
Journal Article (1078)

Journal Article
Gao, C.; Wu, J.; Cheng, Y.; Ke, Y.; Qu, X.; Yang, M.; Hartwigsen, G.; Chen, L.: Continuous theta-burst stimulation demonstrates language-network-specific causal effects on syntactic processing. NeuroImage (accepted)
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Turker, S.; Kuhnke, P.; Cheung, V. K. M.; Weise, K.; Hartwigsen, G.: Neurostimulation improves reading and alters communication within reading networks in dyslexia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (accepted)
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Müller-Axt, C.; Kauffmann, L.; Eichner, C.; von Kriegstein, K.: Dysfunction of the magnocellular subdivision of the visual thalamus in developmental dyslexia. Brain 148 (1), pp. 252 - 261 (2025)
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Czepiel, A. M.; Fink, L. K.; Scharinger, M.; Seibert, C.; Wald-Fuhrmann, M.; Kotz, S. A.: Audio-visual concert performances synchronize an audience's heart rates. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2025)
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Friederici, A. D.; Becker, Y.: The core language network separated from other networks during primate evolution. Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2024)
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Hancock, F.; Rosas, F. E.; Luppi, A. I.; Zhang, M.; Mediano, P. A. M.; Cabral, J.; Deco, G.; Kringelbach, M. L.; Breakspear, M.; Kelso, J. A. S. et al.; Turkheimer, F. E.: Metastability demystified: The foundational past, the pragmatic present and the promising future. Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2024)
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Hahn, L. E.; Hirschfelder, A.; Mürbe, D.; Männel, C.: How do enriched speech acoustics support language acquisition in children with hearing loss? A narrative review. Ear and Hearing (2024)
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Kurz, E.-M.; Bastian, L.; Mölle, M.; Born, J.; Friedrich, M.: Development of slow oscillation-spindle coupling from infancy to toddlerhood. Sleep Advances 5 (1), zpae084 (2024)
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Bastian, L.; Kurz, E.-M.; Näher, T.; Zinke, K.; Friedrich, M.; Born, J.: Long-term memory formation for voices during sleep in three-month-old infants. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 215, 107987 (2024)
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Cosper, S. H.; Männel, C.; Mueller, J. L.: Auditory associative word learning in adults: The effects of musical experience and stimulus ordering. Brain and Cognition 180, 106207 (2024)
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Donaire, A.; Padilla, N.; Escrichs, A.; Khawja, M.; Setoain, X.; Rumia, J.; Roldan, P.; Bargallo, N.; Boget, T.; Pintor, L. et al.; Centeno, M.; Conde, E.; Vernet, O.; Buendía, J.; Manzanares, I.; Ådén, U.; Carreño, M.; Kringelbach, M.; Deco, G.: Subject-based assessment of large-scale integration dynamics in epileptic brain networks: insights from the intrinsic ignition framework. Cerebral Cortex 34 (10), bhae419 (2024)
Journal Article
Männel, C.; Ramos-Sanchez, J.; Obrig, H.; Ahissar, M.; Schaadt, G.: Perceptual anchoring: Children with dyslexia benefit less than controls from contextual repetitions in speech processing. Clinical Neurophysiology 166, pp. 117 - 128 (2024)
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Pinheiro, A. P.; Aucouturier, J.-J.; Kotz, S. A.: Neural adaptation to changes in self-voice during puberty. Trends in Neurosciences 47 (10), pp. 777 - 787 (2024)
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Yang, M.; Liu, Y.; Yue, Z.; Yang, G.; Jiang, X.; Cai, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, X.; Li, D.; Chen, L.: Transcranial photobiomodulation on the left inferior frontal gyrus enhances Mandarin Chinese L1 and L2 complex sentence processing performances. Brain and Language 256, 105458 (2024)
