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Talk (22)

Schindler, S.; Schmidt, L.; Strauß, M.; Anwander, A.; Bazin, P.-L.; Trampel, R.; Möller, H. E.; Hegerl, U.; Turner, R.; Geyer, S. et al.; Schönknecht, P.: Defining the human hypothalamus in vivo by ultra-high field 7 Tesla MRI. 2nd European Conference on Clinical Neuroimaging, Lille, France (2013)
Schönknecht, P.; Anwander, A.; Petzold, F.; Schindler, S.; Knösche, T. R.; Möller, H. E.; Hegerl, U.; Turner, R.; Geyer, S.: Diffusion imaging-based subdivision of the human hypothalamus: A magnetic resonance study with clinical implications. 2nd European Conference on Clinical Neuroimaging, Lille, France (2013)
Trampel, R.; Bazin, P.-L.; Schäfer, A.; Heidemann, R. M.; Ivanov, D.; Lohmann, G.; Geyer, S.; Turner, R.: Laminar-specific fingerprints of different sensorimotor areas obtained during imagined and actual finger tapping. ISMRM 20th Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Schönknecht, P.; Schindler, S.; Anwander, A.; Turner, R.; Hegerl, U.; Geyer, S.: Multimodale Bildgebung hypothalamischer Substrukturen. 8. Mitteldeutsche Psychiatrietage, Magdeburg, Germany (2011)
Leuze, C.; Bazin, P.-L.; Anwander, A.; Dinse, J.; Wähnert, M.; Riffert, T.; Geyer, S.; Turner, R.: Cortical profiles of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) data differ between cortical areas. ESMRMB Congress 2012, 29th Annual Scientific Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal (2011)
Leuze, C.; Dhital, B.; Anwander, A.; Geyer, S.; Heidemann, R. M.; Reimann, K.; Gratz, M.; Turner, R.: Intracortical structure in the human primary visual cortex visualized by high-resolution DWI. ESMRMB CONGRESS 2011, 28th Annual Scientific Meeting, Leipzig, Germany (2011)
Geyer, S.: Neuroanatomie: Grundlagen und aktueller Forshungsstand. Schülerbesuch des Gymnasiums Burgstädt, Leipzig, Germany (2009)
Geyer, S.: Connectivity-Based Parcellation of Human Inferior Parietal Cortex - New Insights into the Problem of Structure-Function Relationships in Humans and Macaques. MPI Academic Retreat Königstein, Königstein, Germany (2009)
Geyer, S.: Grundlagen und aktueller Forschungsstand der funktionellen Neuroanatomie. Lehrerfortbildung Fächer Biologie/Chemie, Leipzig, Germany (2008)
Geyer, S.: Cortical Connectivity of Human Inferior Parietal Area PF: Diffusion Tensor Tractography Combined with Cytoarchitectonic Mapping Implies Similarities between Humans and Macaques. Somatosensorik-Seminar, Berlin (2008)

Poster (55)

Morozova, M.; Rusch, H.; Jäger, C.; Anwander, A.; Mohammadi, S.; Geyer, S.; Weiskopf, N.; Morawski, M.: Analysis of fiber characteristics in the isthmus of the corpus callosum: Aboitiz et al. revisited. 26th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Virtual Conference (2020)
Morozova, M.; Rusch, H.; Jäger, C.; Anwander, A.; Mohammadi, S.; Morawski, M.; Geyer, S.: The corticospinal tract in the human medulla oblongata: A high-resolution microscopic analysis. 9th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Leipzig, Germany (2019)
Morozova, M.; Rusch, H.; Jäger, C.; Anwander, A.; Mohammadi, S.; Morawski, M.; Geyer, S.: The corticospinal tract in the human medulla oblongata: A high-resolution microscopic analysis. 25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Rome, Italy (2019)
Rusch, H.; Morozova, M.; Reimann, K.; Anwander, A.; Geyer, S.; Mohammadi, S.; Weiskopf, N.; Arendt, T.; Morawski, M.: Human microstructural connectomics – Validation with histology and CLARITY. 25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Rome, Italy (2019)
Morozova, M.; Rusch, H.; Jäger, C.; Arendt, T.; Geyer, S.; Morawski, M.: Validation of MRI-based biophysical models with high-resolution histology. 15th Research Festival Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany (2019)
Schindler, S.; Schreiber, J.; Bazin, P.-L.; Trampel, R.; Anwander, A.; Hegerl, U.; Geyer, S.; Schönknecht, P.: Color up your MRI! – Performance of intensity standardisation techniques with 7T high-resolution MRIs. 61. Jahrestagung der DGKN, Leipzig, Germany (2017)
Kirilina, E.; Morawski, M.; Reimann, K.; Dinse, J.; Bazin, P.-L.; Geyer, S.; Trampel, R.; Müller, L.; Jankuhn, S.; Deistung, A. et al.; Weiskopf, N.: Imaging subcortical white matter by high resolution 7 T MRI in vivo: Towards potential u-fiber density mapping in humans. Toward a Super-Big Brain: Promisses and Pitfalls of Microstructural Imaging, Montréal, QC, Canada (2016)
Dinse, J.; Härtwich, N.; Wähnert, M.; Tardif, C.; Schäfer, A.; Geyer, S.; Preim, B.; Turner, R.; Bazin, P.-L.: Parcellating cortical surfaces into functional units with a myelin model based on cytoarchitecture. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Hamburg, Germany (2014)
Jakobsen, E.; Chaze, C.; Boettger, J.; Geyer, S.; Turner, R.; Petrides, M.; Margulies, D. S.: Cortical parcellation of Broca's region based on functional connectivity glyphs. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Hamburg, Germany (2014)
Jakobsen, E.; Boettger, J.; Geyer, S.; Margulies, D. S.: Cortical parcellation of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex based on functional connectivity glyphs. 3rd IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Leipzig, Germany (2013)
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