-M.; Steinbach, M.; Zaccarella, E.: Psycholinguistic norms for more than 300 lexical signs in German Sign Language (DGS). (2020)
Wagner, S.; Thierbach, K.; Zerjatke, T.; Glauche, I.; Roeder, I.; Scherf, N.: TraCurate: Efficiently curating cell tracks. (2020)

Blog Post (11)

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Bellmund, J. L. S.: Was im Gedächtnis bleibt – und was nicht. (2020)
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Herzog, N.: Wie funktioniert die eigentlich, die Wissenschaft? (2020)
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Meyer, A.-K.: Trauma: Wenn die Bilder nicht verschwinden wollen. (2020)
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Witte, A. V.; Medawar, E.: Nervennahrung: Wie wirkt sich unsere Ernährung aufs Gehirn aus? (2020)
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Martin, S.; van Scherpenberg, C.: Sesam öffne dich! Warum wir mehr Transparenz in der Wissenschaft brauchen. (2020)
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Bergmann, J.: Produktive Langeweile. (2020)
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Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Verstehen Kleinkinder, was in unserem Kopf vorgeht? (2020)
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Medawar, E.; Vvedenskaya, O.; Rolfes, J. D.; Šafarić, B.: BlackLivesMatter - BlackMindsMatter. (2020)
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Bellmund, J. L. S.: Näher an der Wirklichkeit durch virtuelle Realität. (2020)
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Michel, C.: Skypen mit Oma in Corona-Zeiten – Was haben die Kleinen davon? (2020)
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Safaric, B.; Medawar, E.; McGale, E.; Vvedenskaya, O.; Rolfes, J. D.: Should I stay or should I go (out)? (2020)
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