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Zoefel, B.; Abbasi, O.; Gross, J.; Kotz, S. A.: Entrainment echoes in the cerebellum. PNAS 121 (34), e2411167121 (2024)
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Obrig, H.; Regenbrecht, F.; Pino, D.; Krause, C. D.: Verbal short term memory contribution to sentence comprehension decreases with increasing syntactic complexity in people with aphasia. NeuroImage 297, 120730 (2024)
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Todorović, S.; Anton, J.-L.; Sein, J.; Nazarian, B.; Chanoine, V.; Rauchbauer, B.; Kotz, S. A.; Runnqvist, E.: Cortico-cerebellar monitoring of speech sequence production. Neurobiology of Language 5 (3), pp. 701 - 721 (2024)
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Pollerhoff, L.; Reindel, D. F.; Kanske, P.; Li, S.-C.; Reiter, A. M.F.: Age differences in prosociality across the adult lifespan: A meta-analysis. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 105843 (2024)
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Manriquez P., R.; Kotz, S. A.; Ravignani, A.; de Boer, B.: Bioacoustic classification of a small dataset of mammalian vocalisations using deep learning. Bioacoustics (2024)
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Wu, J.; Cheng , Y.; Qu, X.; Kang, T.; Cai, Y.; Wang, P.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A. D.; Hartwigsen, G.; Chen, L.: Continuous theta-burst stimulation on the left posterior inferior frontal gyrus perturbs complex syntactic processing stability in Mandarin chinese. Neurobiology of Language 5 (2), pp. 608 - 627 (2024)
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Kaya, E.; Kotz, S. A.; Henry, M. J.: A novel method for estimating properties of attentional oscillators reveals an age-related decline in flexibility. eLife 12, RP90735 (2024)
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Becker, Y.; Phelipon, R.; Marie, D.; Bouziane, S.; Marchetti, R.; Sein, J.; Velly, L.; Renaud, L.; Cermolacce, A.; Anton, J.-L. et al.; Nazarian, B.; Coulon, O.; Meguerditchian, A.: Planum temporale asymmetry in newborn monkeys predicts the future development of gestural communication's handedness. Nature Communications 15 (1), 4791 (2024)
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Eichner, C.; Anwander, A.: Ultra-high-resolution diffusion MRI resource of chimpanzee white matter connectivity. Nature Methods (2024)
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Eichner, C.; Paquette, M.; Müller-Axt, C.; Bock, C.; Budinger, E.; Gräßle, T.; Jäger, C.; Kirilina, E.; Lipp, I.; EBC Consortium et al.; Morawski, M.; Rusch, H.; Wenk, P.; Weiskopf, N.; Wittig, R. M.; Crockford, C.; Friederici, A. D.; Anwander, A.: Detailed mapping of the complex fiber structure and white matter pathways of the chimpanzee brain. Nature Methods 21 (6), pp. 1122 - 1130 (2024)
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Sammler, D.: Signatures of speech and song: "Universal" links despite cultural diversity. Science Advances 10 (20), eadp9620 (2024)
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Eichner, C.; Berger, P.; Klein, C. C.; Friederici, A. D.: Lateralization of dorsal fiber tract targeting Broca’s area concurs with language skills during development. Progress in Neurobiology 236, 102602 (2024)
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Li, Z.; Zhou, Z.; Wang, X.; Wu, J.; Chen, L.: Neural correlates of analogical reasoning on syntactic patterns. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 36 (5), pp. 854 - 871 (2024)
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Vohryzek, J.; Cabral, J.; Timmermann, C.; Atasoy, S.; Roseman, L.; Nutt, D. J.; Carhart-Harris, R. L.; Deco, G.; Kringelbach, M. L.: The flattening of spacetime hierarchy of the DMT brain state is characterised by harmonic decomposition of spacetime (HADES) framework. National Science Review 11 (5), nwae124 (2024)
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Götz, A.; Männel, C.; Schwarzer, G.; Krasotkina, A.; Höhle, B.: Neural correlates of lexical-tone and vowel-quality processing in 6- and 9-month-old German-learning infants and adults. Journal of Child Language (2024)
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Amunts, K.; Axer, M.; Banerjee, S.; Bitsch, L.; Bjaalie, J. G.; Brauner, P.; Brovelli, A.; Calarco, I.; Carrere, M.; Caspers, S. et al.; Charvet, C. J.; Cichon, S.; Cools, R.; Costantini, I.; D'Angelo, E. U.; De Bonis, G.; Deco, G.; DeFelipe, J.; Destexhe, A.; Dickscheid, T.; Diesmann, M.; Düzel, E.; Eickhoff, S. B.; Einevoll, G.; Eke, D.; Engel, A. K.; Evans, A. C.; Evers, K.; Fedorchenko, N.; Forkel, S. J.; Fousek, J.; Friederici, A. D.; Friston, K.; Furber, S.; Geris, L.; Goebel, R.; Güntürkün, O.; Hamid, A. I. A.; Herold, C.; Hilgetag, C. C.; Hölter, S. M.; Ioannidis, Y.; Jirsa, V.; Kashyap, S.; Kasper, B. S.; d'Exaerde, A. d. K.; Kooijmans, R.; Koren, I.; Kotaleski, J. H.; Kiar, G.; Klijn, W.; Klüver, L.; Knoll, A. C.; Krsnik, Z.; Kämpfer, J.; Larkum, M. E.; Linne, M.-L.; Lippert, T.; Abdullah, J. M.; Di Maio, P.; Magielse, N.; Maquet, P.; Mascaro, A. L. A.; Marinazzo, D.; Mejias, J.; Meyer-Lindenberg, A.; Migliore, M.; Michael, J.; Morel, Y.; Morin, F. O.; Muckli, L.; Nagels, G.; Oden, L.; Palomero-Gallagher, N.; Panagiotaropoulos, F.; Paolucci, P. S.; Pennartz, C.; Peeters, L. M.; Petkoski, S.; Petkov, N.; Petro, L. S.; Petrovici, M. A.; Pezzulo, G.; Roelfsema, P.; Ris, L.; Ritter, P.; Rockland, K.; Rotter, S.; Rowald, A.; Ruland, S.; Ryvlin, P.; Salles, A.; Sanchez-Vives, M. V.; Schemmel, J.; Senn, W.; de Sousa, A. A.; Ströckens, F.; Thirion, B.; Uludağ, K.; Vanni, S.; van Albada, S. J.; Vanduffel, W.; Vezoli, J.; Vincenz-Donnelly, L.; Walter, F.; Zaborszky, L.: The coming decade of digital brain research: A vision for neuroscience at the intersection of technology and computing. Imaging Neuroscience 2, pp. 1 - 35 (2024)
Journal Article
Moguilner, S.; Herzog, R.; Perl, Y. S.; Medel, V.; Cruzat, J.; Coronel, C.; Kringelbach, M.; Deco, G.; Ibáñez, A.; Tagliazucchi, E.: Biophysical models applied to dementia patients reveal links between geographical origin, gender, disease duration, and loss of neural inhibition. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 16 (1), 79 (2024)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. L.; Weyers, I.; Friederici, A. D.; Männel, C.: Individual differences in auditory perception predict learning of non-adjacent tone sequences in 3-year-olds. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 18, 1358380 (2024)
Journal Article
Bella, S. D.; Foster, N. E. V.; Laflamme, H.; Zagala, A.; Melissa, K.; Komeilipoor, N.; Blais, M.; Rigoulot, S.; Kotz, S. A.: Mobile version of the Battery for the Assessment of Auditory Sensorimotor and Timing Abilities (BAASTA): Implementation and adult norms. Behavior Research Methods 56 (4), pp. 3737 - 3756 (2024)
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Papitto, G.; Friederici, A. D.; Zaccarella, E.: Distinct neural mechanisms for action access and execution in the human brain: Insights from an fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex 34 (4), bhae163 (2024)
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Thomas, S.; Schäfer, J.; Kanske, P.; Trautmann, S.: Patterns of social-affective responses to trauma exposure and their relation to psychopathology. PLoS ONE 19 (3), e0289664 (2024)
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Criscuolo, A.; Schwartze, M.; Kotz, S. A.: Variability allows for adaptation in dynamic environments comment on "From neural noise to co-adaptability: Rethinking the multifaceted architecture of motor variability" by L. Casartelli, C. Maronati & A. Cavallo. Physics of Life Reviews 48, pp. 104 - 105 (2024)
Journal Article
Vohryzek, J.; Cabral, J.; Lord, L.-D.; Fernandes, H. M.; Roseman, L.; Nutt, D. J.; Carhart-Harris, R. L.; Deco, G.; Kringelbach, M. L.: Brain dynamics predictive of response to psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression. Brain Communications 6 (2), fcae049 (2024)
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França, L. G. S.; Ciarrusta, J.; Gale-Grant, O.; Fenn-Moltu, S.; Fitzgibbon, S.; Chew, A.; Falconer, S.; Dimitrova, R.; Cordero-Grande, L.; Price, A. N. et al.; Hughes, E.; O'Muircheartaigh, J.; Duff, E.; Tuulari, J. J.; Deco, G.; Counsell, S. J.; Hajnal, J. V.; Nosarti, C.; Arichi, T.; Edwards, A. D.; McAlonan, G.; Batalle, D.: Neonatal brain dynamic functional connectivity in term and preterm infants and its association with early childhood neurodevelopment. Nature Communications 15 (1), 16 (2024)
Journal Article
Bella, S. D.; Janaqi, S.; Benoit, C.-E.; Farrugia, N.; Bégel, V.; Verga, L.; Harding, E. E.; Kotz, S. A.: Unravelling individual rhythmic abilities using machine learning. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 1135 (2024)
Journal Article
Wei, X.; Gunter, T. C.; Adamson, H.; Schwendemann, M.; Friederici, A. D.; Goucha, T.; Anwander, A.: White matter plasticity during second language learning within and across hemispheres. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (2), e2306286121 (2024)
Journal Article
Friederici, A. D.; Wittig, R. M.; Anwander, A.; Eichner, C.; Gräßle, T.; Jäger, C.; Kirilina, E.; Lipp, I.; Düx, A.; Edwards, L. et al.; Girard-Buttoz, C.; Jauch, A.; Kopp, K. S.; Paquette, M.; Pine, K.; Unwin, S.; Haun, D. B. M.; Leendertz, F. H.; McElreath, R.; Morawski, M.; Gunz, P.; Weiskopf, N.; Crockford, C.; EBC Consortium: Brain structure and function: A multidisciplinary pipeline to study hominoid brain evolution. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 17, 1299087 (2024)
Journal Article
Alex, A. M.; Aguate, F.; Botteron, K.; Buss, C.; Chong, Y.-S.; Dager, S. R.; Donald, K. A.; Entringer, S.; Fair, D. A.; Fortier, M. V. et al.; Gaab, N.; Gilmore, J. H.; Girault, J. B.; Graham, A. M.; Groenewold, N. A.; Hazlett, H.; Lin, W.; Meaney, M. J.; Piven, J.; Qiu, A.; Rasmussen, J. M.; Roos, A.; Schultz, R. T.; Skeide, M. A.; Stein, D. J.; Styner, M.; Thompson, P. M.; Turesky, T. K.; Wadhwa, P. D.; Zar, H. J.; Zöllei, L.; de los Campos, G.; Knickmeyer, R. C.; ENIGMA ORIGINs Group: A global multicohort study to map subcortical brain development and cognition in infancy and early childhood. Nature Neuroscience 27 (1), pp. 176 - 186 (2024)
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Magielse, N.; Heuer, K.; Toro, R.; Schutter, D. J. L. G.; Valk, S. L.: A comparative perspective on the cerebello-cerebral system and its link to cognition. The Cerebellum 22 (6), pp. 1293 - 1307 (2023)
Journal Article
van der Burght, C. L.; Friederici, A. D.; Maran, M.; Papitto, G.; Pyatigorskaya, E.; Schroen, J.; Trettenbrein, P.; Zaccarella, E.: Cleaning up the brickyard: How theory and methodology shape experiments in cognitive neuroscience of language. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 35 (12), pp. 2067 - 2088 (2023)
Journal Article
Magielse, N.; Toro, R.; Steigauf, V.; Abbaspour, M.; Eickhoff, S. B.; Heuer, K.; Valk, S. L.: Phylogenetic comparative analysis of the cerebello-cerebral system in 34 species highlights primate-general expansion of cerebellar crura I-II. Communications Biology 6 (1), 1188 (2023)
Journal Article
Bortolato, T.; Friederici, A. D.; Girard-Buttoz, C.; Wittig, R. M.; Crockford, C.: Chimpanzees show the capacity to communicate about concomitant daily life events. iScience 26 (11), 108090 (2023)
Journal Article
Schroen, J.; Gunter, T. C.; Numssen, O.; Kroczek, L. O. H.; Hartwigsen, G.; Friederici, A. D.: Causal evidence for a coordinated temporal interplay within the language network. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (47), e2306279120 (2023)
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Lüke, C.; Kauschke, C.; Dohmen, A.; Haid, A.; Leitinger, C.; Männel, C.; Penz, T.; Sachse, S.; Scharff Rethfeldt, W.; Spranger, J. et al.; Vogt, S.; Niederberger, M.; Neumann, K.: Definition and terminology of developmental language disorders: Interdisciplinary consensus across German-speaking countries. PLoS One 18 (11), e0293736 (2023)
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Menn, K.; Männel, C.; Meyer, L.: Does electrophysiological maturation shape language acquisition? Perspectives on Psychological Science 18 (6), pp. 1271 - 1281 (2023)
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Menn, K.; Männel, C.; Meyer, L.: Phonological acquisition depends on the timing of speech sounds: Deconvolution EEG modeling across the first five years. Science Advances 9 (44), eadh2560 (2023)
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Criscuolo, A.; Schwartze, M.; Prado, L.; Ayala, Y.; Merchant, H.; Kotz, S. A.: Macaque monkeys and humans sample temporal regularities in the acoustic environment. Progress in Neurobiology 229, 102502 (2023)
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Czepiel, A.; Fink, L. K.; Seibert, C.; Scharinger, M.; Kotz, S. A.: Aesthetic and physiological effects of naturalistic multimodal music listening. Cognition 239, 105537 (2023)
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Deco, G.; Perl, Y. S.; de la Fuente, L.; Sitt, J. D.; Yeo, B. T. T.; Tagliazucchi, E.; Kringelbach, M. L.: The arrow of time of brain signals in cognition: Potential intriguing role of parts of the default mode network. Network Neuroscience 7 (3), pp. 966 - 998 (2023)
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Friederici, A. D.: Evolutionary neuroanatomical expansion of Broca's region serving a human-specific function. Trends in Neurosciences 46 (10), pp. 786 - 796 (2023)
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Persici, V.; Blain, S. D.; Iversen, J. R.; Key, A. P.; Kotz, S. A.; Devin McAuley, J.; Gordon, R. L.: Individual differences in neural markers of beat processing relate to spoken grammar skills in six-year-old children. Brain and Language 246, 105345 (2023)
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Ayyıldız, N.; Beyer, F.; Üstün, S.; Kale, E. H.; Mançe Çalışır, Ö.; Uran, P.; Öner, Ö.; Olkun, S.; Anwander, A.; Witte, A. V. et al.; Villringer, A.; Çiçek, M.: Changes in the superior longitudinal fasciculus and anterior thalamic radiation in the left brain are associated with developmental dyscalculia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 17, 1147352 (2023)
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Graessner, A.; Duchow, C.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A. D.; Obrig, H.; Hartwigsen, G.: Electrophysiological correlates of basic semantic composition in people with aphasia. NeuroImage: Clinical 40, 103516 (2023)
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Gallardo, G.; Eichner, C.; Sherwood, C. C.; Hopkins, W. D.; Anwander, A.; Friederici, A. D.: Morphological evolution of language-relevant brain areas. PLoS Biology 21 (9), e3002266 (2023)
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Plueckebaum, H.; Meyer, L.; Beck, A.; Menn, K.: The developmental trajectory of functional excitation‐inhibition balance relates to language abilities in autistic and allistic children. Autism Research 16 (9), pp. 1681 - 1692 (2023)
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Castaldo, F.; dos Santos, F. P.; Timms, R. C.; Cabral, J.; Vohryzek, J.; Deco, G.; Woolrich, M.; Friston, K.; Verschure, P.; Litvak, V.: Multi-modal and multi-model interrogation of large-scale functional brain. NeuroImage 277, 120236 (2023)
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Gkotsoulias, D.; Müller, R.; Jäger, C.; Schlumm, T.; Mildner, T.; Eichner, C.; Pampel, A.; Jaffe, J.; Gräßle, T.; Alsleben, N. et al.; Chen, J.; Crockford, C.; Wittig, R.; Liu, C.; Möller, H. E.: High angular resolution susceptibility imaging and estimation of fiber orientation distribution functions in primate brain. NeuroImage 276, 120202 (2023)
Journal Article
Gräßle, T.; Crockford, C.; Eichner, C.; Girard-Buttoz, C.; Jäger, C.; Kirilina, E.; Lipp, I.; Düx, A.; Edwards, L.; Jauch, A. et al.; Kopp, K. S.; Paquette, M.; Pine, K.; EBC Consortium; Haun, D. B. M.; McElreath, R.; Anwander, A.; Gunz, P.; Morawski, M.; Friederici, A. D.; Weiskopf, N.; Leendertz, F. H.; Wittig, R. M.: Sourcing high tissue quality brains from deceased wild primates with known socio-ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (8), pp. 1906 - 1924 (2023)
Journal Article
Panda, R.; López‐González, A.; Gilson, M.; Gosseries, O.; Thibaut, A.; Frasso, G.; Cecconi, B.; Escrichs, A.; Coma Science Group Collaborators; Deco, G. et al.; Laureys, S.; Zamora‐López, G.; Annen, J.: Whole‐brain analyses indicate the impairment of posterior integration and thalamo‐frontotemporal broadcasting in disorders of consciousness. Human Brain Mapping 44 (11), pp. 4352 - 4371 (2023)
Journal Article
Tewarie, P. K. B.; Hindriks, R.; Lai, Y. M.; Sotiropoulos, S. N.; Kringelbach, M.; Deco, G.: Non-reversibility outperforms functional connectivity in characterisation of brain states in MEG data. NeuroImage 276, 120186 (2023)
Journal Article
Zare, A.; van Zwieten, G.; Kotz, S. A.; Temel, Y.; Almasabi, F.; Schultz, B. G.; Schwartze, M.; Janssen, M. L.F.: Sensory gating functions of the auditory thalamus: Adaptation and modulations through noise-exposure and high-frequency stimulation in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 450, 114498 (2023)
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Chakraborty, P.; Saha, S.; Deco, G.; Banerjee, A.; Roy, D.: Structural-and-dynamical similarity predicts compensatory brain areas driving the post-lesion functional recovery mechanism. Cerebral Cortex Communications 4 (3), tgad012 (2023)
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Daikoku, T.; Jentschke, S.; Tsogli, V.; Bergström, K.; Lachmann, T.; Ahissar, M.; Koelsch, S.: Neural correlates of statistical learning in developmental dyslexia: An electroencephalography study. Biological Psychology 181, 108592 (2023)
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Lawn, T.; Howard, M. A.; Turkheimer, F.; Misic, B.; Deco, G.; Martins, D.; Dipasquale, O.: From neurotransmitters to networks: Transcending organisational hierarchies with molecular-informed functional imaging. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 150, 105193 (2023)
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Pyatigorskaya, E.; Maran, M.; Zaccarella, E.: Testing the automaticity of syntax using masked visual priming. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 38 (7), pp. 925 - 949 (2023)
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Eraifej, J.; Cabral, J.; Fernandes, H. M.; Kahan, J.; He, S.; Mancini, L.; Thornton, J.; White, M.; Yousry, T.; Zrinzo, L. et al.; Akram, H.; Limousin, P.; Foltynie, T.; Aziz, T. Z.; Deco, G.; Kringelbach, M.; Green, A. L.: Modulation of limbic resting-state networks by subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation. Network Neuroscience 7 (2), pp. 478 - 495 (2023)
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Sanz Perl, Y.; Zamora-Lopez, G.; Montbrió, E.; Monge-Asensio, M.; Vohryzek, J.; Fittipaldi, S.; Campo, C. G.; Moguilner, S.; Ibañez, A.; Tagliazucchi, E. et al.; Yeo, B. T. T.; Kringelbach, M. L.; Deco, G.: The impact of regional heterogeneity in whole-brain dynamics in the presence of oscillations. Network Neuroscience 7 (2), pp. 632 - 660 (2023)
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Padilla, N.; Escrichs, A.; del Agua, E.; Kringelbach, M.; Donaire, A.; Deco, G.; Åden, U.: Disrupted resting-sate brain network dynamics in children born extremely preterm. Cerebral Cortex 33 (13), pp. 8101 - 8109 (2023)
Journal Article
G-Guzmán, E.; Perl, Y. S.; Vohryzek, J.; Escrichs, A.; Manasova, D.; Türker, B.; Tagliazucchi, E.; Kringelbach, M.; Sitt, J. D.; Deco, G.: The lack of temporal brain dynamics asymmetry as a signature of impaired consciousness states. Interface Focus 13 (3), 20220086 (2023)
Journal Article
Criscuolo, A.; Schwartze, M.; Henry, M. J.; Obermeier, C.; Kotz, S. A.: Individual neurophysiological signatures of spontaneous rhythm processing. NeuroImage 273, 120090 (2023)
Journal Article
Liu, Y.; Gao, C.; Wang, P.; Friederici, A. D.; Zaccarella, E.; Chen, L.: Exploring the neurobiology of Merge at a basic level: Insights from a novel artificial grammar paradigm. Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1151518 (2023)
Journal Article
Schirner, M.; Deco, G.; Ritter, P.: Learning how network structure shapes decision-making for bio-inspired computing. Nature Communications 14 (1), 2963 (2023)
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Alex, A. M.; Buss, C.; Davis, E. P.; Campos, G. d. l.; Donald, K. A.; Fair, D. A.; Gaab, N.; Gao, W.; Gilmore, J. H.; Girault, J. B. et al.; Grewen, K.; Groenewold, N. A.; Hankin, B. L.; Ipser, J.; Kapoor, S.; Kim, P.; Lin, W.; Luo, S.; Norton, E. S.; O’Connor, T. G.; Piven, J.; Qiu, A.; Rasmussen, J. M.; Skeide, M. A.; Stein, D. J.; Styner, M. A.; Thompson, P. M.; Wakschlag, L.; Knickmeyer, R.: Genetic influences on the developing young brain and risk for neuropsychiatric disorders. Biological Psychiatry 93 (10), pp. 905 - 920 (2023)
Journal Article
Luppi, A. I.; Cabral, J.; Cofre, R.; Mediano, P. A.M.; Rosas, F. E.; Qureshi, A. Y.; Kuceyeski, A.; Tagliazucchi, E.; Raimondo, F.; Deco, G. et al.; Shine, J. M.; Kringelbach, M. L.; Orio, P.; Ching, S.; Sanz-Perl, Y.; Diringer, M. N.; Stevens, R. D.; Sitt, J. D.: Computational modelling in disorders of consciousness: Closing the gap towards personalised models for restoring consciousness. NeuroImage 275, 120162 (2023)
Journal Article
Chen, L.; Gao, C.; Li, Z.; Zaccarella, E.; Friederici, A. D.; Feng, L.: Frontotemporal effective connectivity revealed a language-general syntactic network for Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Neurolinguistics 66, 101127 (2023)
Journal Article
Schaadt, G.; Werwach, A.; Obrig, H.; Friederici, A. D.; Männel, C.: Maturation of consonant perception, but not vowel perception predicts lexical skills at 12 months. Child Development 94 (3), pp. e166 - e180 (2023)
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Klein, C. C.; Berger, P.; Goucha, T.; Friederici, A. D.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Children's syntax is supported by the maturation of BA44 at 4 years, but of the posterior STS at 3 years of age. Cerebral Cortex 33 (9), pp. 5426 - 5435 (2023)
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Chen, L.; Yang, M.; Gao, F.; Fang, Z.; Wang, P.; Feng, L.: Mandarin Chinese L1 and L2 complex sentence reading reveals a consistent electrophysiological pattern of highly interactive syntactic and semantic processing: An ERP study. Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1143062 (2023)
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Sanchez-Todo, R.; Bastos, A. M.; Sola, E. L.; Mercadal, B.; Santarnecchi, E.; Miller, E. K.; Deco, G.; Ruffini, G.: A physical neural mass model framework for the analysis of oscillatory generators from laminar electrophysiological recordings. NeuroImage 270, 119938 (2023)
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Wei, X.; Adamson, H.; Schwendemann, M.; Goucha, T.; Friederici, A. D.; Anwander, A.: Native language differences in the structural connectome of the human brain. NeuroImage 270, 119955 (2023)
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